Friday, August 2, 2019
DBQ Pre AP World History Revised
However, there are multiple problems that arose, and they include social conflicts and agreements (Documents 1, 4, and 6), religious issues (Documents 5, 7, 8 and 9), and culture (Documents 2, 3 and 10). Part of the reasons for trouble involve social conflicts and disagreements, and the document was written for, or to explain about these problems (Documents 1, 4, and 6). For example, some people still believed in high and low castes. In Document 4, for example, someone from a low caste joined a high caste team. There were people that still believed that the caste system was an active part of society.Some people did not believe that this was right. Some people did not believe in people from different social classes being on the same cricket team. They may have thought that the lower castes were not as capable as the upper classes were. However, there were some people who may have thought that your place in society had nothing to do with your ability to play a sport, and should be in s ocial and educational life as well. Also, Document 1, we see social disagreements between different countries, because of the issues about the polo playing people damaging the field of the Indian cricketers.This shows that issues are taken to international levels if deed be. And once again in Document 6, there is noticeable anger between this Indian writer and the English. He is expressing that he feels offended by the ridicule that they (the team) are facing from the English. Another factor these documents could be expressing would be religious conflicts (Documents 5, 7, 8, and 9). In Document 8, Quadrangular cricket was a cricket tournament held in Bombay. The teams were divided up religiously, and because there were 4 teams, it was called quadrangular cricket.Some people thought that it was wrong for people to be playing religiously because hat was also a root of political tension. Document 8 expresses that, â€Å"l can understand Matches between colleges, and Institutions, but I have never understood the reason for having†¦ Religiously based teams. †This just shows that people have their opinions, and that they have good reason for it. However, the fact that people still went ahead with the tournament also shows that there were those who felt that it was still alright to have religiously based teams.Document 7 is clearly presenting the idea that religious competition is simply wrong. They say that Quadrangular Cricket has simply generated into religious rivalry. Document 5 is explaining about the competitions between the Europeans, Hindus, Muslims, and Paris (or the Indian Zoroastrian). They are talking about the Quadrangular tournament, and that the religious competition was â€Å"no less remarkable and I hope our Hindu brethren as sportsmen would be no less pleased but also rejoice at the Muslims winning the championship. And, this document shows that some people believe that the Quadrangular tournament was wrong, as it was in Document 8, o r that people take it the way that Document 7 did, and see that here was no need to get too upset about it, and that it was all just fair competition. And finally, Document 9 is expressing that when one country loses, sure the winning side can celebrate for their own victory, but still, they should feel bad for the country that lost, and not just enjoy themselves without thinking about the sorrow of the losing side.Some of the documents also explain cultural aspects and point of views of cricket (Documents 2, 3, and 10). For example, in the picture and text caption on Document 2, we see an Indian cricketer. This shows that people of efferent nationalities could enjoy the same Sport, and it could be done without any fighting or arguments. In Document 3, it explains how cricket unites people from different parts of the world, both rulers and the ruled. And, in document 10, we see how the idea of sharing a culture through the sport of cricket is expressed.The document also says that in countries like England, there are multiple sports, and that is simply not the case with India and Pakistan, because in those countries, there is one sport: cricket, and that is just one example of how â€Å"We hare culture, we share a history, and we share o much. †Each document has its own point of view, with some similarities and differences between each one. In Document 1, the point of view is from the Indian cricket players. This document was produced in 1 881, and the audience was the governor of the province of Bombay, India.This was a petition, or a letter to someone who was of authority. The message that this petition was trying to convey was that these cricket players were unhappy with the fact that a few English gentlemen were allowed to run their horses and play polo, on the only available cricket field, while over 500 native youths ere not permitted to use the grounds while the few gentlemen were playing polo. The reason for this feeling of anger was that the po lo players were ruining the cricket grounds, and that made the grounds unusable.Also, it seems that this petition is trying to appeal to the governor so that they can get what they want. This document seems to be heavily biased, based on the way that the writers were trying so hard to get the polo players off their grounds, and to show their frustration with the unfairness that was being permitted by England. In the second document, it seems that the point of view is neutral. There seems to be no bias, and there is a picture in the document, which is used as a visual aid. Overall, the document seems to portray a clear representation of a cricket player, and it seems to be for a report of some sort.In the third document, the point of view is a book excerpt. It seems that the excerpt is showing how Britain colonizes a country, and then seeks to unite the ruled with the rulers by playing cricket. It seems fair to say that the excerpt is expressing an idea about the â€Å"civilizedâ₠¬ way that Britain colonizes other lands. By introducing the game of cricket, it provides moral training and education that is valuable to the ordinary native, and much more efficient than traditional â€Å"book' (formal) education. The fourth document is from an Indian newspaper.This document as a whole is representing someone trying to show what can be accomplished by certain people. In the document, we read about how someone from a low caste was admitted to a team made up of higher caste people. The writer of this document is trying to express that just because people come from different social classes does not mean that they cannot accomplish the same things as each other, as long as they apply themselves. There are people who would agree with that Statement. However, there is some personal bias. The writer of this document may have been written by someone that believed in equality.This is particularly due to the fact that the document is trying to explain that ‘The cha mpion bowler of the Hindus is a leather worker. †Skip ahead, and it says that, â€Å"The upper-caste Hindus of an Indian cricket club found that although he was low-caste, his inclusion in the Hindu team would improve matters considerably with his pluck and spirit. They admitted him as their member. This is trying to push the fact that this person, while low caste, was able to get involved with higher caste people. The fifth document is one about a cricket team that lost. There is a lot of personal bias in this one.Based on the context of the document, it seems that the people that wrote the document were unhappy about what happened in this particular game. The document is expressing personal comments, which is fine. However, if one was to look for documents about the Quadrangular Tournament, they should approach this one with caution because of the religious bias that this document clearly has. There is something interesting about the sixth document. This document is an exc erpt from a monthly magazine article. However, the writer of this article is a supporter of the Nature XSL cricket club.This means that there is a bit of personal bias in this document. The point of view is unique because it tells how the English always consider them â€Å"effete†or â€Å"ineffective†and on the cricket field they were able to prove themselves otherwise. Document 7 is from an editorial in the sports journal Indian Cricket, showing personal bias, and it is very noticeable. These people are trying to explain that â€Å"Those happy days [Of cricket] are now gone, thanks to those self-seeking leaders who want to gain their ends by stirring up religious fanaticism. They are upset with Quadrangular Cricket, and they felt as though it did not have any benefit on the game, and rather endangered the healthy rivalry cricket. The bias here does have a lot of impact on the interpretation of the document because it adds a strong personal opinion about why this pe rson felt the way that they did. The point of view is interesting based on the source because it is an editorial. In an editorial, the writer is writing their personal opinion. Therefore, it is understandable as to why there is bias in this document.The eighth document was from, at the time very popular, Gandhi. Many people knew of this man, and he is still known very well today. He is expressing his opinion about the religiously based teams in cricket. He says that it is alright for â€Å"colleges and institutions†, but he said that he never saw why different religions would be competing each other, and he saw it as â€Å"taboo†in sporting language and sporting manners. He clearly does not agree tit the religious divisions of the teams. This is true personal bias. However, the point of view is intriguing because of the fact that Gandhi has a point.He is making it clear about what the problem is with the tournament, and presents a good reason as to why he disagrees wi th this type of competition. Document 9 is a short, quick document. It was a short excerpt from the newspaper Muslim India. However, this short quote is very important as another example of bias, but not entirely personal. This bias is personal, and cultural bias. It said that when his country is defeated, other people celebrate. He thinks that they should be feeling sorrow for his country, rather than rejoicing their own victory.The point view should be taken into account because it is coming from someone who as passion for something in this case their country), and when they lose, they are very upset over it, and then the bias comes. However, in the end, it is someone's own writing in a newspaper, and the opinion can be justified based on the context of the document. The tenth document is explaining what cultural impact cricket has. This was written by the Pakistan Cricket Board chairman. He is explaining why cricket is o important in India and Pakistan. He explains that cricket i s not just one of several sports like England has.In India and Pakistan, cricket is the one sport. He is trying to express to people that cricket is a fundamental part of Indian and Pakistani culture. And, the fact that he is pushing aside political issues, just to express the importance of cricket in these two countries' societies, expresses the importance of this sport, and why he is trying so hard to explain that. Because there were so many points of view, there felt the need to see one more, and that would have been the necessary additional comment, and that would have been one more point of view about why the Quadrangular Tournament was wrong.
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