Monday, August 24, 2020
Impact of Supply Chain Strategies on Performance
Effect of Supply Chain Strategies on Performance Presentation The idea of Supply Chain Management (SCM), acquainted with address the issue of combination of hierarchical capacities going from the requesting and receipt of crude materials through the assembling procedures to the conveyance and conveyance of items to clients so as to empower associations to accomplish higher caliber in items and client support and to bring down stock cost, has pulled in significant administrative consideration as of late principally on account of its colossal potential serious effect (Stevens, 1989). Experience, in any case, exhibits that supervisors embrace an assortment of different ways to deal with SCM usage. In this unique circumstance, structure of a viable gracefully chain organize has become a critical issue for any organization to get by in a furiously serious market. The SCM worries with issues and trademark highlights of a few interrelated components and exercises of an association, for example, request guaging, obtainment, fabricating, conveyance, sto ck, transportation, and client support, and the subsequent coordinated methodology is stretched out to clients and providers (Christopher, 1992). Thinking about the ramifications of every one of these angles, various issues in SCM have accepted significance with regards to winning modern situation in India so as to make SCM increasingly successful. Various papers have been distributed in the writing supporting the standards and the advantages of SCM [Beesley (1997), Lurquin (1996), Mason-Jones and Towill (1998), and Towill (1996)]. Many contextual investigations have likewise been distributed proving the advantages of SCM [Arntzen, et al., (1995), Calza and Passaro (1997), and Lee and Billington (1995)]. There are a few investigations on SCM rehearses in various nations detailed in the writing [Gilmour et al. (1995), Handfield and Withers (1993), Cilliers and Nagel (1994), McMullan (1996), Cox (1999)], and it is felt that an exertion on plan and improvement of SCM works on including issues, for example, IT application, execution estimates utilized, and obstructions of SCM usage is a lot of required in India. On evaluating the current SCM writing, a few significant shortcomings in the conceptualization and displaying of SCM are found. Specifically, the SCM build is seen as an augmentation of coordinated buying and gracefully the executives, or incorporated coordinations and transportation the executives. Apparently a cognizant view on SCM idea presently can't seem to create in the current writing, and it makes an essential to direct a review on the significant issues of SCM before a complete procedure for gracefully chain execution estimation and assessment framework for the Indian Tire producing businesses is recommended. This paper reports the subtleties of a poll based study to contemplate the status and extent of SCM rehearses in Indian Tire fabricating organizations and furthermore gives a concise outline of the comparative studies on SCM as of now embraced in various ventures. Destinations of the Survey The essential goal of the review is to investigate and comprehend, in quantitative terms at every possible opportunity, the issues in SCM practices and worries of the Tire producing businesses in India. In explicit terms, the destinations are identified with the accompanying angles: †¢ Present status and extent of SCM rehearses; †¢ Role of Information Technology (IT) in SCM; †¢ Performance estimates utilized in SCM, †¢ Benefits of utilizing SCM rehearses; and †¢ Specific issues preventing SCM rehearses. It is accepted that tending to the previously mentioned issues, as every one of them are identified with SCM methodologies and down to earth limitations, would prompt understanding the status and extent of SCM rehearses in Indian Tire fabricating ventures. Directly, most of the Indian organizations have a powerless arrangement of gracefully chain system with business technique. This is basically so on the grounds that the organizations are inflexibly organized along useful lines with office explicit execution measures. Study Methodology A study instrument, as a survey, is utilized so as to satisfy the targets as referenced. The poll intended for the overview, will be led during December, 2010, for almost 18 organizations covering Tire fabricating industry in different districts of the nation. Different arrangements of assembling organizations, Internet sites of the organizations, and individual contacts were the fundamental hotspots for getting data about the organizations and making a database. The organizations were chosen arbitrarily from the database. Despite the fact that the review will be directed for a particular timespan, the issues considered remain profoundly applicable for understanding the working standards, standards, issues, and usage parts of SCM rehearses in the Indian Tire producing organizations. The survey is intended to think about the reacting organizations, their fundamental destinations of utilizing SCM, places of organizations in the gracefully chain for their essential items, and perspectives on the respondents on the standards of successful SCM rehearses. The survey was isolated into two segments: Section An and Section B. Area A was intended for the organizations which have just executed the SCM ideas like data offering to providers and clients, or have chosen to actualize SCM ideas in not so distant future, contains questions relating to a few significant issues identified with SCM rehearses, for example, a companys job in overhauling clients needs, its job as a client to its providers, the job of IT in SCM, the presentation estimates utilized in flexibly chain execution assessment, and the exercises or activities upsetting SCM rehearses. Area B presents the things identified with a few sorts of obstructions and government approaches normally found in executing SCM rehearses in the Indian Tire producing businesses. A mix of checks, yes/no, 'Likert scale, and numerous decision questions are surrounded against the issues as referenced. The accompanying explicit tests will be utilized on the information got: †¢ Two-Tailed Significance Test-this gives a degree of hugeness to contrasts between two gatherings to an inquiry requiring a reaction utilizing a Likert scale. †¢ Bivariate Correlation (Pearson) Coefficient-this tests the connections between reactions to two unique inquiries. The test gives a 'p esteem showing the quality of the relationship. An estimation of p=0 speaks to no relationship, and p=â ±1 a solid relationship, and shows the noteworthiness level of the connections. †¢ Reliability Analysis-In request to survey the homogeneity and between connections of the components utilized in a thing, Cronbach alpha (a) [Cronbach (1951)], a proportion of inward consistency regularly utilized in situations where members react to inquiries on a Likert scale The estimations of a lies in the range (0, 1). With the end goal of investigation, the overview reactions are separated into three classes: Classification 1: Questions that need positioning of options (Likert-scale questions) The significance of the choices under each issue is built up dependent on the estimations of measurements acquired. Class 2: Questions requiring level of understanding (various decision questions) For the inquiries requiring level of understanding, Specific issues, for example, fundamental targets of SCM, standards of viable SCM rehearses, incorporation of divisional territories in the gracefully chains, data specialized apparatuses with providers and clients, zone of IT applications, and obstructions of SCM execution are remembered for this class. The percent reactions of the considerable number of options under each issue are figured and the rankings of the options are done dependent on the percent reactions bringing about distinguishing the significant other options. Classification 3: Yes/No sort questions For this classification, two yes/no sort close-finished inquiries have been encircled against various issues. The percent reactions of 'Yes/No is figured against each issue, which give the general perspectives on the respondents on a specific issue. Organization Details Apollo Tires Ltd Shanmugham Road Cochin, KL 682031 Phone : +91-0484-2381902/2381903/2380720/2372767/2363760 Birla Tires Syed Amir Ali Avenue Kolkata, WB 700019â  Email : [emailprotected] Phone : +91-33-22814516 Ceat Tires Ceat Tires. D 6/5, SMB ENGINEERS, TTC INUSTRIAL AREA MIDC TURBHE NAVI MUMBAI, MH 400705 Phone : +91-22-27622079 Elgitread (India) Ltd Elgitread (India) Ltd 2000 Trichy Road Coimbatore, TN 641005 Email : [emailprotected] Phone : +91-422-4321000 Bird of prey Tires Ltd Bird of prey Tires Ltd K. R. S. Street Metagalli Mysore, KK 570 016 Email : [emailprotected] Phone : +91-821-2582453/2582055/2582041 Govind Rubber Limited Govind Rubber Limited G - 15,Creative Industrial Estate,Sitaram Mill Compound,72-N. M. Joshi Marg Lower Parel Mumbai, MH 400 011 Email : [emailprotected] Phone : +91-22-2309 5641/1784/309 21124/309 21126 JK Tires JK Tires 3 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi, DH 110002 Phone : +91-11-23311112/7 Malhotra Rubbers Limited Malhotra Rubbers Limited D-4, Sector 11 Noida, UP 201301 Email : [emailprotected],[emailprotected],[emailprotected] Phone : +91-120-2543028/2543029/2553724 Metro Tires Metro Tires Metro House, 134/4, 135/5 Zamrudpur Kailash Colony New Delhi, DH 110 048 Email : [emailprotected],[emailprotected] Phone : +91-11-6219097/98 Modi Rubber Modi Tires Company Pvt. Constrained. NH-58, Meerut Roorkee Road Modipuram 250110 MEERUT (Uttar Pradesh) MRF Tires MRF LIMITED KOTTAYAM Assembling UNITS P.B.No.2, Vadavathoor P.O., Kottayam, Kerala 686 010 Tel: 0481-2570461 (12 Lines) DID: 2575196/97/98, Imperial Tires Imperial Tires C-11 Mugappair Industrial Estate(East) Chennai, TN 600037 Email : [emailprotected]â   â  â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Family Branding Or Umbrella Branding Marketing Essay
Family Branding Or Umbrella Branding Marketing Essay In this paper we have a short outline on the idea of brand, marking, retail brand, their definitions, characterizations, marking methodology, brand situating, brand incorporation and so forth. Here in this report we attempt to gather data from distributed books, diaries, magazine and different solid optional sources. In the later part we will investigate the impact of marking in the retail business. The following piece of this report centers around issues for marking retail, particularly the attire business. There are a few meanings of brand: The primary concern of brand are that it isn't simply just a blend of configuration, name, image or different highlights it likewise recognize it from the other item and administrations of the contenders. (Dibb1997) A Brand is: name, term, sign, image, plan, or blend of these planned to distinguish the great or administration, and separate them from those of contenders. (Jennifer Rowley 1997, pp. 244-250) Clyde C. Tuggle, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Public Affairs Communications, Coca-Cola says A brand is a distinctive name or image expected to recognize products or administrations of a vender and to separate those merchandise or administrations from contenders. Sicco van Gelder says: (1) Sometimes items and administrations become so comparable that it turns out to be difficult for the client to recognize them as indicated by their quality, adequacy, dependability, confirmation and care. Brands help the client to recognize these characteristics and add feeling and trust to the item and administrations. (2) This feeling and trust help the association to manufacture a decent connection with the clients and make them faithful to their items and administrations. (3) Sometimes brand makes yearning to the way of life and move these onto the way of life of the shoppers. (4) Branded way of life affects the other item or administration class of that brand which permit advertisers for vertical reconciliation and spare the difficulties and expenses of growing new brand. (5) The mix of way of life, feelings, relationship, and qualities permits the advertisers to charge a more significant expense than the other non-marked item or administrations. Attributes of brand name A decent brand name must be short, sweet and simple to articulate and recall. It ought to recommend something about the items advantages and quality. One of a kind inside the business. Don't utilized by some other and legitimately faultless. Great similar sounding word usage, particularly if a more drawn out name. Doesn't fit shortened forms. Adaptable and expandable. The name ought to make an interpretation of effectively into unknown dialects. Ought not age rapidly. Fits inside companys brand portfolio. Order of Brand Singular item marking In this marking approach the advertiser attempt to present an item by doling out new names and that has no association with the current brand of the organization. In this methodology the advertiser need to make a decent attempt to build up the brand in the commercial center. Family marking or umbrella marking In this methodology another item is set under existing brand of the association. The significant favorable position of utilizing this methodology is to utilize the picture of the association and grow the item quickly in the commercial center and increase piece of the overall industry. Item marking At some point providers produce items for different organizations and furthermore place another companys brand name onto their item this is item marking. Co-marking In this marking approach two distinctive companys brand name are utilized on same item. No brand or conventional marking At some point providers produce their item with no brand name, for the most part for essential ware items. Marking permitting In this marking approach one organization permits others to create and gracefully items helping the brand name through an authoritative course of action. Points of interest of Branding Through a brand name buyer can without much of a stretch perceive the item and furthermore have a thought what will be the item. As: in the radio notice customer will hear the sound and perceive the item. Customers who habitually buy result of a specific brand become brand faithful which is a definitive objective of advertiser. At some point clients need to buy marked item, brand names make it simpler for the clients to recognize the fitting the real item. Brand name likewise help in situating the item to the market, and addition a piece of the pie, at some point it additionally assists with increasing upper hand for the item. Firms that effectively build up a brand in the commercial center it additionally help them for propelling another item to the market by proclaiming it as a family brand. At some point firm can likewise utilize its corporate picture in showcasing an item. Brand Positioning As per Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, 2005, Marketers need to situate their brands obviously in target clients minds. They can situate marks any of three levels. At the least level they can situate the brand on item attributes㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦. Characteristics are the least alluring level for brand situating. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦.. a brand can be better situated by partner its name with an alluring advantage. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦.. the most grounded brands go past property or advantage situating. They are situated on solid convictions and qualities. Brand Equity As indicated by Kotler and Armstrong, 2005, Brand value is the positive differential impact that realizing the brand name has on client reaction to the item or administration. For deciding the brand value organization needs to discover the brand valuation of the association that implies how much clients are paying more for the brand. Brand advancement Strategies While an organization will consider brand improvement four kinds of circumstance can be emerge. The circumstances are appeared in the figure beneath: Item Category Existing New Line augmentation Brand augmentation Multibrands New brandsExisting Brand Name New Source: Kotler, Philip Armstrong, Gary, 2005, Principles of Marketing, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., eleventh release, New Delhi, India. Figure: Brand Development Strategies. Line Extension: According to Kotler and Armstrong, 2005, Line augmentation happen when an organization presents extra things in a given item classification under a similar brand name, for example, new flavors, structures, hues, fixings, or bundle sizes. Line augmentation can be use for existing brand names reached out to new structures, sizes, and kinds of a current item classification. Brand Extensions: According to Kotler and Armstrong, 2005, A brand expansion includes the utilization of an effective brand name to dispatch new or changed items in another classification. This technique might be utilized on existing brand names stretched out to new item classifications. Multibrands: According to Kotler and Armstrong, 2005, Companies regularly presents extra brands in the equivalent category㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦. Multibranding offers an approach to build up various highlights and bid to various purchasing thought processes. It likewise permits an organization to bolt up more affiliate rack space. This methodology might be utilized if there should be an occurrence of organization need to new brand name in the current item class. New Brands: According to Kotler and Armstrong, 2005, An organization may accept that the intensity of its current image name is melting away and new brand name is required. Or on the other hand an organization may make another brand name when it enters another item classification for which none of the companys current brand names is suitable. This technique might be utilized if there should arise an occurrence of organization need to new brand name in the new item classification. Seeing RETAIL BRANDING According to our above conversation obviously brand is the most important impalpable resource for the association and furthermore the matter of most need of the top administration. As brand is profoundly serious in nature and for its points of interest it turns out to be a lot of significant towards the retail business for pulling in and affecting the clients choice and manufacture steadfastness. In this paper I attempted to coordinate marking with retail business and furthermore attempt to discover the technique for dealing with a retail brand. RETAILERS AS BRANDS In spite of the fact that numerous significant standards go with the retailer brand however they are distinctive structure item marks and genuine use of standards might be changed. Retailers brand is a lot of touchy and it expands on the rich client encounters, their effect and value. Retailers may likewise make their image pictures on numerous ways such, conveying quality help, uniqueness on affiliation, evaluating, credit strategy, item variety, marketing and so on. The picture of retailers brand relies upon the pictures and value of producer on the grounds that these assistance to pick up client intrigue, support, unwaveringness of the clients. Maker brands work nearly as fixing brands that yield huge purchaser pull, frequently more than the retailer brand does. THE DIMENSIONS OF RETAILER IMAGE Retail picture relies upon: get to in-store climate value advancement cross-class item/administration combination Inside class brand/thing combination. Access For client, advantageous area is a fundamental measure in their store decision choices. Starting with gravity models (e.g., Huff 1964) store decision and the improvement of retail site area pulled in a great deal of research consideration in the eighties (e.g., Achabal, Gorr, and Mahajan 1982; Ghosh and Craig 1983; Donthu and Rust 1989). Store Atmosphere Mehrabian and Russell (1974) note that the reaction that air inspires from buyers fluctuates along three fundamental components of agreeableness, excitement, and strength. This reaction, thusly, impacts conduct, with more prominent probability of procurement in progressively wonderful settings and in settings of middle of the road excitement level. Various components of a retailers in-store condition, e.g., shading, music, and swarming, can impact purchasers view of a stores air,
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Organic Mental Disorder Causes and Treatment
Organic Mental Disorder Causes and Treatment Theories Biological Psychology Print Organic Mental Disorder Causes and Treatment By Ann Logsdon Ann Logsdon is a school psychologist specializing in helping parents and teachers support students with a range of educational and developmental disabilities. Learn about our editorial policy Ann Logsdon Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 05, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 03, 2020 Carsten Koall/Getty Images More in Theories Biological Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Psychosocial Psychology An organic mental disorder is a dysfunction of the brain that may be permanent or temporary. It describes reduced brain function due to illnesses that are not psychiatric in nature. Sometimes the term organic mental disorder is used interchangeably with the terms organic brain syndrome (OBS), chronic organic brain syndrome, or neurocognitive disorderâ€"this latter term is the one used more commonly now. Causes Organic mental disorders are disturbances that may be caused by injury or disease affecting brain tissues as well as by chemical or hormonal abnormalities. Exposure to toxic materials, neurological impairment, or abnormal changes associated with aging can also cause these disorders. Alcohol or metabolic disorders, such as liver, kidney or thyroid disease or vitamin deficiencies, may be factors, too. Concussions, blood clots, or bleeding in or around the brain from trauma may lead to organic brain syndrome. Low oxygen in the blood, high amounts of carbon dioxide in the body, strokes, brain infections, and heart infections can lead to an organic mental disorder as well. Degenerative disorders like Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease, Huntington disease, and multiple sclerosis may also be contributing factors. How Alcohol Damages the Brain Symptoms A person with an organic mental disorder may have difficulty concentrating for a long period of time. Others may get confused while performing tasks that seem routine to others. Managing relationships and collaborating and communicating with colleagues, friends, or family may also prove difficult. Overall, the severity of the symptoms and the type of symptoms a person has vary on the cause of their disorder. Primary Symptoms ConfusionAgitationIrritabilityA change in behavior, impaired brain function, cognitive ability, or memory If you or your loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms, its important to seek medical care as soon as possible. A serious medical problem may have caused these symptoms to surface, and early intervention may be key. Diagnosis and Treatment Blood tests, spinal taps, or an electroencephalogram may be administered to diagnose organic brain syndrome or an organic mental disorder. Imaging of the brain, like a CT scan or MRI, is also useful, depending on a doctors suspicion. Treatments for organic mental disorders vary on what the underlying cause is. Medication may be prescribed or rehabilitation therapy may help patients recover function in the parts of the brain affected by the organic mental disorder. Find Treatment With an Online Therapy Program Complications While some organic mental disorders may only be temporary, others often get worse with time. Disorders that dont respond to treatment may lead the patient to lose the ability to function independently or to interact with others. In short, the chance of recovery or the outlook of a persons disorder depends on a number of factors, mostly what the cause is behind their impaired brain function. While the diagnosis of an organic mental disorder (or neurocognitive disorder, as it is now referred to) can be frightening, you are not alone, and there are ample resources available to help you or your loved one.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Susan B. Anthony s Contributions - 1233 Words
Susan B. Anthony is an influential figure in American History for a multitude of reasons. Her primary contributions were made through her ability to voice her opinion over the unequal rights for women and blacks. The thing that makes Susan B. Anthony stand out the most is her power to get women the equal rights they deserve. Through the years of 1892â€â€1900, she fought for the abolition of slavery and women’s rights. Her life spanned 86 years from birth on February 15, 1820 to death on March 13, 1906 caused by heart failure. Anthony’s contributions will be felt forever in American society because she gave women equal rights as men and assisted in the abolition of slavery. Susan B. Anthony was born February 15, 1820 to a Quaker†¦show more content†¦At the age of twenty-nine, Anthony started to go to conventions and temperance movements and that is what got her involved in reform movements. Anthony at the same age became the secretary for the Daughters of Te mperance. By being secretary, it helped her public speaking and it gave her the opportunity to speak about alcohol abuse. This was a big step in Anthony’s life because of her fear of public speaking. In the years following the Civil War, Anthony began to be an important role in anti-slavery movements and temperance movements. Anthony was very active in both of these movements. ( In 1851, Anthony was introduced to Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Amelia Bloomer. This friendship benefited women in so many ways. Together, Elizabeth and Anthony organized the first women’s state temperance society. ( In 1853, Anthony went to her first women’s rights convention and started to devote more of her time to increasing women’s rights. Stanton and Anthony traveled throughout the United States giving speeches and trying to get equal rights and treatments for women. In the years 1853-1860, Anthony campaigned in New York for the Married Women’s Property Bill, which gave women that were married the right to own property, keep their wages, and have custody rights of their children, which eventually became a law during this time frame.Show MoreRelatedThe First Wave Of Women950 Words  | 4 Pagesthroughout history whom have influenced and helped spread change for feminism. The first wave feminists (from the 1800’s to the early 20th century) started numerous organizations to help and support women’s rights and also helped in part of passing legislations that further aid the rights granted to women. Some of the most important first wave feminists include Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul. 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Anthony once said, â€Å"I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.†Leader, dreamer, and believer are three words that could easily be connected with Anthony. She consistently pursued and believed that her dream of equality would someday come true, and led others away from a conflicting and unjust society. Most people know Susan B. Anthony as a teacher or writer, but she has done so much more thanRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement Essay987 Words  | 4 Pagesfellow activist, Susan B. Anthony, launched the National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869. This group was created to raise awareness to women who desire to vote . In addition, the two activists felt that they could be a role model for woman around the world by taking action. Over the years, an uprising of woman’s protesting emerges as a national attention. In addition, women wanted access to higher wages, social equality, and domestic liberty, however, the pioneers Stanton, Anthony, Willard, andRead MoreThe Women s Suffrage Era1209 Words  | 5 Pagessettled now is: Are Women Persons?†Susan Brownell Anthony inquired in a speech she divulged during the 1800s after she was arrested and fined for voting the year before (women s rights to the suffrage pg. 2). During the 1900s, and many years before that, women became vile to the fact of feeling suppressed. Two particular women became repulsive to the fact that women voting was a taboo subject. Because of the impact, these women had on the society, The women s suffrage movement took place. EventuallyRead MoreInfluential Leaders Of Women s Suffrage1660 Words  | 7 PagesSome of the more prominent leaders were; Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, Emmeline Pankhurst and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. 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In her time, women were not allowedRead MoreThe Struggle For Gain Suffrage884 Words  | 4 Pagesa century-long battle of rights. Unlike preconceived notions about the suffrage movements of the nineteenth century, not all women wanted to obtain suffrage and women s organizations weren t always focused on the right to vote itself, but rather were radical. Change and new leadership were needed to refocus and improve women s suffrage organizations in order to win against their enemy: the indifference of American women. The Suffrage Renaissance: A New Image for a New Century , 1896-1910, written
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact Of Contemporary Art On The Art And The Sense Of...
The history of contemporary art can often be confusing not only to the general public but also to professionals in the field. It is a very broad term that can be taken in many different forms. A significant theme that will need to be explored is firstly; what the contemporary actually is, and, narrowing it down to a single definition that relates directly to contemporary art. Further, what role a museum actually plays in the involvement of contemporary pieces is crucial. This essay will moreover assess what the difference between what the contemporary is, and what art is and will converse how the museums role acts as an optimistic catalyst for contemporary. This will lead to a contrast to this view, which will suggest the hindrance of a museum on the art and the sense of being ‘contemporary’. These approaches will assist in the quest to extrapolate what the contemporary is and how the context of an object may significantly impact on its contemporary value. Moreover, spe cific designers, artists and researchers can be utilised in order to argue how or how not a museum helps play a role on contemporary art. In discussing the role the museum and the viewer plays on contemporary art, it is important to first determine what underpins the contemporary. Although it has many different aspects associated with the term, when discussing contemporary art it can be a bit more complex, so breaking down what is contemporary, and what is art must first be scrutinised. ‘The contemporary’ asShow MoreRelatedFeminism And The Contemporary Art1637 Words  | 7 PagesThe contemporary art world is including and exposing more female artists who are promoting themselves creatively and pushing for equality through art. 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One reason for this could be that dancers are not being trainedRead MoreDadas Contribution to Contemporary Art1111 Words  | 5 PagesDada and its impact on Contemporary Art According to the Oxford Dictionary of art, Dada was â€Å"A movement in European art (with manifestations also in New York), c.1915–c.1922, characterized by a spirit of rebellious revolt against traditional values. It arose from a mood of cynicism engendered by the First World War, to which some artists reacted with, cynicism, sarcasm and nihilism.†Gathering in Hugo Balls’ Cabaret Voltaire for spontaneous readings, performances and exhibitionsRead MoreArt in the 21st Century 11512 Words  | 7 PagesArt in the First Decade is conceptual, philosophical and very conscious of its reception. Two prominent artists featured in the ‘ 21st Century: Art in the First Decade’ at the Gallery of Modern Art are Nathalie Djurberg and Ah Xian. 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After many emotional and disheartening displays of life in the internment camps came the reparations and apologies from the American Government. In the last gallery there was pictures and displays of the modern era Japanese arts and culture. While in the Japanese American National Museum, I was observing the historical artifacts and analyzing the readings and I felt this tense intangible atmospheric pressure throughout the museum. The museum definitely gave me whole new perspectiveRead MoreArt Movement After World War I1174 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to the Visual Art Encyclopedia, Surrealism sprang up in Paris and became rooted in the avant-garde art world. Surrealism was the fashionable art movement after World War I. Surrealism is and the last major art movement to be associated with the Ecole de Paris. The writer Andre Breton (1896-1966), nicknamed the Pope of Surrealism, was the movement s founder and chief theorist. He introduced and defined the new style in his initial 1924 manifesto (Manifeste du Surrealisme) and later inRead MoreShort Story : N The Screen And Koons 1460 Words  | 6 PagesFor Jeff Koons, his profession has thus far been based on his love for the pure joy of childhood. Coming from a lov ing family, art and design was been present in his life from the start. His parents careers effected how he views the world and what he has done with the opportunities they gave to him. After attending Maryland Institute of College of Art and School of the Art Institute in Chicago, Jeff Koons career rapidly picked up while working at the MoMA after graduation. His work ranges from oversizedRead MoreArt Is The Visual Manifestation And Application Of Human Creativity Essay1246 Words  | 5 PagesArt is the visual manifestation and application of human creativity, typically executed through painting or sculpture. Art is multifunctional, in that it has the ability to transcend the visual by evoking an emotional response in a non-verbal way. In art, artists are able to utilize their medium to connect their personal message to the audience in a non- traditional manner. Disarming the audience by presenting a new perspective on critical issues through the implementation of art and can h elp combatRead MoreThe Value Of Art And Art1726 Words  | 7 PagesThe ownership of art in 2017 is typically brought up in discussions regarding works of art with seven to eight-digit price tags, owned by individuals with a net worth that can be described using nine to ten digits. However, popular opinion would probably agree that the person who has the single greatest appreciation for art is the art historian. Popular opinion would also be quick to agree that the art historian does not value a work of art in accordance with the market’s appraisal of a given piece
The Many Beneficial Effects of Adopting a Pet Free Essays
The Many Beneficial Effects of Adopting a Pet Adopting a pet is advantageous to both the pet owner and the pet. When considering the pros and cons of welcoming a furry friend into the family, many are unaware of the fringe benefits that are gained from having a pet. These benefits are not Just one sided either – both the pet and the owner gain by the association. We will write a custom essay sample on The Many Beneficial Effects of Adopting a Pet or any similar topic only for you Order Now Besides having an affectionate pal, pet owners experience healthful side effects as a result of their relationship. For adopted animals, the most significant endorsement is much more basic and often overlooked: life. Still, many people are hesitant to take n the responsibility of a pet for various different reasons. We recently decided to make room in our household for a new resident. Having weathered the death of our 14 year old terrier Hercules, we wanted adopt another pet. Prior to arriving at that decision, we did some research to determine what type of animal would best fit into our home, which includes two cats. Of the many choices available to us, we finally settled on adopting another cat from a shelter. Here are my top compelling reasons to own a cat from a local humane organization. It comes as no surprise that each year millions of animals enter shelters and a igh percentage are put to sleep due to overpopulation (Salk, 2013). Pet adoptions from non-profit organizations, shelters or humane societies drastically reduce the necessity to euthanize these displaced animals and provide them with safe, loving homes. Adoption also creates an opportunity for new animals to receive help by freeing up space and resources. In addition to adoption, many humane organizations offer vaccinations, micro chips for tracking and spay or neuter services. There is a common misconception that animals in shelters are there because of behavioral or temperament issues. The reality is that most shelter animals are abandoned for reasons such as divorce, relocation, or financial constraints (Salk, 2013), making their situation all the more heart wrenching. Providing a healthy, loving environment is most certainly a wonderful gift to a homeless animal. And while the advantage to the animal is obvious, owners also receive unsought personal benefits. Pets are faithful friends that offer unconditional love and companionship. They keep secrets, aren’t Judgmental and simply bloom when shown attention. Cats in particular adore snuggling and appear to be the happiest when in the presence of heir owner. Historically, cats have been characterized as solitary creatures, given to â€Å"diva†personality traits and snooty dispositions. While this might accurately describe the temperament of a few, cats are most commonly known for being loving, playful and inquisitive. It’s not unusual for my cat to follow me around the house as I complete chores, watch TV with me or wait patiently outside the door for my re- emergence from the bathroom. As an only child, many times I found myself with the family cat as my only companion. Though it was sometimes quiet, I never felt alone. When I moved into my first apartment, a cat proved to be the best option for my situation. Cats are the pertect pet tor apartment dwellers due in part to their relatively small size. Unlike dogs, cats are quiet – no raucous barking or whining to annoy the neighbors. They require only small amounts of food for survival and do not need to engage in long sessions of strenuous play for exercise. This makes them a budget friendly, low maintenance pet option. Additionally, cats are independent creatures that typically sleep the majority of the day, making them self-sufficient and very easy o maintain. Unlike many pets, cats require little input from their owner. For entertainment, simply give a cat a ball of yarn and he or she will be quite content to pass the time rolling around on the floor playing. Other playthings, such as cat nip laced balls or feather toys not only provide amusement but have the added advantage of providing active cats with exercise. Window sills afford cats the enjoyable opportunity to engage in favorite pastimes such as observing the outside world or soaking up the sun while napping. The low upkeep required for a cat is particularly convenient for hose with busy schedules or limited space. Another time saver is the fact that cats need little training. This is especially helpful when it comes to the potty. While training some animals to use the bathroom can be a time intensive labor of love, cats are quite intelligent and require very little direction. Show a cat the location of the litter box and essentially you’re done. Cats are very persnickety about their hygiene and environment; therefore, if the litter box is scooped regularly, there are usually no potty accidents to address. Fastidious creatures, cats are incredibly lean animals and spend hours a day grooming themselves. This behavior is intuitive, much like their ability as hunters. Cats are great contributors to the household and earn their keep. Excellent hunters, cats can often be seen relentlessly chasing a fly or mosquito around the house. Spiders, mice, frogs and other small beasties, all fall prey to playful yet determined cats. Having a cat in residence growing up, we never had to purchase traps or other devices to maintain a vermin free household. While being a hunter is an important aspect of their personalities, cats also provide actual health benefits to heir owners. Studies have shown that pet owners receive quantifiable health benefits directly attributable to their pet. Pets are known to lower blood pressure (Sweat, 2013), reduce stress and even strengthen the immune system (Nazario, 2012). Cats are intuitive and sense the emotional state of their owners. It’s been my personal experience that when I’m ill, my cat will not leave my side until I’m better. Loyal companions in sickness and in health, cats can be counted on to provide quiet support, sympathy and affection to assist their caretakers in overcoming depression or other melancholy moods (Sweat, 2013). Did you know that having a special buddy around even helps to alleviate loneliness? With so many upsides, who wouldn’t want a pet? There are countless reasons to own a pet in general and a cat in particular. Cats are the ideal pet for any circumstance, whether living in a house or in the small confines of an apartment. Cats are low maintenance, clean, intelligent and make wonderful friends for all ages. As with any animal, there is no greater expression of love then to offer them a safe haven. To homeless animals, adoption means the difference between life and death. In return, you get a friend for life and improved health. My cats are more than pets – they are my family.  How to cite The Many Beneficial Effects of Adopting a Pet, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Nanotechnology in Human and Animal Health
Nanotechnology is a steadily growing technology that has effective use in the filed of manufacturing, engineering, medicine, treatment and therapy, and agriculture and food production. The technology manipulates matter in the subatomic level. Scientific researches revealed that nanoparticles behave differently that can be beneficial for the health of humans and animals.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Nanotechnology in Human and Animal Health specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Manipulating atoms in the nanoscale results to exciting outcomes which cannot be done in their natural state. Nano-medical tools and instruments facilitate study and observation of the functioning and metabolism of minute living cells such as proteins and hormones (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). Nano-instruments are able to measure the light emitted by molecules in cells, thus, enabling precise measurement of the path these molecules foll ow (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). Such knowledge can contribute to the development of new medical approaches in the treatment and prevention of diseases. The delivery systems are used in targeted treatment of diseased cells in humans, as well as in the monitoring, sensing, and imaging procedures (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). Nanoparticles that attach themselves to tumor cells can be heated to a particular temperature enough to destroy the cells (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). The technology has also allowed fine coating of implant materials in nanometer instead of micrometer that makes the implants last longer than the usual ten to fifteen years (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). Nanometer hydroxyapatite coating makes the implant similar to the hydroxyapatite found in the bone (which is 70 percent hydroxyapatite mineral and 30 percent organic fibers). This facilitates bonding and growth of tissues surrounding the implant, and can forego with the use of bone cement (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). Active impl ants have two subgroups, drug administration and neural prostheses. The first one delivers medicines at specific periods and varying amounts (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). The second group can repair a nerve, function as a nerve, or replace the senses (Shrivastava Dash, 2009). In relation to animal health, nanotechnology has provided a means to detect and attack the cause before totally infecting the animal. Quantum dots injected into the animal bloodstream can seek out defective cells and destroy them once light is shone to the body (Scott, 2005).Advertising Looking for research paper on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nano-devices implanted into animals can regularly sample saliva and detect presence of virus and other disease-causing organisms even before symptoms of the disease manifest (Scott, 2005). Smart delivery of drug allows targeted treatment of a diseased area, which can also be programmed, controlle d at a distance, and manipulated at intervals (spatially or periodically) (Scott, 2005). Smart delivery approach can also monitor other parameters such as pharmaceutical and nutrient intake, food supplements, etc. (Scott, 2005). Many particles in the nanoscale have unpredictable behaviors (Quick, 2009). Researches conducted by the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Connecticut showed that nanoparticles of silver (used to counter germ proliferation) could eliminate the capacity of the immune system to fight pathogens (Quick, 2009). Nanoparticles of Titanium dioxide, which are common ingredients in cosmetics for their sunblocking effect, have been found by University of California, Los Angeles in mice experiment to have caused damage in the genes (Quick, 2009). The body cannot remove these particles which can accumulate in the cells and organs in the body. Nanoparticles are very small and can be released into the environment uncontrollably. In depth resea rch should be conducted on the elements and their potential effect and harm to humans and animals. Without proactive study and regulation, living organisms may be unnecessarily exposed to unexpected danger. References Quick, D. (2009, December 14). The downside of nanotech: do tiny particles spell big trouble? Retrieved from Scott, N.R. (2005). Nanotechnology and animal health. Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 24(1), 425-432. Web. Shrivastava, S. Dash, D. (2009). Applying nanotechnology to human health: revolution in biomedical sciences. Journal of Nanotechnology, 2009. Article ID 184702, doi:10.1155/2009/184702. Retrieved from We will write a custom research paper sample on Nanotechnology in Human and Animal Health specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This research paper on Nanotechnology in Human and Animal Health was written and submitted by user Lana Hernandez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Comparative Writing Task essays
Comparative Writing Task essays We have studied two texts, throughout this year, written by John Marsden and Anthony Hill. The two texts are Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden and Soldier Boy by Anthony Hill. In this task I will be comparing these two texts. Uniquely, the two texts both deal with war and are also Australian. In Tomorrow When The War Began Australians are invaded, on Australian soil. Soldier Boy is mainly about the trip to Gallipoli and Gallipoli itself. In both texts, however, they show how terrible war is even though one is true and the other imaginative. The difference between how the texts deal with war in a different fashion is that in Tomorrow When The War Began, Australia itself is the victim and is being invaded, whereas in Soldier Boy the Australians are the invaders. Soldier Boy is based on World War One and Gallipoli, but Tomorrow When The War Began is imaginative. The characters in Tomorrow When The War Began are not soldiers but in fact teenagers but in Soldier Boy they are real soldiers which go through military training and are part of a regular army. For example, Jim Martin from Soldier Boy is part of the 21st battalion. The texts are different because one is a work of fiction and one is a work of non-fic tion. The two texts differ in purposes for various reasons. Soldier Boy was written about World War One and war tradition. Tomorrow When The War Began is set in a couple of years in the future. John Marsdens purpose is to entertain young adults and he writes for fun. Anthony Hill writes for a wide range of people, it is not to entertain but to inform us about Gallipoli life and what war was about. John Marsden creates suspense, while Anthony Hill wants to convey a message and stick to the facts. John Marsden writes to entertain, and his book is about how terrible war is and it is a good read. Soldier Boy is informative about war and it is not set out for entertainment values. ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Past Participles in Spanish
Past Participles in Spanish In both Spanish and English, past participles can come in handy. Not only can they be used as parts of verbs (and not just for speaking about the past), they can also be adjectives. Past Participles Behave Similarly in Spanish and English The past participles in the two languages have similar origins, so they are not only similar in function, but also vaguely similar in the way they are formed. In English, the past participle for regular verbs is formed by adding -ed to the end. In Spanish, the past participle for regular verbs is formed by adding -ado to the stem of -ar verbs or -ido to the stem of -er or -ir verbs. To use a few examples of words that are similar in both languages, the past participle of to select is selected, and the past participle of seleccionar is seleccionado. The past participle of to exert is exerted; the Spanish equivalents are ejercer and ejercido. And just as the past participle of to comprehend is comprehended, the past participle of comprender is comprendido. Unfortunately for the learner, both languages have a fair number of irregular past participles that dont always seem logical, and these need to be learned individually. (Examples of irregular English participles are broken, said and gone.) Among the common Spanish irregular participles are abierto (opened, from abrir, to open), dicho (said, from decir, to say), escrito (written, from escribir, to write), hecho (done or made, from hacer, to make or to do), puesto (put, from poner, to put) and visto (seen, from ver, to see). Following are some of the ways past participles are used: Using Past Participles To Form Perfect Tenses As a verb form, the most common use of the past participle in the two languages is to form what are known as the perfect tenses (they are called perfect because they refer to actions that have been or will be completed). In English, the perfect tenses are those formed by using a form of the auxiliary verb to have and following it with the past participle; in Spanish, theyre formed by using a conjugated form of haber (again, haber and this usage of to have come from similar origins) and following it with the past participle. (Note: If youre a beginner, the following examples may use some verb forms and tenses you havent learned yet. You dont need to learn them to understand the examples; what is important now is to learn how the past participle is used.) He ido. (I have gone.)Habr salido. (He will have left.)Habà a estado enferma. (She had been sick.)Habrà a trabajado. (I would have worked.) Using Past Participles To Form Adjectives As in English, many past participles can be used as adjectives. As adjectives, they agree with the nouns they describe in both number and gender; plurals have an s added, and in the feminine form the final o is changed to a. Because of differences in which participles can be used as adjectives, the Spanish participles cant always be translated directly to English as an adjective. Hay tres personas heridas. (There are three wounded people.)La oficina tiene dos puertas abiertas. (The office has two open doors.)Estamos cansados. (Were tired.)Comprà © la casa renovada. (I bought the renovated house.)Los viajeros llegados fueron al restaurante. (The passengers who had arrived went to the restaurant. The arriving passengers went to the restaurant.)La ventana est rota. (The window is broken.) Using Past Participles for Passive Sentences Just as the passive voice in English can be formed by following to be with a past participle, the same can be done in Spanish by using a form of ser followed by the past participle. This construction should not be overused, as it is much less common in Spanish than in English, and it is even less common in speech than in writing. As the examples below show, the passive voice is a way of showing that a noun was acted upon without directly saying who or what performed the action. In such sentences, the past participle functions like an adjective in that it agrees with the subject in both number and gender. Fue descubierto. (It was discovered.)Fueron descubiertos. (They were discovered.)El libro ser publicado. (The book will be published.)La cancià ³n ser grabada. (The song will be recorded.)Los nià ±os sern vistos. (The children will be seen.)Las nià ±as sern vistas. (The girls will be seen.)
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Trends in Labor in the United States Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Trends in Labor in the United States - Assignment Example Ltd., 2013). Another factor that contributes to the growth of outsourcing is the availability of cheaper labor offered by some countries, without sacrificing the quality of the products or services (Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2013). Aside from work expertise and cheap cost of labor that a company can gain from outsourcing, their resources can be focused on the more essential aspects of their business. Outsourcing presents several advantages and disadvantages for both corporations and the domestic economy. Some of the advantages of outsourcing are the swiftness and expertise of the outsourced labor, the concentration on the crucial business processes rather on the minor ones, the risk sharing between the outsourced vendor and the organization outsourcing and the reduction in the operational and recruitment costs (Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2013). Outsourcing has its drawbacks too. These include the risk of exposing the organization’s confidential information, lack of control with schedules and delivery times, possible hidden costs and a lack of concern for the customers’ needs (Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2013). A significant effect of outsourcing on the US labor market is the rise in the unemployment rate among Americans. The technological and engineering jobs are mostly diverted to India and China which offers lower wage rates but matched with superior talent (Miah, 2007). The bottom line for most companies is that outsourcing gives better profits. Nationalism is put aside because the business decision makers consider their responsibility to their shareholders the priority (Miah, 2007). The result of this attitude is the American working middle class are up in arms against outsourcing (Miah, 2007). Another major effect of outsourcing on the US labor market is the weakening of the workers’ bargaining power. Since it is very easy for
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Ancient Chinese Contributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Ancient Chinese Contributions - Essay Example Gunpowder is considered as the most important invention of the ancient Chinese, according to the legend, the invention of gunpowder was an accident (McClellan, 2011, p.125). Those who were responsible for inventing gunpowder were actually trying to locate a method through which human beings could remain immortal and by accident, they produced gunpowder which has the ability to take human life easier. Gunpowder is an essential contribution of the ancient Chinese because it has helped human beings in defending themselves against loss of life and loss of property for several years. Gunpowder has been used by militia and defense forces of the western world to protect themselves at the time of war and to protect loss of property and life against enemy attacks. The use of gunpowder in the field of warfare started taking place during the 14th century. Ancienct Chinese have even gained heavy recognition for the creation of compass. If the compass would not have been invented then individuals would have suffered great difficulty in moving from one end to another. They would have faced difficulty in finding their local destinations and destinations they intended to reach. Chinese should be thanked for their invention of compass because without this invention people would not have been able to fly aircrafts and condcut adventorours activities such as hiking. The early compass devloped by the ancient Chinese was created to help the chinese population in finding the location to the southern regions as these regions were considered as significant areas for them (McClellan, 2011, p.126). The compasses that were manufactured during the 4th century were created with the useof lodestone. Today education is considered as one of the most essential parts of humanwellbeing and if it would not have been the contribution of paper made by the anci ent Chinese, human beings would have remained uneducated for a very long period of time. If paper would not have been created by the great ancient chinese, record keeping would have never existed as there is no humanbeing who can hold huge amount of data in their memories for a long period of time. Paper has assisted in managing reocrds and has helped humanbeings in managing important information. The modern day paper used by the entire world is an achievment that was created by Cai Lun, he was the inventor of paper and during A.D 105, he invented paper by mixing fibers obtained from wood and water (Ho, 2000, p.216). The fourth greatest invention made by the ancient chinese was the Chinese abacus which is a simple tool for conducting calculations that are mathematical in nature. The four main mathematical functions that are performed with the assistance of abacus includes: multiplication, divison, addition and subtraction. The abacus was an invention of Chentg Dawei and this inventi on was created during the era in which the Ming Dynasty was in power (Ho, 2000, p.85). Abacus proved to be very
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay --
Differences and Similarities in The Odyssey and Inferno When going through the stories The Odyssey by Homer and Inferno by Dante, you get the feeling of how diverse, yet similar the two stories are. When reading The Odyssey, you find Ulysses trying to get home to his love, Penelope. He has been gone for twenty years, and through those years, he has struggled with good and evil, just like Dante in Inferno. Ulysses finds himself time after time fighting off gods and their children. Dante, struggling with good and evil, works his way through the nine levels of hell. He is struggling to find where his faithfulness lies. He also is trying to find his way to his love, Beatrice. When reading The Odyssey and Inferno, we find many similarities and differences, from the main characters characteristics, to the experiences within religion during Dante and Homer’s times. Ulysses, in The Odyssey, is the hero who has been trying to get home to his love, Penelope, and also his beloved country. He has found himself at war with many different gods and people, including Neptune, who is not yet ...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
“My Life had stood †a Loaded Gun ††Feminist Analysis Essay
This poem was written by the American poet Emily Dickinson around the year 1863. It is probably one of the most complex of all Dickinson’s poems because it does not have a single coherent and satisfactory interpretation. This is due to the fact that it exemplifies her technique of the ‘omitted centre’, a device by which the author omits information that is crucial to the understanding of the poem. Nevertheless, the aim of the present paper is not to discuss the manifold possible interpretations of the poem. Its aim is rather to try to explain it or analyze it from a feminist point of view, highlighting how it gives an image of a woman different from the one people are used to, as well as how it inverts the gender roles but accepting them at the same time. The speaker starts by presenting herself as â€Å"a Loaded Gun†, that is as a mortal weapon capable of killing and destroying. This can be understood as the poet’s rejection of the traditional ideas and images about femininity, she is portraying herself as strong and potentially active in opposition to the common ideas of weakness and passivity associated with women. Later on, in the third stanza, she will compare herself to a volcano, turning the possibility of destruction – a contingent fact up until that point – into a reality. So now she is not only telling the reader that she can be active, dangerous, and destructive, but she is actually being it: the previous threat is now an event. This image of the volcano is even more important because it is a common one, used also by Emerson – one of her greatest influences – to refer to the poet. The difference is that whereas in Emerson’s essay The Poet it is a rather benignant image – this of the volcano – used to portray the poet as a power of nature; in Dickinson’s poem it is a burning and destructive force. With this change in the meaning or connotation of the metaphor, she may be telling us that creation, carried out by a woman, is at the same time an act of aggression. This idea is closely related to the reading many feminists have made of this poem, seeing it as an example of how power in a woman can be seen as a danger or even a threat. As for the gender roles one may argue that there is a contradiction in this poem. On the one hand she depicts herself as the active force in her relationship with her â€Å"Owner†and â€Å"Master†. She speaks â€Å"for Him†; she fights for him and defends him from Salceda 2 his foes. It is important to notice how in the fourth stanza she guards his head while he sleeps, thus preferring or putting her role as defender before her role as lover, i.e. her masculine role before of her feminine role. It is better to kill for him than to lay with him. In this poem she is the â€Å"knight in armor†while the male is, as to say, the â€Å"damsel in distress†. But on the other hand, the reader is told at the beginning that her â€Å"Life had stood – a Loaded Gun – / In Corners†until her â€Å"Owner passed†and â€Å"identified†her. That is, she had no identity of herself; she did not exist as an individual endowed with consciousness until he found her. It is also important to notice that the vocabulary used in the first stanza depicts her as an object. Therefore all her representations of herself as the leading figure in the poem, the strong one, the powerful one are, in some way, undermined by the fact that, at the beginning, she is just an object endowed with subjectivity by a real and pre-existent subject – the male character – who then becomes an object himself. The idea that her subjectivity is only one borrowed from him can be clearly seen in that, throughout the poem, her only goal is to defend him, to protect him form his foes who are at the same time hers. Nonetheless, this dependence on a male subject is, if not denied, at least overcome in the last stanza where the speaker presents herself as immortal. Thus, if she will live long before he has died, her existence must be independent of his. If the last part of my analysis seems confusing and even contradictory, it is because the poem itself, as it has already been said at the beginning, is confusing and even contradictory. To sum up I would like to say that, from my point of view, the important point about this poem is how Dickinson’s attempt to break up with the traditional ideas of womanhood and gender roles, since it is based upon the traditional opposition between femininity/masculinity, passivity/activity, object/subject, proves itself in some way â€Å"futile†. One may notice that she is not defending femininity, or trying to posit it higher or at the same level than masculinity, but what she is doing is taking a male position. This may explain why she takes her identity from a man. She is opposing the fact that being a woman entails being passive and defenseless, but at the same time she is saying that her aggressive character appeared only after a man identified her. So, she is not pulling down the differences or the hierarchy existing between male and female, but interchanging the roles. Nevertheless, one should not think that Dickinson’s poem is a failure – from a feminist point of view –, but on the contrary it is a success, since she manages to highlight the difficulty, or even impossibility, of writing at the same time Salceda 3 from and against a preestablished language and a system of thought, which are the very bases of the discrimination of women.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Compare/Contrast Essay Brother Dear and The Charmer
Compare/Contrast Essay The Canadian short stories â€Å"Brother Dear†by Bernice Friesen and â€Å"The Charmer†written by Budge Wilson focus on the struggles and common conflicts between parents and their children during adolescence. Both stories are told in the younger sister’s point of view and show how everyone matures and gains independence throughout and at the end of the story. Friesen and Wilson’s short stories over all focus mainly on the theme of dysfunctional families; which can be represented through the characters, symbolism, and conflict in the stories. Both parts of the family: the parents and the children, play a part in what is considered a ‘dysfunctional family’. In the story â€Å"Brother Dear†the son Greg is expected to stay and†¦show more content†¦Considering how lenient the father was with Zack and allowing him to get away with so much and forgiving him all the time, even if he had expectations for Zack that he didn’t go through with, he probably would’ve used his charm to get out of the situation. The short stories â€Å"Brother Dear†and â€Å"The Charmer†contain symbolism that represents the theme of dysfunctional families. In â€Å"Brother Dear†, when Greg returns home he has garbage bags of laundry with him. The garbage bags could symbolize the fact that Greg has returned home to tell his parents that he didn’t make it to the final exam and he isn’t continuing his schooling, which could be referred to as his garbage that he is dumping off or emptying at his house. In â€Å"The Charmer†Zack’s mother calls him a â€Å"real devil†(Viewpoints 103). â€Å"Devils are considered fallen angels, and can often fool you for a very long time†(Viewpoints 103). So Zack is considered a devil because of how he wrongfully fools his family all of the time to get what he wants, and because he has addictions to gambl ing and drinking. When Greg in â€Å"Brother Dear†is caught flaring his nostrils when Sharlene asks him if he has a girlfriend, Sharlene stays that he is â€Å"hiding something†(Viewpoints 28) when he flares his nostrils. This could symbolize the fact that not only is he hiding something about his relationship status, but he is hiding the truth about how he didn’t make it
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