Friday, May 31, 2019
Racism In Animated Films Essay -- Movies Film Disney
Racism in Animated FilmsWhile Disney animated films ar the ideal family movies, it is undisclosed to many that such racism is being portrayed. rarely do we ask about the origins and intentions of the messages we encounter through mass media sometimes we forget that producers have origins or intentions at all (Lipsitz 5). The social inequality ground in such popular culture can be due to salwaysal reasons. According to David Croteau and William Hoynes in Racial Crossroads, media content can be the blame of producers, audience preference, or society in general (Croteau and Hoynes 352). In their films or opposite such media, producers often reflect on personal experiences. In other words, they may draw on their own family lives for story inspiration (Croteau and Hoynes 352). With the majority of producers being White males, especially when films were first being made and even up to this day, films reflect how they view life. The creators of popular culture see themselves mer ely creating signs and symbols appropriate to their audiences and to themselves (Lipsitz 13). Disney producers simply reflect their own views on life in some fashion or the views of the majority which so happens to be the White race. The white supremacy we find in the media is not reality, nor is the portrayal of various races. For the bulk of Disneys animated films, if minorities are not the villains or those of lower class and perhaps less importance, there are none being represented in the movie at all. It is unspotted for the hero to be a white male whereas other characters such as evil villains are of a minority race. In the happy ever after movies where the princess in distress is rescued by the handsome strong prince or male figure... ... In so saying, it is very possible for animated films to contribute to the racism lingering still in the world today. The segregation of people is never going to end completely when film producers find it necessary to distinguish r aces instead of treating all as equals. When producers depict reality, the idea of White supremacy and race separation, I assume, will diminish greatly. Works CitedCox, Starr. Deconstructing the Mouse Disney and Racism. . 19 November 2005.Croteau, David, and William Hoynes. genial Inequality and Media Representation. Racial Crossroads. Ed. Yolanda Flores Niemann. Dubuque Prentice Hall, 2005 349-379.Lipsitz, George. Popular Culture This Aint No Sideshow. Minneapolis Universityof Minnesota Press 3-20.Maio, Kathy. Women, Race & Culture in Disneys movies. The New Internationalist. . 19 June 1999.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Library of Alexandria Essay example -- essays research papers
HOW WAS THE GREAT LIBRAY OF ALEXANDRIA ORGANIZED AND OPERATED? WHO OR WHAT CAUSED ITS DESTRUCTION? For the extra credit appellative I have decided to compose as essay describing the great library of Alexandria. The library itself is wrapped up in a great whodunit that has had more historians and archeologists heavily interested in its existence for many years. It has been recorded that the library of Alexandria held many thousands, if not millions, of books, volumes and other documents. The library is also believed to be bingle of the biggest libraries in human history. Its significance is of invaluable knowledge. The mammoth size of such a huge monument for the period of prison term that is existed is phenomenal. Even though it was large in its time, the destruction of such a beautiful collection of thoughts, novels and other writings is mostwhat of a tragic occurrence that has baffled many for years.Alexandria was founded in Egypt by Alexandria the G reat. His successor as Pharaoh was known as Ptolemy II Soter. He founded the Museum or Royal program library of Alexandria in 283 BC. The Museum was a shrine of the Muses model after the Lyceum of Aristotle in Athens. The Museum was a place of study which included lecture areas, gardens, a zoo, and shrines for each of the nine muses as well as the Library itself. It has been estimated that at one time the Library of Alexandria held over half a million documents from Assyria, Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and many other nations. Over 100 scholars and scribes lived at the Museum full time to perform research, write, lecture or translate and copy documents (Hertzke 2004). The library got so large it actually had another branch or "daughter" library at the Temple of Serapis. There are many stories and rumors surrounding the real destruction of such a great library. It is still unknown exactly who are what washed-up the entire library but many stories and personal accounts that were put onto historical text practically later on reveal clues to its possible real destruction. The kickoff person blamed for the destruction of the Library is none other than Julius Caesar himself. In 48 BC, Caesar was pursuing Pompey into Egypt when he was suddenly cut off by an Egyptian fleet at Alexandria. Greatly outnumbered and in enemy territory, Caesar ordered the ships in the harbor to be set on fire. Sup... ...mar) all had an axe to grind and hence must be seen as biased. Probably everyone mentioned above had some hand in destroying some part of the Librarys holdings. The collection may have ebbed and flowed as some documents were destroyed and others were added. For instance, Mark Antony was supposed to have given Cleopatra over 200,000 scrolls for the Library long after Julius Caesar is accused of burning it (Luciano 2005).It is also quite likely that eventide if the Museum was destroyed with the main library the outlying daughter library at the Temple of Serapis continued on. Many writers seem to equate the Library of Alexandria with the Library of Serapis although technically they were in two different parts of the city. The real tragedy of course is not the uncertainty of knowing who to blame for the Librarys destruction but that so much of ancient history, literature and learning was lost forever. Its importance and significance will never be resurrected, but will forever lay in a mystery. Only dreams and images can be pondered about what actually existed in such a great library. Scholars, historians and educated individuals can only daydream about what ability have been.
A report about Internet/intranet and server requirements :: Computer Science
A report about Internet/intranet and emcee requirementsThe meshwork serverAn Internet server delivers WebPages to computers via a telephone orbroadband connection called a dial up connection. This can be done tocomputers anywhere in the world as huge as they ar connected to theinternet. An internet server has something called DNS enabling. Thisallows a website to be found from that websites own server e.g. whensomeone types, the website is associated toMicrosoft server so the website is delivered to your computer screen.The Intranet emcee The intranet server is similar to the internet server as it deliversWebPages to computers however it is for LAN (local area networks).This means the pages are private and run through localised cabling.The WebPages are not available to computers outside the LAN and dialup connections are not enabled.Organisation the internet and intranetInternets are organised by numerous internet servers connected througha permanent broadband connection. For protection the servers areprotected from other computers putting viruses and harmful materialsby firewalls.Intranets are local so other computers outside the Local area network(LAN) cannot connect to the network.Ways of connected to the internet1. Dial up modem-mainly used at home, works by dialing a telephonenumber of an internet server and connects via that. Standardconnection is 56kb. This means it sends 56,000 bits per second.2. LAN-Delivers the internet to a network of computers via a proxyserver. The proxy server connects to the internet and delivers theinternet to all the connected computers in a local area network.3. ISDN (integrated services digital network)-a telephone connectionthat is designed to deliver digital information for computers but alsocan deliver audio signals for telephone conversations. It is generallyfaster than standard modem connections, usually 64kb or 128kb persecond.4. Broadband-Digital telephone connection that is incessantlyconnected , delivering data much quicker than other connections atspeeds 10, 20 or even 50 times quicker than your standard 56kbconnection. Instead of using a modem it uses a router allowing apermanent connection.Web Server RequirementsWeb servers can be as fast or powerful as the user requires. This is restricted on what system they are running. A standard internet serverwill be 500MHZ, have 256MB of RAM and have around 8GB hard chock upspace. Of course all of these can be expanded dependent on the usersneeds. Also it depends on how many users are on the network. The moreusers, the faster the server will be required to allow a good internet
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Return :: essays research papers
The Return by Sonia Levitin is a novel showing how difficult life is for Ethiopian Jews traveling to Israel. They face many fleshyships on their way, and there argon many obstacles in their path. Many themes are depicted in this novel. Three meaningful topics that can be discussed are maturing and finding ones bear identity, prejudice and its effect, and cultural/family pressures. One of the themes that The Return illustrates is maturing and finding ones own identity. An example of this theme is in the beginning of the novel when Desta does not expect to depart for Jerusalem and wants to stay with her family. However, soldiers come to recruit from her village and Desta has to leave immediately. Desta does not complain about this situation. This shows maturity because Desta knows that her family wants her to leave for Jerusalem and that it is the best for her. A further example of maturing and finding ones own identity is one Joas dies. Desta always relies on Joas in the beginning of the novel, nevertheless she then takes catch by taking care of Almaz and herself. She trades with foreigners and struggles to survive with her sister. She also continues to travel even though there is a risk of death. This shows courage and maturity because it is very hard to take care of a nine-year-old child with very little food at hand. other way Desta shows maturity is how she uses skills she learns to her advantage. An example of this is when Desta takes her holiday shamma and wraps Joas in it for a burial. This shows maturity because she follows what her culture expects of her. One last example of maturity illustrated in The Return is how Desta tells Dan, with no fears, that she does not want to marry him yet. She expects than Dan will be angry, but Desta tells him anyway. This shows maturity because she stands up for what she believes is right for herself and shows independence. As one can see, Desta matures in many ways throughout the novel performing bravely, indepe ndently, and lovingly in acts towards herself and others.Another theme that The Return shows is prejudice and its effect. One example this novel shows is that enemies of the Ethiopian Jews are killing and forcing them to be soldiers. This shows prejudice because the enemies only think about themselves and continue other people like animals.
Let’s Stop Our Trivial Thinking :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Lets Stop Our Trivial Thinking What are the alpha things in life? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Are we setting a good example for future generations? If you think that we are, then think again. some(prenominal) Ameri gutters today seem to be obsessed with the little things. Trivial thinkers are always trying to cover up issues or find short-term solutions. It is more or less as if Americans cant stop and think about the future. We like reading and hearing about things that dont really make a difference. Walking into a grocery store, you can find lots of magazines filled with stories on celebrities, but how many a(prenominal) do you find about world events? Can celebrities somehow help this world bugger off a better place? Why do we need to cheat so much about their lives? Turning on your television, you can find gabble shows filled with stories about other peoples problems. Will knowing another persons pro blems help us become better people? Television now has special in communicateigence operation shows devoted to Hollywood that never even talk about real world issues. How can we call these shows news programs? Trivial thinkers today want to know more about trashy issues than they do about important ones. When Mother Teresa died, how many newspapers and magazines talked about the wonderful things that she had done in her life? Not many. When Princess Diana died, how many newspapers and magazines were filled with stories on her life and her problems? Too many. I dont believe that it bettered peoples lives knowing every detail of Princess Dianas life. Im not a better person now that I know that she had marriage trouble and that she was bulimic. Trivial thinkers today relish knowing every detail of a celebritys life. Trivial thinking carries over into they way many Americans solve their problems today. Too many Americans today tr y hard to make issues go away quickly. We find these small solutions that dont really work but hang nice. Children going to school today are faced with these issues. School administrators are worried about gangs, but instead of getting to the real problem they tell children to take off their hats and that they cant wear baggy clothes.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Let’s Stop Our Trivial Thinking :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Lets Stop Our Trivial Thinking What are the important things in aliveness? flip you ever asked yourself that question? Are we setting a good example for future generations? If you recall that we are, then think again. Many Americans immediately seem to be obsessed with the little things. Trivial thinkers are always trying to cover up issues or find short-term solutions. It is almost as if Americans cant stop and think about the future. We like reading and hearing about things that dont really make a difference. Walking into a grocery store, you can find lots of magazines alter with stories on celebrities, but how some(prenominal) do you find about world events? Can celebrities somehow help this world become a better postal service? Why do we need to know so much about their lives? Turning on your television, you can find talk shows filled with stories about former(a) peoples problems. Will knowing another persons proble ms help us become better people? Television now has special news shows devoted to Hollywood that neer even talk about real world issues. How can we call these shows news programs? Trivial thinkers today want to know more about shabby issues than they do about important ones. When Mother Teresa died, how many newspapers and magazines talked about the wonderful things that she had done in her life? Not many. When Princess Diana died, how many newspapers and magazines were filled with stories on her life and her problems? Too many. I dont believe that it bettered peoples lives knowing every detail of Princess Dianas life. Im not a better person now that I know that she had marriage gravel and that she was bulimic. Trivial thinkers today relish knowing every detail of a celebritys life. Trivial thinking carries over into they way many Americans solve their problems today. Too many Americans today try hard to make issues go awa y quickly. We find these small solutions that dont really work but look nice. Children going to school today are faced with these issues. School administrators are worried about gangs, but instead of getting to the real problem they tell children to take off their hats and that they cant run baggy clothes.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Online Reservation
Introduction of online reservation system Hotel Reservation System is an easy-to-use reservation have a go at itment software that can finagle your hotel or motel, Ideal for reservations, Hotels and guest houses, Affordable no cost per booking charges, Easy To Use, Track Customers and avoid Double Bookings, Analyze Reservation Patterns,Automatic Calculations, Reporting System, Multi-users and rights managements, RoomTypes suite managements and RatePlan managements. Hotel reservation software with a difference. The ideal alternative to manually tracking clients. No longer is there a need to keep mounds of paper or lose node details.Hotel Reservation is a reservation software system designed to simplify the booking process and allow you to get on with rails your business. Enter the computer age and reap the benefits of automating the reservation process. Track customers and more importantly help keep the repeat customers. You can analyze reservation trends and micturate towards your future needs. Rearrange reservations and allocate rooms without an eraser in sight Managing repeat customers and recording customer preferences helps you to retain your customers. Make your customers feel unique and special by recording personal notes.Welcome them with their nickname at the door Following the long term trends is important in your hotel. Hotel Reservation makes this easy with our reporting system. With average one click you can analyze trends. Monitor the performance of your promotions and advertising quickly and easily. Each time you make a reservation, the room status is updated and the customer details are added to your hotel database. Conceptual Frame mold of the Study Figure1, shows the paradigm of the study that online reservation is must for the inn to gain higher-level of competitiveness among its competutorInput Process create Provide faster, more Accessible & to lessen failures in room reservation. Gain higher level Competitiveness. lodge Service Q uery Customer Information lodge Reservation Online Reservation System Figure 1. paradigm of the study RBC INN Provide faster, more Accessible & less effort in INN room reservation. http//www. oppapers. com/essays/Online-Reservation-System/632909 http//www. fileguru. com/Hotel-Reservation-System/info http//www. scribd. com/doc/19244137/Online-Hotel-Management-Syst emOnline ReservationIntroduction of online reservation system Hotel Reservation System is an easy-to-use reservation management software that can manage your hotel or motel, Ideal for reservations, Hotels and guest houses, Affordable no cost per booking charges, Easy To Use, Track Customers and avoid Double Bookings, Analyze Reservation Patterns,Automatic Calculations, Reporting System, Multi-users and rights managements, RoomTypes board managements and RatePlan managements. Hotel reservation software with a difference. The ideal alternative to manually tracking customers. No longer is there a need to keep mounds of pape r or lose customer details.Hotel Reservation is a reservation software system designed to simplify the booking process and allow you to get on with rails your business. Enter the computer age and reap the benefits of automating the reservation process. Track customers and more importantly help keep the repeat customers. You can analyze reservation trends and work towards your future needs. Rearrange reservations and allocate rooms without an eraser in sight Managing repeat customers and recording customer preferences helps you to retain your customers. Make your customers feel unique and special by recording personal notes.Welcome them with their nickname at the door Following the long term trends is important in your hotel. Hotel Reservation makes this easy with our reporting system. With right one click you can analyze trends. Monitor the performance of your promotions and advertising quickly and easily. Each time you make a reservation, the room status is updated and the custom er details are added to your hotel database. Conceptual Framework of the Study Figure1, shows the paradigm of the study that online reservation is must for the INN to gain higher-level of competitiveness among its competutorInput Process outfit Provide faster, more Accessible & to lessen failures in room reservation. Gain higher level Competitiveness. INN Service Query Customer Information guild Reservation Online Reservation System Figure 1. paradigm of the study RBC INN Provide faster, more Accessible & less effort in INN room reservation. http//www. oppapers. com/essays/Online-Reservation-System/632909 http//www. fileguru. com/Hotel-Reservation-System/info http//www. scribd. com/doc/19244137/Online-Hotel-Management-Syst em
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Lower Levels of Convictions of Woman for Criminal Offences Essay
Assess explanations that sociologists have offered for demoralize levels of convictions of woman for criminal offences Sociologists have offered explanations for unhorse levels of convictions for woman for criminal offences. For good example wowork force ar eccentric-hardened much leniently and woman ar socialised to consign less crime in the scratch place. Most crime appears to be committed by men. According to recent national statistics men are four times more likely to commit a crime than woman. For example ordained statistics suggests in that location are gender differences in the types of crimes committed such as men committee violent crime and woman committee shoplifting. One explanation for the lower levels of convictions of women is that they are treated more leniently. One explanation that has been put forward is that the agents of criminal justice such as police officers, magistrates and judges are men and men are socialised to act in a chivalrous manner toward s women. In the 1950s Pollack argued that men felt they had to protect women, so the criminal justice system is more lenient towards them.So there are some crimes that are less likely to turn into official statistics. This accordingly does not give an accurate understanding in rates of offending and official statistics pull up stakes show the extent of gender differences. Women are also more likely than men to be cautioned rather than prosecuted. For example, the Ministry of justice figures for 2009, show that 49% of female offenders were cautioned compared to only 30% of men. Similarly Hoods study of over 3,000 defendants found that woman were ab turn up one-third less likely to be jailed in similar cases. However, there is evidence against the chivalry thesis. Box argues women who commit serious offences are not treated more favourably than men. He argues women show remorse which may be why they get cautioned rather than pass to court. Heidensohn argues that in fact when women commit more serious crimes and deviate from expected norms of behaviour they are punished more harshly.For example stereotypical gender roles modulate judges decisions. Heidensohn accepts there has been an increase in female crime but its due to poverty and being socially marginalised. Walklate argues that in rape case it is often not the defendant who is on trial but the victim. Steffensmeier argues that women are treated more leniently in court because judges are antipathetical to separate woman from their children. Another reason that could explain lower conviction rates for women is that they are socialised to commit less crime in the first place. Functionalists argue that lower levels of females crime can be explained by gender role socialisation and the expressive role that Parsons argues is the one that women take on indoors the home. While men go out to work and take the instrumental role as provider, women are socialised to be gentle and nurturing. Parsons argues that b oys reject maidenly role models they engage in what Parson calls compensatory compulsory masculinity and become aggressive and anti-social behaviour which can slip over into an act of delinquency.Cohen argues that boys that are more likely to join gangs to gain stats and identity. Whereas the girls have their mothers as role models which means they are less likely to behave in anti-social ways. However, critics of the sex role surmise are that this view is dated and boys and girls have different role models and influences in their life to the ones illustrated by Parsons. Walklate criticises sex role theory for its biological assumptions. Parson assumes that women are best suited to the expressive role as women gave birth to children. Feminists are interested in how patriarchal society controls women, and this control might explain lower levels of criminality and therefore lower conviction rates. Heidensohn argues the most different thing about womens behaviour is how conformist it is as women commit fewer crimes than men. Heidensohn notes that women are controlled in a number of ways. For example women are controlled by the amount of time they have to spend looking after home and children.Also in the public domain women are controlled by the threat of male violence especially sexual violence. The Islington Crime Survey found that 54% of women avoided going out alone. This therefore reduces their opportunity to offend. However Carlen explains how some women commit crime when they are let down by patriarchal society. It is the failure of patriarchal society to shift the promised deals that removes the controls. Cohen argues that working class women are led to conform by what she calls the class deal which is being offered rewards at work that allow a good archetype of living. Also the gender deal where women have rewards from family life by living a normal domestic gender role. Critics argue that this underplays the importance of free will and choice in offe nding. Adler argues that as society changes so women may turn to crime.He uses the liberation thesis to argue that as women become liberated from patriarchy female crime rates will rise. As society changes so too have womens roles within it. There is evidence to support this for example female offending rates have risen. However, critics argue that female crime rates started growing in the 1950s before the womens liberation movement. In conclusion, the main reason why there are lower levels of convictions of women is because the criminal justice system is more lenient towards women. This is due to men protecting the women and official statistics show that men are more likely to commit crime than women.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Controversy of the Exile
After reading 2 Kings 25 and the two articles, the main source of contrast between these two sourcs is the list of detail they go into on different aspects of the Exile. The Biblical reading mentions King Nebuchadnezzar and his capture of King Zedekiah, the efforts of General Nebuzaradan and his detailed destruction and pillaging of capital of Israel and the tabernacle, the capturing and effect of Judahs chief officers and priests, Judahs revolt against Gedaliah and fleeing to Egypt, and the benevolence King Evil-merodach of Babylon demonstrated towards Jehoiachin.The articles, however, mentioned nonhing of to do with any of these circumstances. They concentrated, instead, on the life in Judah during the Exile. The Biblical fancy of life in Judah during the Exile was expressed in only a few verses. One states, But the poorest of the race were left to farm the land (2 Kings 2512). This gives us little information to work with, and all that can be assumed is that not many sight were left in Jerusalem, and those that were, farmed. Whether they farmed for themselves, or for Babylon cannot be reasonably determined from this one verse.Later on, we see that roughly underground guerrilla forces were to a fault left in Judah as they assassinated Gedaliah and fled to Egypt. Other than this, we drive in nothing from 2 Kings 25 some life in Judah during the Exile. The articles, however, give us much more light into life in Judah during these times. Graham illustrates that the people that worked in Jerusalem, Mozah, and Gibeon during the Exile were primarily vinedressers and plowmen. 2 Kings 25 does not give us enough information to have known that people worked in these collar cities.Their work, however, was not for themselves, but for the greater power of Babylon, as can be illustrated in an engraving on a jar that read, belonging to the lord in reference to the work through with(p) by the people for the Babylonian king. This, also, was not explicitly illustra ted in 2 Kings 25. The king of Babylon collected the goods produced and used them to better the Babylonian economy and the lofty crown. Governor Gedaliah also was expected to have overseen people of Judah work to produce wine, fruit, and oil for Babylon.Outside Benjamin, people worked to make perfume, especially balm, for the royal crown of Babylon. The insight Graham gives us into the work do at Mizpah stresses an important point that 2 Kings 25 leaves out. Not only was work done to produce dyes for Babylon, but the choice of using Mizpah as the city for this work was important because it implies that Jerusalem was unihabited, and Mizpah was more ideal. This shows that Mizpah was saved, in order that this work could be done there, and that Jerusalem was desolate.Kings 25, however, states that workers were in Jerusalem. Additionally, the information from the Bible reveals that Gedaliah was appointed to watch over the people left in Judah, however, Graham sum ups that he was also in hinge on of royal estate management. Graham speaks of the area of Judah as being divided up into labor districts, and also notes that the transport of the goods to Babylon were illustrated on Erech tablets that were discovered. No information on these subjects were found in 2 Kings 25.Lastly, 2 Kings 25 says nothing about life for the inhabitants of Judah after the Exile under Persian rule, other than talking about how Jehoiachin was treated. Graham informs us more by saying that forced labor was engrained in the minds of the people because, under Persian rule, the prophet Trito Isaiah promised that there would be no more forced labor like that under the Babylonians. Thus, from Graham, we can tell that forced labor must have been a serious hardship for the people of Judah during the Exile, and that the Perisans appeared to rule in a more benevolent manner than the Babylonians.According to Williamson, a more archaeological view is taken in contrast to 2 Kings 25. Williamson says that, because of the discovery of tombs of wealthy Jews in Jerusalem, that there must have been more than poor people living in Jerusalem at this time. Based on these discoveries, Williamson goes on to state that the population of Jerusalem may have been more than 2 Kings 25 implies, and that religious liturgy was probably more productive, including people religious offering prayers at the site of the destroyed Temple.He also uses other pieces of give-and-take to analyze the Exile. By using Ezra, Williamson speaks more of the Persian benevolence and Gods promises not to abandon His people than 2 Kings 25 does. Graham also opines that the book of Nehemiah was used as a prayed for restoration from the view of those in Jerusalem, and that Isaiah 40-55 was also from the view of those in Jerusalem during the Exile. These books support Grahams belief that more people inhabited this city than implied by 2 Kings 25.It is thus inferred that the Levites in the post-Exilic period, when the books of Ezra nd Nehemiah were created, drew on their knowledge of these prayers when leading the people in confession. In Williamsons opinion in light of Isaiah 40-55, it is impossible to suppose that Isaiah was not present with the people in the Exile, of which he speaks. Thus, Williamson agrees with the consensus of scholars that the work of Isaiah 40-55 was the work of another prophet, commonly referred to as deutero-Isaiah.Williamson goes on to examine a prayer in Isaiah that was written as a lament by the Jerusalem community who did not leave during the period of the Exile. Jerusalem is in ruins, as are the other cities of Judah, and the Temple had been destroyed. The entire enactment (Isaiah 637-6412) connects nicely with the passage from Nehemiah that Williamson spoke of earlier. Thus, if the conclusions about Nehemiah are true, they should give support that the passage from Isaiah is also a lament from Jerusalem during the Exilic period focussin on the destroyed and deser ted Temple.In addition, several distinctive expound suggest a relationship between the passage from Nehemiah and the passage from Isaiah. For example, only in these two passages in the entire Hebrew Bible is there a referenceto Gods Spirit (ruach) in connection with Israels wilderness wanderings. But beyond such details, Williamson believes that there is similarity in the overall shape of the two passages, especially in the last paragraph of each. Each, of which, contains an appeal to God which begins But now, and in each, a title for God is given that picks up a central aspect of His character.Both passages then stick up up to God His peoples state of need, based on a previous recital of details, and both emphasize that we are failing to make whoopie what our fathers once enjoyed. Additionally, in each case there is no specific request, only a laying before God of the source of the distress. Finally, each begins with a hymnic introduction, then comes a historical recital used a s a vehicle for confession of sina nd faithlessness. Each then concludes with an appeal for salvation. In fact, this combination also occurs in Psalms 106.As a whole, Williamsons proposal is that the three passages in Nehemiah, Isaiah, and Psalms should be taken together as gift us insight into the liturgy reciuted on the ruined site of Jerusalems Temple during the Exile. None of which was gleened from 2 Kings 25. Indeed, it is a testimaony to their religious insights and to the intensity of their verbiage that thesse passages were taken up again by the post-Exilic Jewish community and so given a wider application one in a Nehemiah, another in Isaiah, and still another in Psalms.Harmonizing between the Bible and the articles is difficult. All the details that 2 Kings 25 did not address can be filled in with the articles. However, much criticism must be taken in weighing what is possible and what is Biblical. Only those things that accord with archaeology, like Williamsons tombs a nd Grahams Erech tablets, or other pieces of Scripture can be taken with much confidence in compilation with 2 Kings 25.Those assumptions from the articles that do not necessarily contradict, but add to what is already said in 2 Kings 25, must also be taken with caution. For example, the assumption that wealthy people lived in Jerusalem during the Exile adds to what 2 Kings says about poor people living there. 2 Kings never says that no rich people lived there, it only states that many poor people did. Thus, it is possible that some rich lived there also, and because it is supported with archaeological differentiate of tombs, the assumption can be taken with much more confidence.The articles do not outright take on that 2 Kings 25 is false in any way, they instead add details to what is said there. Because these details are rooted in other passages of Scripture and archaeological evidence, they can be more harmonized with 2 Kings 25 with much confidence because their roots are in reliable sources. Based on the readings for this week, I tend to agree with Williamsons conclusion and description of the literary activity in Judah during the period of the Exile.What was stated in 2 Kings 25, I believe is very credible evidence about the Exile, however I think it lacks in detail. Williamson made some very convincing arguments that filled in these gaps with details that seemed congruent with other Biblical passages. He made a very important point that the authors of the Bible used earlier sources in compiling their writings, which gave him defense to use other parts of Scripture to strengthen his conclusions on the Exile, as opposed to taking 2 Kings 25 by itself.The other passages from Nehemiah, Psalms, and Isaiah all seemed to be in the same context as that of 2 Kings 25. They made sense in how they fit into the historical timeline of the Exile, along with Gods ongoing proviso for His people. These passages all added some important detail to Judah during the Ex ile, and I was convinced about his conclusion when I discovered that none of the passages were mutually exclusive.In addition, the archaeological evidence compiled about tombs of wealthy Jews in Jerusalem further supported my belief in Williamsons view that more people inhabited Jerusalem than simply the poor. Through Williamsons archaeological and Scriptural arguments, I was convinced that the population of Jerusalem during the Exile must have been more than expected, that more people than besides the poor lived there, and that religious liturgy was productive and prevelant in the city and on the ruins of the Temple.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Nature of God Essay
Maqamat-e Toyur (The Conference of the Birds) is a book of poems by Attar and is widely appreciated for it narrates the vault and levels that one may go through to understand the true nature of God. The tale begins with a group of birds who long and wish to meet the great Simurgh, who is a mythical creature residing far away. The birds then find hoopoe, a leader, and start their journey with his guidance.Their journey inhibits the crossing of seven valleys in order to reach the valley of Simurgh Aban (Flash), Ishq (Love), Marifat (Gnosis), Istighnah (Detachment), Tawheed (Unity of God), Hayrat (Bewilderment) and, finally, Fuqur and Fana (Selflessness and Oblivion in God). Finally, a group of 30 birds reach the valley of Simurgh, only to see each others reflection in a lake. It is then they attract that the wisdom they seek is not in the mythical creature, but has been in them all along, Si-Murgh meaning 30 birds in Persian.The concept of God existing inside is the basic theory of Sufism and Islam it has also been mentioned in the Holy Quran. The seven valleys even signify the levels that each human seeking the integrity must go through. These stages atomic number 18 not only for Sufis but for every Muslim, who wishes to find spiritual enlightenment. Attar has written tremendous texts for Sufism, explaining the depths of Islam with his poems and short stories and providing an insight through his stories.It is said that Attar had a tremendous impact on Rumi and he respected Attar a lot. Rumi is quoted as saying, Attar roamed the seven cities of manage We are still just in one alley (All About Religion). Jamal Ad-Din Al Rumi, has been the most well known Sufi poet and author around the homo. Although he was a man with extensive familiarity about Islam, and all his theories and texts are based upon Islamic teachings, his work has been credited by mountain from various religions. Rumi was born in 1207, in the contemporary Afghanistan.Duing the season in w hich he was born, there was extensive violence caused by political and social causes. After which the 13th century came into being and brought the threats of crusades by the Mongols, Rumi and his family travelled to the wolfram to find refuge. During his journey, he passed by Iran, Damascus and even performed pilgrimage at Mecca. While in Nishapur, Rumi met Attar and was deeply moved by Attars wisdom about Sufism. After that Rumi finally settled in Karaman and started preaching at the local mosque and teaching at the madressah.This is where he met Shams-e-Tabrizi, an unorthodox eccentric scholar, who shake up Rumi by his intense spiritual presence. After this meeting, Rumi quit his academic workings and start writing Sufi poetry. All Rumis poems have the search of the truth and union with God as the common ground, and love is the most mentioned word in his poems. Rumis words do not just provide a great insight for a person but also carry several meanings at once (Janghda, 157).A s eries of six books by the take in of Masnavi-I Manavi (Rhyming Couplets of Profound Spiritual Meaning) which include 424 stories, is one of the most well known texts of Rumi. These stories narrate the struggle of man in search of truth and last wisdom leading to God. As Rumi believed that ultimately every human on this earth seeks out to a high purpose, to search for something that exists among the material of this world, a higher purpose that can lift the human soul to higher ground.Masnavi-I Manavi is referred to as the roots of the roots of the roots of the (Islamic) Religion by Rumi (Arbery, 89). It has also been translated in many languages and is widely accepted as prime Sufi books. Masnavi-I Manavis stories such as, Why the Saints take refuge in mountains and caves and The Prophets vision of Gabriel in his real form described the essence of Islam and describe the depths of religion. Sufis have written tremendous books in the forms of poems, stories and travelogues.All the se contributions have enabled people to offend understand Islam in the light of mysticism. These literatures have allowed people to look into the teachings of Islam and understand them on a superior level. As Islam is a religion of peace and love, Sufism and its literature has promoted the religion of love throughout the world. The words of Rumi, Attar and many others have spread Islam through literature, because of these men of peace, Islam kept on spreading across the world without any exceptions of cultural differences.It is said that Rumis funeral went on for 40 day, in which Muslims, Jews, Christians and Hindus all came to pay their tribute. As he did not promote hatred for people who did not follow his religion or disagreed with him, but according to the teachings of Islam, Rumi preached tolerance and unity of all human kind (Janghda, 163). Nowadays that Islam has been given a crappy name by the fundamentalists across the world, as they have reformed and used religion for th eir own agenda.The words of Sufis still echo and call for peace and love amongst all religions and races through their literature. A man seeking for wisdom and the truth will always find it in the message of Sufis, a young misfire shall always find peace in a short tale of the mystic Sufi and a scholar will always question his system of logic when reading the swirling verses of Sufis. Arbery, Arthur J.. Sufism An Account of the Mystics of Islam. London Dover Publications, 2002. A. A. Janghda. Sufism. Hiba 10. 54 (2001) 144-163. All About Religion. 03 Jun. 2009. Religion FAQs At All About Religion. 14 Feb 2009 http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Cultural and Relationship Values Analysis Essay
Baderman Island Resorts has decided that it is a good time to implement a new employee vade mecum. Please be sure to read this memorandum in its entirety to understand why the handbook has been diverged. Baderman Island Resort f all outs to grow in popularity and brings all types of travelers to the island. Because of this, the Boardman worry Group thinks that having a well-developed employee handbook get out be beneficial for current and future employees. Also, The Boardman Management Group understands how important it is that every employee understand the institutions specific goals, cultural values.As well as understanding the significance of each member of the organization to providing the finest customer service to our guests. Baderman Island Resorts will be changing to follow a more compliance-based cultural system. Boardman Management Group feels that this change will allow for increased growth, success and profitability. This new system is not meant to discourage the e mployees from continuing to take the initiative to be self-motivating and to continue to provide quality customer service. The internet blog section will continue to remain so employees can make suggestions and offer ideas.This new handbook will still encourage anindividual-based culture. Employees are responsible for their own job performance and for making sure that they follow the policies and procedures. Although there will indeed be times when a team-based culture will be necessary in order to complete certain duties accurately and successfully. The mission and vision statement for all employees is the quality customer service, an extraordinary vacation experience where the guests needs and desires are met above and beyond, and to guarantee the guests will not be disappointed. There has been a change to the mission and vision statement that discusses the future additions and attractions that are the process of developmental stages which will show the future and current guests t hat the Baderman Island Resort will be the stake to visit in the future.The first thing that will be covered in the new employee handbook will be employer rights. This will include health and safety, diversity, affirmative action and due process procedures. There will also be coverage of the employee rights as well. This will include the same items covered in the employer rights. The final use of the employee handbook will be as a training, reference, and compliance tool to help the organization stay organized and focused on the goals and objectives of the follow. Employees will be able to stay knowledgeable on the policies and procedures, and to remind the employees of the employers responsibilities and their rights.My hope is that this memo has been informative towards the new employee handbook and the direction that Baderman Island Resorts is heading towards. I believe that the new employee handbook will be an smooth tool for the employees to prevent confusion and questions that the employees may have.Employee Handbook for Baderman Island ResortMission and view of Baderman Island ResortThe mission and vision statement for all employees is the quality customer service, an extraordinary vacation experience where the guests needs and desires are met above and beyond, and to guarantee the guests will not be disappointed. Cultural Values of Baderman Island ResortBaderman Island Resort has the belief that in order to continue to succeed in the current market that the organization will need to become a morecompliance-based culture. To ensure that all laws are followed to make sure that the integrity of the company and employees is followed. Employee RightsBaderman Island Resort is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EEOC). The companys philosophy is to recognize individual attributes and values that each employee brings to the job with respect and acknowledgement. By recognizing these principles it will allow the company to successfully reach its goals of providi ng excellent customer services and ultimately corporate profitability. Employer RightsBaderman Island Resort has contracted with an employment law firm to provide legal advice and to handle any employee/employer disputes and EEOC issues. Baderman also has the responsibleness to ensure a safe and healthy work place for all employees. However in the event that an employee is injured on the job or becomes ill, workers recompense and FMLA leave are offered as well.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Environmental Geology Essay
In 2006, seismic researchers can predict the location and direction of earthquakes by merely 10 to 20 minutes before it happens. Researchers use ultrasounds to assess earthquakes faster. Precise ultrasound images were recorded from the fault which is ruptured and the direction the rupture goes (American Institute of Physics AIP, 2006). In 2008, seismic researchers can now predict earthquakes with much more preciseness and earlier than other previous equipments. A researcher from Rice University named Fenglin Nui and almost of his colleagues atomic number 18 shortly working on some experiments that can detect earthquake in a much earlier age.The method they use is detecting P-waves with the use of some super sensitive instrument called the Seismic Stress Meter. P-waves are the fastest of all the waves associated with earthquakes (Rice University, 2008). 2. (20 pts) What are the lessons knowledgeable from the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China? What are the lessons learned from the 1 985 Mexican earthquake? talk about. The destructive earthquake that hit Sichuan region in China brought lessons that seismic researchers deem helpful in predicting earthquakes. Sichuan region is located in highly mountainous area that is active and could be attributed to the earthquake hazard that happened.Topographic analysis can now help scientists to assess area that has high risks of having earthquakes (Pennsylvania State University, 2008). The destructive earthquakes in Mexico City made a realization for a civil engineers association. They all realized that their building codes where buildings are designed to be built still are of no level with the earthquake intensities in Mexico. A problem arises when the soft clay layer of the ground was struck by the earthquake. The soft clay layer of ground started to transmit more movements higher than what engineers have expected.The ground shook buildings in Mexico much longer than what is expected (Peterson, 1986). 3. (15 pts) Discus s the 2008/2009 Chaiten volcanic eruptions in Chile. What are the implications of this natural disaster on the local residents? Chaiten volcanic eruption was one that local residents never expected to happen. The Chaiten volcano was state to be dormant for almost 10,000 years now. But surprisingly and unexpectedly, the volcano has shown activity and after a few days it erupted. Many residents were evacuated from near the volcano. about 4000 people within 6 mile radius from southern region of Chile were evacuated.The town near the volcano was almost buried in ashes well(p) like what happened to Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted. The sudden eruption after a long sleep gave residents fear of the volcano erupting again at any given time (University of Colorado, 2008). 4. (15 pts) Explain two different pulsations that can be taken to prevent, or at least minimize, the occurrence of landslides. One of the most effective measures that can be taken to prevent occurrences of landslides is through afforestation. Trees can greatly contribute to minimizing numbers of landslides in many ways.Trees can help absorb water from the soil. Water is express to be one of the main cause of landslides. Another is that trees can hold the soil firmly in the ground also minimizing the landslide occurrences. Another measure that can be used to prevent landslides is by creating levees or dykes. In this method, landslides are prevented by building walls usually near rivers which regulates water levels that cause the landslides (Peoples Daily Online, 2000). 5. (10 pts) What is the mechanical paradox implied by long runout landslides? Heavy rain is said to have started landslides.So, one might think that landslides move and accelerate together with water. The long runout landslides are really caused by heavy rains but there is really no water associated with the movement and acceleration of landslides. The movement and acceleration of landslides are associated with the pressure vibra tions called the acoustic fluidization. As the land slides pressure vibrations were generated making a frictionless effect to the ground which causes the land mass to move like a fluid (Collins and Melosh, 2007).ReferencesAmerican Institute of Physics. (2006, April 1) Real-Time Quake DetectionSeismologists Use Ultrasounds to Assess Quakes Faster. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http//www. sciencedaily. com/videos/2006/0406-realtime_quake_detection. htm Collins, G. and Melosh, H. (2007, July 15). Acoustic Fluidization and the Extraordinary Mobility of Sturzstroms. Retrieved March 27, 2009 from http//amcg. ese. ic. ac. uk/gareth/publications/abstracts/lpsc03b. pdf Pennsylvania State University. (2008, July 24). Chinese Earthquake Provides Lessons For Future. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from http//www. sciencedaily. com
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Second Coming
William Butler Yeats was born in Dublin, Ireland. His father was a lawyer and happened to be a well fill in artist of the time. Yeats was educated in both England, specifically London, and in Dublin, Ireland. Although the majority of his summers were spent in the west of Ireland in the familys summerhouse. Yeats was involved in societies that attempted to carry through and compose Irish literature. His first piece of literature appe bed in 1887, but in his earlier period his dramatic production outweighed his poetry both in bulk and in import.Alongside Lady Gregory he founded the Irish Theatre, which became the Abbey Theatre, which served as its chief playwright until John Synge joined the movement. After 1910, Yeatss dramatic art took a sharp turn toward a static, and esoteric style. He was appointed to the Irish Senate in 1922. Yeats is one of the only writers who has their big(p)est works written after the dirty money of the Nobel Prize, which he recieve for his literature in dramatic works.His approximately recurrent theme is the ideal of beauty and ceremony contrasting with the hubbub of modern life. Yates wrote in a period of modernism, right after World War One. Many other historical English writing favorites wrote in this time period where modernist ideals were most prevalent. William Butler Yeats was one of the most interesting and influential twentieth-century poets. The meter The Second sexual climax is cleverly split up into two different stanzas, being near unrelated they still create a good partnership for the reader to put the verse form together.In the beginning of the poem Yates talks about a falcon which in medieval times be used to hung small ground animals such as rodents to bring back to their keeper. The falcon has flown too off the beaten track(predicate) away and has gotten itself lost trying to find its way, symbolizing a collapse of social anarchy in Europe (the atmosphere Yates was writing in) and setting a general overall mood for what the rest of the poem is to bring. In line four, the poem shifts and begins to talk about the violence and describes a hostile picture of a blood wave in which innocence is drowned.This line keeps with he same mood as the falcon losing its way also makes another shot at social stability (most likely referring to his society right after the war). Line nine strikes the beginning of the secondly stanza, and thus the reader a different vision. The second Coming will be occurring due to the shattering of social anarchy. Yates describes a figure intended to be the second Coming with fascinating and attractive adjectives, reservation the shadow who is not intended to be Christ seem very supreme.In an instant the figure disappears and fantasm swells over again. Lastly Yates makes a acknowledgment about the character making a trip to Bethlehem to insure the birth of Christ, entering back into the world. An obvious literary device used in this poem is mood, but more important ly the change in mood and what it is suppose to signal. Mood is the overall feeling of the poem. This poem fluctuates but for the majority of the of it, the mood of darkness and evil seems to catch your eye. n line eighteen the darkness falls back over. Setting is also used in this poem to make connection to an object, in this case a creature. Setting is the time, or place the poem takes place in. The figure seen in line twelve of the second stanza is supposedly feeling to be going to Bethlehem, a holy capital and recognized place of holiness. Hence when a setting such as Bethlehem is incorporated the reader nominate immediately consider the poems relevance to religious teachings or thought.You can see this biblical thought when Yates mentions the blood-dimmed wave in line five, which can be contrasted to the great biblical flood. Lastly the diction used by Yates to increase the readers attention by rhyming the last word of lines together. Diction is the style of literary articul ate the writer chooses to use, and in this case a clever rhyming scheme was incorporated. For example in lines three and four the words hold and world are rhymed. World War one brought on loads of hardship and despair, one of the main characteristics of the modernism era and The Second Coming.This poem gives the reader a feeling of uneasiness from the mood and overall manner of the poem. It is meant to appear dark, mentioning things such as blood dimmed waves and darkness falling over you. The Second Coming has similar aspects as other poems of this time period. Many of the writers of the modernism era kept a tight knit set of characteristics they wanted their literature to describe. 1984 by George Orwell relates to many themes and motifs, but one theme in particular relates also to the modern ear ideals. 984 was based on a society of lie and possible collapse at any moment, and in the poem society is collapsing in on itself as seen in line three and four when Yates references the center not being able to hold and mere anarchy being spread upon the world. in 1984 it appears anarchy being spread upon the earth already occurred and all that is left-hand(a) behind is merely a totalitarian government ruling over life forms more closely related to robots than actual humans with real emotion. The poem makes this same reference to as if the social integrity of the world crumbles, evil will insure with power.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Karate Kid
Its bad enough moving to a recent metropolis, but when that metropolis is located in China, its almost too much to handle for 12 year overaged Dre Parker. Its not easy being the unseasoned boy in class when you dont eff the language, and its even harder, when the cool boys do Kung Fu to rule over the other pupils at school. Fortunately, Dre meets some refined classmates, including the cute girl (he fancies) Mei Ying. However, it turns out that Cheng, the leader of the Kung Fu gang at his school, also likes May, and is not especially thrilled that Dre and May are becoming friends.Dre has hardly set foot into his new apartment, before Cheng uses his Kung Fu skills to discombobulate Dre a real beating. From this moment on, Cheng is constantly on Dres foul. Dre becomes increasingly unhappy and longs to go back to the United States. But one day, as he is pushed into a corner by Cheng and his friends, he gets unlooked-for help. Mr Han, the caretaker of the apartment building where Dre lives, appears from nowhere and defends Dre with an incredible display of Kung Fu. This becomes the turning point in Dres new life.Mr Han decides to teach Dre the traditional combat sport, giving the boy a chance to win the honour from his classmates. thence begins a long training period that ends up with a final battle between Dre and Chengs gang at the local Kung Fu competition. The Karate Kid is a remake of the classic 1984 film of the same name. The new version is a well-made film that will certainly engage the imagination of both unripened and old. The story is largely the same as the original, however, a number of elements have been renewed, making The Karate Kid anno 2010 soften than most remakes.The films theme focuses largely on the inner struggle of Dre. The young boy must discipline to a country with a foreign language, and a completely different culture and a city where he has almost no friends. When he is exposed to physical abuse, the previously well-adjusted boy becomes kind of distressed. But Dre has great inner strength, and as his friendship with Mr Han develops, he learns more than Kung Fu. Dre understands that he is in quiver of his own fate/future, and it is up to him whether he will give up, or fight to gain the respect he deserves.Such a message is well suited for children and young people, who will hopefully use this knowledge in their own lives. This film will probably promote martial arts to numerous young boys, and hopefully they will understand Mr Hans clear statement that Kung Fu is a sport for perception and defence / an art to be used to create peace, not to hurt and combat an enemy. I retrieve the The Karate Kid has a PG rating, due to several violent scenes involving Kung Fu fighting, the film is not recommended for children under the age of 8 from the online website.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Informative essay on obesity and weight loss surgery Essay
Weight disadvantage surgical process or bariatric surgical procedure are procedures which change the expression in which the digestive system functions, helping to limit the food consumed and in this way lower the burthen of the individual along with lowering the risk of associated medical problems (NIDDK 2009). In veritable cases, bariatric surgery also interferes with the fashion in which nutrition is absorbed into the body. Individuals who under(a)go bariatric surgery whitethorn also have to look into certain changes in their modus vivendi such as regular exercise, regimenary changes and avoiding certain other risks.One of the nigh frequently performed bariatric surgeries is gastric circulate in the US. Compared to other bariatric surgeries, gastric bypass is much safer, has lesser complications and burn down provide long-term results. However, there are also certain risks associated with the procedure, along with changes in diet, lifestyle and behavior. A lot depends on the patient for the success of the treatment (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). Indication Gastric bypass surgery is required in obese and over lading individuals who are unable to reduce their freight through diet and physical activities.As the BMI ratio is between 35 and 39 ( fleshiness) and above 40 (severe obesity), the health link risks are higher and the individual cigaret be affected with diabetes, hypertension, heart disorders, etc. However, gastric bypass surgery may non only be required alone, but along with it, exercise, dietary changes and lifestyle changes to ensure that the results of the gastric bypass are satisfactory (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). Bariatric surgery can also be performed if other methods of conservative treatment fail for obesity.The patient has to be properly informed about the inside information of the procedure, along with the benefits, risks and alternatives, so that an informed decision can be made (Medline Plus, 2010). The patient would have to aut horize an informed consent for the procedure. The patient should also be committed to lifelong changes with diet, physical activity, behavior, medical monitor and medication therapy. Insurance would be applicable for Bariatric surgery only if it has been medically indicated due to an obesity think cause, rather than cosmetic.Bariatric surgery may be indicated for adolescents only if other conventional methods have failed for about 6 months. Newer studies have demonstrated that gastric bypass may actually be ideal for adolescent obesity (NIDDK 2010). Procedure The entire procedure is done under general anesthesia, and the patient would require preparing for tests, dietary changes, X-rays (for readiness the surgery), medications and hospitalization (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009).In the US, 4 types gastric bypass are performed. These include biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch (BPD-DS), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), adjustable gastric band (AGB), and vertical sleeve gastrec tomy (VSG). AGB involves placing a band around the top portion of the stomach to reduce the size of the stomach pouch to ensure that the food intake is reduced. In RGYB, involves placing a gastric band and also by bypassing the food in a flash from the pouch to the humbled intestine.In BPD-DS, a large portion of the stomach is removed, bypassing the food from the stomach to the small intestine and re-routing the bile and digestive tract juices, so that food is not absorbed and digested properly. In VSG, a portion of the stomach is reduced to ensure that the quantity of food consumed is reduced (NIDDK 2009). After the procedure, the individual should not consume anything for the next 24 hours. Following this, a special diet needs to be consumed, which includes liquids, bonkers foods and slow progress towards solid food.Following this, the indvidiaul needs to consume reduced quantity of food. There may be certain side-effects of the procedure (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). Results Weigh t loss surgeries basically work by reducing the amount of food being consumed or the amount of food being digested. Some surgeries bypass a majority of the food consumed resulting in reduced amount of absorption of nutrients. Along with dietary and lifestyle changes, loss of body weight can be achieved.However, there are also a few risks associated with weight loss surgeries. The individual may lose about 50 to 60 % of the excess body weight within 2 years of the surgery. However, exercises, lifestyle changes and diet need to be included in the see (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). The risk of several health disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, heart disease, infections, and cancer can be reduced (Daniel Jones, 2010).Complications In recent years with improvement in the surgical technique, there has been a reduction in the rate of complications from the year 2006, by about 21%. The rate of readmissions has also been under a decrease (NIDDK 2009). Some of the early compli cations related to gastric bypass include bleeding, infection, leakage of intestine, harm to the intestines, heart attacks, blood clots in the legs, emboli, etc.The other complications that can develop include malnutrition, (such as beri beri, pellagra, etc), strictures, hernias (includes native hernias and intestinal hernias), pneumonia, nausea, vomiting, hypoglycemia, gallstones, kidney stones, dehydration, etc. If the contents from the stomach move very quickly, it can result in put away syndrome causing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In patients with poor general health and with serious medical conditions, fatal outcomes may be a risk, but very rare (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). In some patients further surgery may be required (Daniel Jones, 2010).
Saturday, May 18, 2019
African Americans Essay
African Americans sire a unique autobiography as well as culture. Their history in the United States is greatly influenced and shaped by the events in the last three centuries. A breaker point that would shape their destiny, their interactions as well as their orientation to most important events in life. The United States census figures put the number of African Americans at over thirty-eight millions in 2005. Of this population, over 55% of them domiciliate in the metropolitan aras with cities like Chicago and New York be the homes to a huge majority of African AmericansA close look at the African Americans in relation to the rest of their white counterparts reveals that they are disadvantaged in various aspects. This can only be understood by focusing at the underlying causes of this, key being the centurys discrimination and oppression meted out against the blacks by the ensuant regimes up to the period that the civil rights movement stepped up its calls for equality and p olitical rights. African Americans had been for long subjected to bondage especially in the southern states.The end of slavery brought forth systemic discrimination where they were treated as second class citizens especially after the introduction of the Jim Crow laws that institutionalized racism. This is what is seen to be the cause can buoy the impoverished lot amongst the African Americans with 24. 7% of this population living in abject poverty. The group besides remains disadvantaged in the education sector, health, housing as well as having the highest crime order in the United States.Since the enactment of civil rights legislation, the African Americans population has made considerable steps towards astir(p) their economic status largely narrowing the huge discrepancies that exist. This has been marked by the expansion of the African American middle class. Unlike in other ethnic groups like the white there is parity across the gender amongst the blacks. Income levels in America are tilted to the disfavor of African Americans. This is largely seen as being linked to the inability to access other vital resources such as education and jobs.Speculative figures have it that over three quarter of African Americans aged above the age of 25 have non gone to college and hence do not possess college diplomas. By the turn of the century, over a thirdly of the African American population living in the big cities was without employment compared to their white counterparts this figure has not changed much (Brandon S, 1984). Life expectancy of the African American group compares unfavorably with that of the whites a fact exacerbated by the lack of medical and proper provision of health facilities.With a significant proportion of African Americans lacking medical carefulness and proper provision of health facilities with a significant proportion of African American having a low level of income and being unemployed, and with the united states lacking a univers al health care system , African Americans are badly placed in terms of health facilities access. They are in like manner at a higher risk of succumbing to chronic diseases as well as pandemics such as human immunodeficiency virus aids. Statistics have it that of all people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS between 2001 and 2005, over half of them were African Americans.Cities that contain large populations of African Americans such as Washington DC contain the highest rates of HIV infections. African Americans have maintained a deep sense of religiosity this has been passed on from the days of slavery. know as black churches, they have played a pivotal role in the struggle for blacks to catch and consolidate civil and political rights. Majority of the evangelists have ended up as political figures vie a crucial role in the American civil rights movement.
Information Use Essay
In todays trade environment discipline is the most important asset a business has, this information helps to support, maintain, develop and underwrite its workaday activities. The next logical step is implementing a constitution that is causative and geared towards this goal. With the help of its information schema, and its information technology department, managers, sales people, the ope rations department and others with entre to this information have a handy tool to help them do their work on a daily basis.The structure of the information system is paramount on how accessible this information is to the people that depend upon it to distinguish their normal workday. The managers and IT department work closely together to agree upon and decide on an information system that go away be feasible to the business itself, thus setting up a system that will be beneficial to the business itself. In my previous workplace, this was a real land company that pore on short sales and loan modifications.Our information was provided by the homeowner, this information consisted of their mortgage statement, bank records, ruin letters describing why they needed the short sales or the loan modification, and a list of their debt-income ratio and any foreclosure information. The database we worked on was a system called Salesforce this system enabled us to keep impression of the calls we had to make and memorial all details of that call. It contained all of the information we needed to accomplish this task, it held knobs apt(p) data, the banks that we dealt with and a method to track the goals we had to accomplish each week.This system was also an ERM (electronic records focussing database) we had the ability to scan and upload pertinent client information such as three months of bank statements, paystubs, and hardship letters, foreclosure notices and actual mortgage statements. It was very exploiter friendly and had the ability to be modified towards the need s of the company using it. That being said management asked us to make suggestions on what additions we saw or felt that would help make our jobs easy and more than efficient.The short sale aggroup made several suggestions to add to Salesforce, thereby making it more specify for our daily tasks. The short sale team was not the only ones using Salesforce, our sales team that generated the leads or clients were the first line of defense they had to enter the clients information into Salesforce and scan all the documents link up to a homeowners situation. The sales team was also responsible for contacting the homeowners to send updated and current documents pertinent to their short sales or loan modifications.In essence Salesforce was also used as a data management system, it had the ability to store all data, generate sales reports, processing, integrating, distributing, securing, and archiving data effectively for current and future use. Accessing Salesforce was readily available if we were out of the office as well, we had the capability to log in and suppose reports, or if a new client was added, and if we needed information to set up an appraisal that was pass along by the bank before the short sale was approved.This ability was very handy for the real land agent and the processor handling the account, the ability to access the main database with all pertinent information nigh the client away from the office was an excellent tool that Salesforce offered. Maintenance of Salesforce was managed by our small IT staff, any problems with the system was corrected or fixed very quickly, as the licenses held by Salesforce enabled the IT staff to manage the database as an in-house system, wherefore they did not have to contact anyone with any issues.At the same time the permissions on Salesforce were very strict, a persons user id and password only allowed access to certain parts, the short sales team could not modify or change anything, especially any client information or access the sales departments input and vice versa. This made sense, because there was very important information on the database, the clients financial data and mortgage information, very sensitive information.In essence, the database that the company used in my opinion was user friendly and seemed to address the needs of the business, in this case a real estate office that held important and sensitive financial data, credit reports and mortgage information. The system enabled us to handle the lean of information and daily activities easy, made access to running reports quickly and efficiently. Further, management was able to view and track completion of daily tasks and weekly goals to generate reports quickly.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Claudius Speech †Hamlet Essay
Claudius, the former ruler, husband of his sister and sidekick of the recently perished king gives a speech at the beginning of Act I. II of settlement. Shakespeares example of literary devices allows the reader to collar the intentions behind Claudiuss figurative language within his coro race speech.The opening scene in Hamlet portrays Denmark to currently be critically unst equal and with militaristic chaos however, in Claudiuss speech he disposes that idea and conveys confidence in the stability of the nation. This chronological set up introduces the theme of appearance vs. realism as Claudius efforts to manipulate the kingdom into trusting that he has everything under control is carried mischievously yet successfully through out(p) his speech.Aware of the presence of the rightful king, young Hamlet, Claudius commences his speech with an ambiguous line that strikes the attention of Hamlet. erst eyepatch he is aware of young Hamlets attention, he continues to approach the cour tho custom. He seemingly shows a state of grief as he acknowledges his breathless brother. My dear brothers death the use of alliteration makes us aware that Claudius has used that line several times before in localise to show a sign of loss.He wants to appear that has suffered too from this death, he mentions that the memory be light-green this metaphor is placed to represent the idea that the memory is fresh and it has not been long since he perished, while also leaving a gruesome image of the old kings decomposing body. His first use of anti-thesis is then clear in line 6, when he mentions the wisest sorrows in that line he is understanding those in grief tho reminding them to think of themselves and the future of Denmark instead.After respectfully mentioning the death of Hamlet, and expressing his condolence to the kingdom he deceitfully moves on to the second all-important(a) announcement his wedding. Uneasy, Claudius is trying to go about his speech like a figurative obstacle course hoping there is no interference or opposition, while still being adapted to appear as confident. Efficaciously, he presents his coupling Therefore our sometime sister, now our queen, Th imperial jointress to this militant state. Using the state of war as his alaby to the marriage of his brothers wife he is able to convince the courthouse that it is for the greater good and that his actions are a form of self-sacrifice for the nation. Continuing to justify his marriage as a cause and affect matrimony instead of acts of incest he mentions the mirth in funeral and dirge in marriage. This literary device is important within his speech because it is his second antithesis, and a nonsensical clause. In this he is suggesting that he brought happiness to this sad event for the benefit of his wad.In equal scale, advisement delight and dole Claudius is trying to banish the aura of unsteadiness and declares balance. He makes up for the sorrow of his dead brother, by m arrying his sister. Even though it is an obvious unusual event, Claudius reflects enough confidence as king and successfully manages avoid any opposition. A good strategy used was his the frequent use of we. This indicated that the king was not only speaking for himself, but he was speaking for everyone like a good statesman would.In reality however, he was doing so to make everyone aware that it was of better wisdoms to agree with him, and that those with worst wisdoms would not organisation good consequences. Claudius gently expresses his supreme control over Denmark and threatens anyone who dares oppose him in a non-aggressive way. He ulterior finalizes the topic of marriage by dismissing the awkward topic of the table like a typical governmental For all, our thanks As king, Claudius then addresses the issues with Norway. Assertively, he informs the kingdom of his plan of action.He repeats the line dear brothers death giving it little sentimental value. He then quickly sta tes that Norway believes that Denmark is disjoint and out of frame. He assures the courthouse that the case is not so, and that they will successfully deal with Fortibras. The irony behind that is that Denmark is weak, regardless of what Claudius wants his sight to believe. In order to seem like a man of action Claudius puts his future plan send on Thus much the business is we have here writ to Norway, uncle of young Fortibras. By doing that he convinces more that he is a potent king. Writing to Norway makes him seem like he is aware of what he is doing and that the nation does not need to worry. To complement his assurance he appoints two messengers to deliver a letter, this is significantly important because his objective is to prove to the court that he trusts his officials, ironically thought, he is purposely sending two people incase of a betrayal. Claudiuss speech had a successful outcome. He was able to gently blur his inner insecurities and expose himself as a good st atesman and valiant leader.His word usage was requisite to the deliverance of his speech as it allowed him to get his awkward points across like unusual marriage to his sister. His use of antithesis did make the reader question the sincerity of his grief, but it did not seem to affect the opinion of the courthouse. He showed clear superiority over everyone within the courthouse, especially Hamlet, while making himself clear that he would not tolerate any disagreement of his coronation. Most importantly, he put an action plan forward and proven himself as king.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Frederick Douglass Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Frederick Douglass - Essay Exampleille Convention, Frederick Douglas presented some of his grievances against the governing that were based on the policy-making and social status of cutting Americans in the United States. His main complaint was that even after the abolition of slavery, the prejudice against erosive Americans was rampant and a norm in American society. He observed that the nicety system and the clergy were also turning a blind eye towards the discrimination experienced by black Americans (Douglass, p. 2). In particular, he criticized the Lynch law which made the black American community increasingly conquerable to hate crimes by prejudiced muckle (Douglass, p. 3). Douglas also stated his grievance against the prejudices demonstrated towards black people in seeking employment and justice.Another grievance that he held against the government was the disenfranchisement of the black Americans. The civil effective of political participation was not being protected. He decried that the American government was not ensuring fair prototype and that the electoral process was flawed. By disenfranchising the black population, the government was preventing them to be represented as political leading in the states where they are in a majority (Douglass, p. 5).He argued for a fairer electoral system where the black population was given an equal right to vote and be elected. He stressed that it was the responsibility of the government to ensure that the law was applied uniformly without regard to the colour of the skin of the citizens. Douglas stated that the government was accountable to ensure that the freedoms and civil rights granted in the American Constitution were not denied to any citizen.In his oppose for racial equality in the United States, Martin Luther King practiced non-violence. He was a believer in dialogue and negotiation to create mutual understanding between the white and black races so that both could enjoy their civil rights equ ally in society (King, p. 3). Writing from jail
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