Thursday, October 31, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 41
Case Study Example They were also caught with the ethics issue when oil leaked into the ocean twice. They knew that the pipes needed to be repaired yet took no action. BP however, never learned from their mistakes. Other similar instances of an oil spill were repeated. The company also engaged in buying excessive propane and then re-selling it at a higher price a case that portrayed BP as an unethical business. BP also showed recklessness to the environment when cases of oil leak repeated over and over again killing plants and animals. BP did not also care about the welfare of their stakeholders when they engaged in some of these instances. A penalty was demanded from them every time they were caught in the wrong. Part of the money they were using to pay the penalties belonged to the shareholders. Thus, they were not mindful of the shareholders welfare. Product differentiation is crucial in an industry such as the oil industry. BP failed because they were unable to produce a high-quality product. Their product would emit a smell when used as paraffin. The effect of this was that the product was not able to tap into the market competitively as should have. The British parliament chipped in and supported the product and recommended it for their local market, a move that reinforced the product market, not because of quality but because it had been given preference. The strengths that the company had was that they were able to get support from the British government led by Churchill. Churchill desire to promote their group saw him chip into the company thus boosting its finances. Other people were also able to chip in and, therefore, funds ceased to be a hindrance. The company also had an advantage in that Churchill encouraged the use of the product locally, even though it was not the best quality. Thus, creating a market for its product. The company was also lucky to have areas it could still drill more oil
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
E-Business and Intellectual Property Essay Example for Free
E-Business and Intellectual Property Essay In today’s internet based society, deciding to start your own business requires much more than identifying a product you wish to produce or sell. Even when you have selected physical location to setup as your business, your job is not done. For a company to be successful it must be able to reach as many potential customers as possible. The internet is the perfect resource to promote your company and the products you wish to sell. Selecting a name for your business may not always be as easy as it seems. Trademarks and Trade Names play a big part in making your company and its product know to endless number of potential customers. LEGAL ISSUE Logos and trade names are methods of intellectual property used for actual physical businesses, and their use in the computer-generated e-business realm is normally administered by the similar principles and regulations as their use in modern industry (Burke 2002). If your products available to the public at an international level which is often the case when you market thru the internet, there is possibility that by marketing merchandise or proposing your amenities to patrons outside of your home nation your brands might encroach upon brands and service marks used by a homegrown rival in overseas countries. You could discover yourself confronting a litigation in an overseas dominion. If you need to thwart your challengers from using a alike realm name to that of your online company, choose one that is not a typical or graphic word for your merchandises or industry. MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE Record all obtainable similarities of that primary realm designation in order to thwart others from cataloging alike domain names, particularly if you have chosen a general or graphic term for your domain name. Submit requests to catalogue your important logos in those nations from which you anticipate to lure fresh clients for your industry (Burke 2002). If you have previously registers your physical location trademark in the primary country you do business in, you may not be obligated to chronicle a domain name that is created on an previously listed logo or service mark. Reference Burke, M. C. (January 2002). Intellectual Property in the World of E-Business. Retrieved from
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Issues Related To Global Training And Development Management Essay
Issues Related To Global Training And Development Management Essay For a multinational company that wishes to successfully implement a set of training and development initiatives, it will be imperative to establish coordination and cohesion between subsidiaries and headquarters. In doing so to, this will ensure people are trained and developed to their full potential and maximum effectiveness in line with organisational strategies and objectives. This essay aims to highlight the various issues concerning global training and development, with particular attention to the United Kingdom (Headquarters), Peoples Republic of China and the United States of America (Subsidiaries). Having highlighted the issues, the essay will then use relevant framework, theories and case studies to establish whether or not it is feasible for a multinational to implement a common set of training and development initiates across its global subsidiaries. Issues Related to Global Training and Development There are of course many issues related to global training and development that need to be addressed, some of which include the design, development and implementation of such initiatives (Briscoe, 2009). These are important issues for the UK multinational to consider, as they will determine the acceptance and effectiveness of the training and development schemes. In order to maximise the probability of success, Briscoe, 2009 suggests that translating and adapting to the local cultural practices, as well as compliance with local laws affecting training will greatly improve the feasibility of implementing training and development initiatives across a global platform. In order to do this, it will be important to gain insight into the training and development practices within the PRC and the USA. Training and Development in the Peoples Republic of China Over the past two decades, the training and development of managers has become an increasingly important issue for the government to promote its economic objectives (Nyaw, 1995). Chinese managers are being trained in modern management techniques, as well as appropriate industrial or commercial skills, by the companies themselves as well as by universities, professional associations, and foreign consulting firms. Companies are working with the government to develop school criteria that will produce skilled workers (Drost et. al., 2002). In addition, many multinationals, such as ABB, Ericsson, Procter Gamble, Motorola, and Siemens, have established state-of-the-art, corporate-style, campus training centers (Minehan, 1996). The establishment of corporate training centers sends a strong message to employees and prospective recruits that these employers are investing in China for the long term. Training and Development in the United States of America The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) reported that most organizations train about 74% of their employees (Drost et al., 2002). Moreover, a recent review of training practices in U.S. firms (Salas et al., 1999), Zenger (1996) argued that training has become peripheral to organizations rather than integrated into organizations. Similarly, recent data from ASTD indicated that the size of many training departments is shrinking while the use of training sources outside the organization is increasing. As training moves outside of the organization, training consultants may develop programs that might not fit the organizations training needs (Salas et al., 1999). Implications for the UK Multinational Having gained insight and perspective into the current training and development practices of the two countries concerned, it is now important to assess the implications for the UK based multinational. With regard to China, it is encouraging to learn that the government is promoting training and development not only at a local level, but also among international organizations. This will greatly increase the UK multinationals probability for success when implementing these initiatives. Given that China has a different culture, customs and language, it will be vital that the training is not generic and coincides with the learning styles, education levels and local laws in order to achieve the desired outcome. The increase of training and development outsourcing in the US presents some problems for the UK multinational. As the training initiatives being implemented may be job-specific and highly technically orientated, the idea of relying on a third party to delivering the training could cause employees to perceive that it is neither valued nor effective, which drastically reduces the probability for success when implementing these initiatives. It will therefore be necessary for the UK multinational to address this issue with caution, by ensuring that the training is delivered by only the most appropriate and suitable partner. In light of these implications it is now necessary to determine whether a localized or standardized approach to training and development is more feasible. Localized Approach to Global Training Development After understanding how training and development features in the two subsidiaries, it becomes apparent that there are few similarities. Therefore a localized approach would seem much more appropriate rather than to just apply successful training programs from headquarters and assume they will work elsewhere. This neglects the need to tailor training to the subsidiary environment where learning styles, education levels and language barrier may affect the transfer of learning. By successfully recognizing the requirements of each subsidiary the training will become much more relevant and allow the receiving participants to apply what they learn in the training programs into their day-to-day activities. Hofstedes Framework for Assessing Culture By utilizing Hofstedes cultural dimensions (please refer to Figure 1.0 2.0) to contrast and compare the differences between the UK, China and America, it will become apparent that there are profound differences that need to be addressed otherwise the multinational risks reducing the acceptance and effectiveness of the training interventions. Chinas high Power Distance Index (PDI) indicates that subordinates are much more likely to accept and except that power is distributed unequally. In the realm of training and development this means individuals are influenced by formal authority figures and are in general optimistic about peoples capacity for leadership and initiative (Hofstede, 1991). This implies that in order for the training to be effective and engaging, the candidate(s) responsible for delivering the training should come from a higher authority and position in the company hierarchy. Failure to acknowledge this may result in the training exercises not being taken seriously. This differs greatly from the UK and USA where PDI is low, suggesting that subordinates from these two countries are less likely to discriminate a person based on their background. China is also a highly collectivist society, where people belong in groups that take care of them in exchange for loyalty (Hofstede, 1991), the UK by comparison is a very individually driven society much like the Americans. Where training and development is concerned, this may present problems for the UK multinational. For failure to recognize that people in China are generally more inclined to accept and embrace new training methods if taught in a group rather than individually will determine the successfulness of these new initiatives. Long-term Orientation (LTO) is the third and final dimension that highlights the significant differences between the two cultures. This dimension has much to do with the teaching of Confucius (à ¥Ã‚ †à ¥Ã‚  ), a deep rooted philosophy in Chinese tradition. The high score for China suggests that the people look at the bigger picture, whereas their western colleagues (from US and UK) focus more on the short-term gains. With regard to training and development, the UK multinational must ensure that the initiatives resonate with the Chinese people. It will be important to show how learning new skills and expertise will benefit them in the long term and enable them to develop skills that might help them in their future role within the company. Standardized Approach to Global Training Development While there are many reasons to localize training, Briscoe, 2009 outlines that MNEs also must integrate their training and development activities, not only to achieve economies of scale and scope, but to ensure that the same training and development is available for all of their worldwide employees. The Aditya Birla Group is a US$28 billion corporation. It employs 100,000 people belonging to 25 nationalities and over 50% of its revenues were attributed to its overseas operations in countries like the US, the UK, China, Germany, Hungary and Brazil. By instituting its own Gyanodaya learning centre, this helped facilitate the transfer of best practices across the group companies. The training methodology compromised of classroom teaching and e-learning initiatives and the training was accessible to the group employees through the group-wide intranet. The once very expensive development of computer-based training is being democratized and put to the fingertips of everyone through e-learning tools (Briscoe, 2009). This format for delivery would seem the most appropriate approach for the UK headquarters to implement its objectives across to the American subsidiary as these two countries share a similarities in language, culture and respective laws regarding training and development. Although this approach is simple, efficient and a cost effective means of delivering training across global platforms, there may still be implementation and cultural acceptance issues where China is concerned. Black, Mendenhall Oddous Framework for Selection Appropriate Training Methods A great example of how a multinational should go about implementing its training and development schemes is highlighted in Mendenhalls framework for selecting appropriate training methods (Please refer to Figiure 3.0 4.0). Taking the form of a questionnaire, this framework identifies and distinguishes different cultures through the degree of novelty the candidate (delivering the training) will be exposed to. The higher the degree of novelty, the more rigorous the training is. For example, if the UK based multinational had plans to send two candidates abroad (to implement the training) one to China, and the other to America. The candidate sent to China would surely need to undergo a more thorough training regimen than the colleague who is being sent to America. Tesco Plc. Tim Mason (CEO of Fresh and Easy) and Ken Towle (CEO of Tesco China) are the two highly paid, very experienced and well respected managers. Although they both cut their teeth climbing up the corporate ladder in the UK, when it came to implementing business strategy abroad, neither of their strategies came to fruition. For the purpose of this essay these two candidates will illustrate how Tesco Plc. have seriously underestimated the importance that training and development plays in the global context of business, and possibly suggest alternative approaches for future companies to consider when implementing such initiatives. Tim Mason relocated to the U.S. with his family as part of the assignment of building the U.S. presence. He led the team researching the U.S. market prior to the company opening its first American store. Despite initial plans to implement a similar business model to that of Tesco UK stores, in 2010 Tesco reported a trading loss of  £142m from Fresh Easy (This is Money, 2009). As of yet Fresh and Easy are still to break even, which can be attributed to high overheads that Tesco claim is necessary in order to successfully compete in the market. However, experts say that a misunderstanding of the American consumer was the real reason why the company had had to close stores all over the country and rethink its implementation strategy. Across the North Pacific Ocean, Ken Towel has been having his go at cracking one of the most lucrative markets in the world. Granted that China presents many opportunities, there are also many cultural, political and legislative nuances that have to be appropriately and effectively dealt with in order for them to reap the riches in this wild and wonderful country. Ken Towles approach to capturing market share, highlighted his naivety of the Chinese consumer, granted that he has now amended his short coming, this has still came at a high price to Tesco. Highlighted in this real life example, is the message that in order to succeed abroad, especially in countries where the degree of novelty and interaction is high; companies must tailor their training programs to be relevant and much more interactive rather than simply educational and informative. By enhancing the level of involvement i.e. through role playing exercises and visits, the candidate will feel confident and able, and hopefully develop global leadership skills that can be applied to future assignments and projects. This will enable career progression and enhance the talent pool, which will most certainly be a key attribute for any company wishing to succeed in an international business environment. Conclusion Recommendations Throughout, it has been stressed that relying on a common set of polices is limiting, and disregards many issues relating to the global training and development. In order to be able to successfully implement a set of initiatives globally, the multinational needs to take in to account the differences that are present between headquarters and respective subsidiary, whether they are language, culture, law or legislation. By recognizing these differences the company will develop a set of culturally sound and universally accepted HR practices, which will improve their chances of success. To conclude, America and the UK are in many ways similar. It would therefore be feasible to implement a common set of management training and development policies across these two platforms. However, when China is added to the equation this complicates matters slightly. Even though this country is becoming better understood and more economically developed, there is still a large difference between the East and the West. Where training and development is concerned, multinationals must adhere to the local way of life and understand the people and their environment in order develop a truly effective strategy. These Chinese have a saying that puts emphasis on many of the arguments made in this essay. à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ©Ã… ¡Ã‚ à ¤Ã‚ ¿- (rà ¹ xiÄ ng suà sà º) When entering a village, follow the customs Personal Reflection Upon receiving this assignment it quickly became apparent that there was no yes or no answer to the question. After consulting with my other group members, we developed various arguments and ideas related to global training and development. For our presentation we decided to feature topics related to expatriation, carrier progression and gender equality to highlight the issues reading the posed question. After researching more around the subject area, I later found these to become less relevant and decided to take a different approach. For my essay I decided to focus more directly at addressing the issue Can a multinational have a common set of policies? Having debated what direction to take, I decided to explore the question by looking at the different approaches (Localization vs. Standardization) to training and development. I felt that this was more relevant due to the fact that it directly addresses the question and explores important themes related to the subject area. I attempted to put myself in the shoes of a business leader, and with the help of academic literature was able to arrive at a solid conclusion. Having not known much about training and development beforehand, I feel now that I have a good understanding of the problems that face multinational when trying to implement these initiatives abroad. Working in a group allowed me the chance to develop arguments, and contest ideas with my team members. We all worked well together and benefitted from one anothers input, which helped in our understanding of the subject and the question.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Visual Effects Created By E.E. Cummings In His Poetry Essay -- Cumming
Visual Effects Created By E.E. Cummings In His Poetry Edward Estlin Cummings, commonly referred to as E. E. Cummings, was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was a source of vast knowledge and was responsible for many creative works other than his poetry, such as novels, plays, and paintings. He published his first book of poetry Tulips and Chimneys in 1923. Many of his poems are known for the visual effects they create through his unusual placement of words on the page, as well as, his lack of punctuation and capitalization. The manner in which Cummings arranges the words of his poems creates an image in the reader's mind of the topic he is discussing, such as a season or climbing stairs. His visual style also brings emotions, such as loneliness or cheerfulness, to the reader's mind. Due to this creativity, Cummings won many awards, such as the National Book Award and the Bollingen Prize in poetry (Marks 17). In his poem "l(a", the words are arranged in such a way that they are falling down the page. He only puts several letters of each word on a line and then continues to spell the word down the page. The main focus of the poem is about loneliness and the words almost appear to be "lonely." He uses parentheses around the phrase "a leaf falls," which appears in the middle of the poem. The remaining letters in the poem spell "loneliness." When these are placed together in the same poem, it creates an effect that there is a leaf falling from a tree to the ground where it will be lonely because it will be separated from the tree. Cummings emphasizes the image of being alone or aloof by using two versions of the word one. On the first line, he uses the letter "l," which also looks like the number "1." On ... ...number of visual effects in his poetry. He combined the lack of punctuation, capitalization, and creative spacing with his topics, such as the seasons, to convey his messages. Some readers find the visual effects in his poems disconcerting and feel that they are meaningless because of it. However, others find his visual effects helpful in gaining a deeper understanding of his poems and the messages he was trying to convey. Cummings' poems were definitely meant to be viewed rather than simply listened to so that the reader can benefit from the full effect of them. His poetry does not follow traditional rules and is very unpredictable. As a result, they leave more room for your imagination to soar. Works Cited: Cummings, E. E. Poems 1923 ‚ 1954. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1926. Marks, Barry A. E. E. Cummings. New York : Twayne Publishers, Inc, 1964.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Organizational Behavior in Criminal Justice Essay
Organizational behavior in a criminal justice agency is the way in which employees and their superiors interact amongst themselves and with one another both positively and negatively. Organizational behavior itself is the study of social conduct as it relates to the confines of a specific group. It is the study of how an individual or group interacts with one another and the dynamics of the personal relationships that evolve from that contact (Duan, Lam, Chen, & Zhong, 2010). The shifting paradigm trends describe by Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn (2008) can be used to delve further into the understanding of the organizational behavior that exists in most criminal justice agencies. The archetypical performance falls into one of seven categories; commitment to ethical behavior, importance of human capital, demise of command-and-control, emphasis on team work, pervasive influence of information technology, respect for new workforce expectations, and changing careers. From these trends b oth positive and negative characteristics of criminal justice agencies can be identified. â€Å"Commitment to ethical behavior: Highly publicized scandals involving unethical and illegal business practices prompt concerns for ethical behavior in the workplace; there is growing intolerance for breaches of public faith by organizations and those who run them†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, para. 14). In criminal justice agencies ethical violations often are handled with little fan fair. Any level of impropriety introduced in the prying public eye can have innumerous repercussions. The loss of public support and trust can be a huge problem, but it affects the internal structure too. Depending on how fairly and swiftly the situation is handled determines whether or not those in charge gain or lose respect. Judgments will be passed on how the situation was controlled, and how it should have been dealt with. In delicate matters like this behaviors of retaliation and accusations of bias are important to be kept at a minimum. â€Å"Importance of human capital: A dynamic and complex environment poses continuous challenges; sustained success is earned through knowledge, experience, and commitments of people as valuable human assets of organizations†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, para. 14). The workforce is the heart of a criminal justice agency. It should be the single most cherished asset. The appreciation of experience by an organization is vital. But more importantly the recognition, respect, and aspiration by new members and seasoned is a must. This necessity recognizes a clear chain of command and model of training. â€Å"Demise of command-and-control: Traditional hierarchical structures are proving incapable of handling new environmental pressures and demands; they are being replaced by flexible structures and participatory work settings that fully value human capital†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, para. 14). Shared responsibility and the extinction of the â€Å"because it has always been done that way†is a requirement in the modern criminal justice agency. It is being replaced by the attitude that the old way is not always the best way, and we all have a lot to learn from one another. While command still flows in one direction; ideas can come from anywhere. â€Å"Emphasis on teamwork: Organizations today are less vertical and more horizontal in focus; driven by complex environments and customer demands, work is increasingly team based with a focus on peer contributions†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, para. 14). In a criminal justice agency teamwork may have become common place, but improvements still need to be made in the area of information sharing. While no man is an island, neither is an agency. For the sake of public welfare resources need to be pooled. â€Å"Pervasive influence of information technology: As computers penetrate all aspects of the workplace, implications for workflows, work arrangements, and organizational systems and processes are far-reaching†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, para. 14). We are in the information technology age and the correct resources and know-how can be the deciding factor in the constant struggle b etween criminals and policing agencies. Increased educational and computer skills demands are needed to boost and maintain an advantage at any level of criminal justice agency. â€Å"Respect for new workforce expectations: The new generation of workers is less tolerant of hierarchy, more informal, and less concerned about status; organizations are paying more attention to helping members balance work responsibilities and personal affairs†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, para. 14). While a certain amount of attention should be paid to new workforce expectations it is important not to compromise the integrity of the job expectations. A balanced life should lead to a happy and relaxed employee who theoretically should also be more effective and efficient in an effort to maintain employment in the desired environment. Employer’s must remain fair but also realize their top priority in the criminal justice field is not to ensure employee happiness. An employee who can balance work and a private life on his own should be a valuable commodity. â€Å"Changing careers: The new realities of a global economy find employers using more â€Å"offshoring†and â€Å"outsourcing†of jobs; more individuals are now working as independent contractors rather than as traditional full-time employees†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, para. 14). In criminal justice agency this trend is no different. It is not uncommon for governments to hire private security firms and private corrections companies. However, by outsourcing such positions power is lost in the public sector. Monitoring a regulations create more work when dealing with outside policing forces. It also opens up a gray area for bad behavior and a hired gun mentality. While roles may be redefined privatization of criminal justice agencies can be more of a problem than a convenience. Study of workplace environments and the effects of the personnel’s behavior can only continue to bring about recognition of areas in need of improvement. Works Cited Duan, J., Lam, W., Chen, Z., & Zhong, J.A. (2010). Leadership justice, negative organizational behaviors, and the mediating effect of affective commitment. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 38(9), 1287-1296. Retrieved from Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J. G., & Osborn, R. N. (2008). Organizational Behavior. Available from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Importance of Correlation Analysis in Decision Making
National language. Language plays an important role in the process of fostering unity among the races. Thus, the government has made Malay as the national language of our country. National Language Act 1967 has been allocated the Malay language as the official language. Starting in 1970, the discussion between the leaders has gradually replaced English as the medium of instruction in schools.Governments also undertook a campaign to promote the use of Malay with the launch of â€Å"Gerakan Cintailah Bahasa Kebangsaan†. Unity is an essential element for a country to be more advanced. In order to improve the quality of a country in all aspect, the citizen playing the most important roles. For an example, Malaysia is independent with the unity of people of different races in 1957. This shows that a country will not be established without the true unity among the people.If one country has no unity where people is not trusting one another, the country will fall apart and lead to the the internal strife among the people. An dramatic example is the issue of the races riot happened on May 13,1969 in Malaysia. The internal conflict had caused 2000 people kill. This brings awareness to Malaysian that people without the true unity and the no trustworthy is capable to ruin a country. So we should turn our face to the sun and the shadows fall behind us.In order to avoid infighting among people, the spirit of unity should be planted in our souls. National language is important in every country as it is not only allow communication among the people but also increase the understanding of different ethnics among different races. National language plays an important role in the process of fostering unity among the races. This is because toleration and trustworthy among each other is needed to unite the people through understanding.
Desert ecosystems essays
Desert ecosystems essays Desert ecosystems are one of the most extreme and diverse ecosystems of them all. Everything from the harsh climate changes, the animal inhabitants, and their creation make them the most unique. Even though this ecosystem is very intimidating it is very week. In this report we will try to explain everything there is to know about this very different ecosystem. The single factor that distinguishes desert ecosystems from other biomes is the minimal amount of rainfall received annually (no more than 10 inches). Most deserts lie between the latitudes of 15Â ° and 35Â ° on each side of the earth's equator. These latitudes are in zones of high atmospheric pressure. These high pressure zones are created by the way the air moves over the earth. At the equator where temperatures are high, air becomes warm and rises. As the air rises, it cools and releases moisture over regions near the equator. In time, the air descends over areas that extend between 15Â ° and 35Â ° both north and south of the equator. As it descends, it becomes warm and dry. This warm air causes desert conditions. The Sahara and several other great deserts lie in this region. Regions separated from an ocean by mountains also tend to be dry. A moist wind blowing inland from an ocean loses its moisture as it rises over mountains and becomes cool. As the wind descends on the side of the mountains facing land, it becomes warm and dry. This warm air creates a rain shadow, or dry area. The North American deserts developed partly because of the rain-shadow effect. Cold ocean currents flowing next to a continent can cause deserts to form in areas along the coast. Deserts form because the cool winds that blow across the cold water and onto the land can carry little moisture. The Atacama Desert in South America is an example of such a desert. A change in climate can cause changes in the location and extent of deserts. During the last few thousand years, many de ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
prejudice ignites slavery essays
prejudice ignites slavery essays In the late 1600s, the term servant took on a new meaning in English Mainland North America. Servitude became involuntary, inheritable, and required of blacks. A servants term became life long. By the 1660s the term Negro and slave became synonymous, and as a result of newly established laws, enslaved Africans were subjected to harsher and more brutal control than any other laborers. The origin behind the initiation of slavery is a well-debated issue. Was it unique to America? Were blacks always designated to be slaves? Historians Oscar and Mary Handlin, Carl N. Degler, and Edmund S. Morgan debate the origin of slavery and racism towards Negroes. While Handlin and Morgan offer well put together thoughts, Degler argues a valid point with the most supporting evidence. Prejudice against men of color, whether free or un-free, preceded the legal establishment of slavery in the 1660s, and it was this framework of discrimination, (Degler pg. 52) that is referred to as the leading cause b ehind the enslavement of African Americans specifically. Negroes were treated as an inferior to the white man, servant or free, from the moment that they arrived in the New World, years before slavery became a legal institution. While at first Negroes were rarely called slaves, the fact that historical evidence points to the existence of such an institution should not be overlooked. Dating back to the colonial era, prejudice has been an American trait that has been expressed towards men of color, dark skin specifically. Degler uses Americans treatment of Indians in the early ages of the New World as proof. The fact that an inferior and onerous service was established for the Indian makes it plausible to suppose that a similar status would be reserved for the equally different and pagan Negro, Degler remarked (pg. 53). Just as Englishmen created an image of inadequacy for the Indians and, as a whole, were unwill...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Skills Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Skills Development - Essay Example Additionally, it is a task of knowing your personal weaknesses, coming up with plans of action on how you can improve them (Lumley and Wilkinson, 2014, p.1). Lumley and Wilkinson (2014, p.1) add that there are more graduates looking for jobs, therefore, a person needs to have distinct features in order to stand out of the crowd. Graduates need to provide distinctive evidence that they not only possess transferable skills, but also special kind of mindsets. Basically, a key factor for employment is a person’s mindset, which is characterized by varied attitudes that are often demonstrated through a range of activities. For example, the extracurricular activities that people engage in. Richard (2009, p.7) advises that, the development of accounting staff should not be neglected as this can be a long term detriment to a business. The fresh graduate’s portfolio needs to have a multiple knowledge base with a range of skills that are acquired through the university curriculum and then consolidated by practice. Indeed, a variety of technical skills assist professional accountants to satisfy their employers by conducting their work efficiently and effectively. Essentially, functional and technical skills involve a range of general skills and skills that are specifically tailored to the field of accountancy. The skills required include, risk analysis and decision making, numeracy skills, measurement skills, reporting skills, and compliance with regulatory and legislative necessities (Oussii and Klibi, 2013, p119). The accounting profession has faced a close scrutiny due to failure of high-profile corporates, globalization, and mutable technologies. As a result, more employers are in quest of a diverse range of attributes and skills as a requirement to offer employment (Kavanagh and Drennan, 2008, p. 280). K avanagh and Drennan (2008, p. 280) assert that,
Friday, October 18, 2019
List of countries for Obscure Country Project Research Paper - 1
List of countries for Obscure Country Project - Research Paper Example It has some great geographical sites spread all over the region which might prove to be of interest to the tourists. The Northern areas of Pakistan consist of mountains with snow which range over from 1000 to more than 8000 metres. There are a total 14 over 8000 metre peaks in the world and 4 of these peaks are located within Pakistan. These peaks are K-2, Broad Peak, Gasherbum and Nanga Parbat. Moreover the northern regions also have the widespread glaciers which are usually found in the Polar regions of the world (PTDC 2011; CIA 2011). The state of Pakistan is divided into five provinces namely Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and North West Frontier Province. The climate of Pakistan is not of concern to people as it is mostly hot in the regions of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. Because of the desert conditions in Sindh and Balochistan the temperature is dry and arid. On the other hand the northern region of north West Frontier Province is cold on the peaks. But here also it can be said that the climate is suitable for people visiting the country. Catastrophes which have to be feared in the region of Pakistan are related to the seismic plates. Earthquakes and floods are common in certain regions. A major flood hit Pakistan in the months of July and August in 2010. Other than that the country does not face from any other problem of catastrophes with the weather (CIA 2011; PTDC 2011). Points of Tourism Pakistan has different spots for tourism and these relate to different adventures. The mountainous areas pertain to these different spots. The Karakoram, Silk Route, and other glaciers are sights which are worth seeing because of their natural significance. The beauty of these regions can be witnessed in the natural resources found in these regions. Moreover the country has different parks, rivers, forests and plains which are worth seeing. All these sites have their own significance as they relate to something important in Pakistan. Birds of different species can be f ound in the forests and blind dolphins can be found in the Arabian Sea which are famous all over the world for their beauty. Ayubia National Park is one of the most famous parks in Pakistan and is worth a visit. The religions practiced in the region of Pakistan are also worth a visit by the ones who are interested in religious tourism. Forts can also be found in different cities of Pakistan which clearly shows the importance of historical tourism in Pakistan. Similarly the remains of old civilizations of Gandhara can also be found in this region (PTDC 2011). Goods, Services and Native Plants and Animals The goods and services in country relate to different methods. People belonging to lower class are seen to be working in industries and agriculture. Textile industries are the most useful for the country as they help the country to increase their exports. Moreover the agricultural industry is booming within the country as many of the people feed their family on it in Pakistan (CIA 20 11). Alpine, coniferous and subalpine trees are found in the northern regions of Pakistan. Shisham is a type of tree found in the Salt Ranges of Pakistan and scrub plants along with dwarf palm are found in the province of Balochistan. Thorn trees are found in the hotter regions of Pakistan as they can survive a higher temperature. Mangrove forests are also
Compare Public Management Reform in the UK with one other country of Essay
Compare Public Management Reform in the UK with one other country of your choice. What does the comparison tell you about the factors that shape public management in each country - Essay Example The objective is to understand deeper the specific circumstances confronted by each country in public sector management. The first, command and control, involves top-down management and asserts that government can take charge and â€Å"can be highly effective†(Barber 2007, p. 21). Two such examples of the â€Å"command and control†approach is the UK government’s National Literacy Strategy between 1997 and 2001 and the UK government’s reduction of health care waiting times between 2000 and 2005 (Barber 2007, p. 21). The â€Å"quasi-market†approach attempts to provide government services as how one may provide a service in the market wherein privatisation is an option (Barber 2007, p. 21-22). According to Barber (2007, p. 22), some of the good examples of the â€Å"quasi-market†market approach are as follows: (1) the Medicare program of the United States; (2) the UK policy of encouraging the use of independent providers for routine operations in the UK health care system; and (3) the use of private providers for public schools in Philadelphia. According to Barber (2007, p. 22), evidence on the quality of impact of the â€Å"quasi-market†approach is mixed but â€Å"success seems to depend on the precise design of the program†. In third approach, â€Å"devolution and transparency,†government devolves â€Å"responsibility to the frontline units delivering the service and then use transparency†or making public the results in a way that allows comparison s to drive performance higher (Barber 2007, p. 22). On the other hand, Briggs and Fisher (2006, p. 30) advanced that the three paradigms of public sector management are the traditional public administration approach, the new public management paradigm, and the public value management. In the traditional public management approach, public managers are assumed to have the task of ensuring that rules and appropriate procedures are followed and that the public sector has the monopoly of the service ethos
Radio Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Radio Advertising - Essay Example Modern mass media industry offers a great range of both local and national radio stations broadcasting music of different genres aimed at different ages, backgrounds and tastes. To add more, the majority of radio stations have duplications of their broadcasts on the Internet, so everyone can access the broadcasts regardless of geographical location. The range of the radio stations found for this essay is rather heterogeneous in genre. The Whale 99.1 FM is the radio station focusing on classic rock, as it is stated on the website and clearly understood from the repertoire. WBGO 88.3 FM, the Ney York radio station stating its format as Jazz offers a variety of jazz compositions and related programs. 1033 The EDGE Rock Radio focuses – obviously – on rock format including both old and new songs. Country 106.5 WYRK Radio has mainly country format; 95.5 PLJ New York radio station offers a mixture of genres and musicians in its broadcasts; Pulse 87 NY located at 96.7 FM describes itself as a dance radio station and broadcasts a wide range of pop and dance music including numerous remixes. WQHT Hot 97 radio station features mainly hip-hop and R’n’B compositions. WLTW 106.7 Lite FM and the majority of stations found on the Internet tend to state their format as mix or dance, which means that they feature a diverse variety of pop and dance mainstream songs without focusing on a single genre. Moreover, some of the mixed-format radio stations offer a description such as Top 40 radio stations, which, of course, means that the broadcasts consist of the songs holding leading positions in the charts at the current moment. Narrowing our advertising-related target group to college student, we will inevitable come to a conclusion that mix, pop and dance radio stations are the most efficient means for reaching college students. Such radio stations are usually top, as they don’t offer some peculiar music, instead broadcasting mainstream compositions, which are, first
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Introduction to business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Introduction to business - Essay Example This simply means that although one of the objectives of the organization is the generation of profits, organizations must include other relevant goals that would be beneficial to other stakeholders: the employees, customers, suppliers, investors, government agencies, and to the society, as a whole. These goals could include ensuring that the organization’s operations and production of products or services are consistent with the need to protect the environment and comply with quality standards imposed by government regulatory bodies. Likewise, it could also be indicative of ensuing â€Å"a satisfactory rate of return to investors, provide good salary, security and proper working condition to its employees, make available quality products at reasonable price to its consumers, maintain the environment properly†(Social Responsibilities of Business 38). By doing all these, in return these various stakeholders would patronize the organizations’ product or services a nd thereby ensure their continued
About Sallie martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
About Sallie martin - Essay Example She was absorbed in a nearby Hospital while pursuing her desires in gospel in her off hours. She had heard of Thomas A. Dorsey that had electrifying gospel then in Chicago church culture that saw her arranged an audition. However, Sallie’s down-home style initially was at odds with Thomas A Dorsey’s fledging movement but later in 1927 joined the Dorsey Trio despite her serious misgivings about her unrefined style characterized with groaning and whooping besides a great deal of physical movement besides being unable to read music (Young 1997). Martin made her debut with his team in Ebenezer Church and in 1933 produced her first solo that instantly connected her with fans. She opened a music store that accrued a lot of profits leading to an adversarial and respectful relationship with Dorsey as they each inter-depended. Following the saturation of Dorsey songs in Chicago, she traveled to Cleveland in 1933 where she organized a chorus setting similar teams in South and Midwest. Martin and Dorsey became the co-founders, and organizers of the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and choruses serving as the vice-president till her death. She went solo in 1940 and teamed up with Ruth Jones, a young pianist. Martin together with gospel composer Kenneth Morris teamed up in 1940 with financial backer Rev. Clarence H. Cobb forming Martin and Morris, Inc. publishing company, the biggest of kind in America and performed with Ruth and arranger Roberta Martin. Sallie formed the Sallie Martin Singers with Roberta Martin, Eugene Smith and Willie Webb, the first female group in gospel history. Martin traveled the Gospel concert circuit as a soloist in conjunction with her singer team that stayed up to mid-1950s. Martin contributed greatly taking the leading role in the French production of ‘Gospel Caravan in Paris in 1979. Her hits were â€Å"Just A Closer Walk with Thee†and â€Å"God Put A Rainbow in the Clouds†and â€Å"He’ll Wash You Whiter Than Snow.†She was an
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Radio Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Radio Advertising - Essay Example Modern mass media industry offers a great range of both local and national radio stations broadcasting music of different genres aimed at different ages, backgrounds and tastes. To add more, the majority of radio stations have duplications of their broadcasts on the Internet, so everyone can access the broadcasts regardless of geographical location. The range of the radio stations found for this essay is rather heterogeneous in genre. The Whale 99.1 FM is the radio station focusing on classic rock, as it is stated on the website and clearly understood from the repertoire. WBGO 88.3 FM, the Ney York radio station stating its format as Jazz offers a variety of jazz compositions and related programs. 1033 The EDGE Rock Radio focuses – obviously – on rock format including both old and new songs. Country 106.5 WYRK Radio has mainly country format; 95.5 PLJ New York radio station offers a mixture of genres and musicians in its broadcasts; Pulse 87 NY located at 96.7 FM describes itself as a dance radio station and broadcasts a wide range of pop and dance music including numerous remixes. WQHT Hot 97 radio station features mainly hip-hop and R’n’B compositions. WLTW 106.7 Lite FM and the majority of stations found on the Internet tend to state their format as mix or dance, which means that they feature a diverse variety of pop and dance mainstream songs without focusing on a single genre. Moreover, some of the mixed-format radio stations offer a description such as Top 40 radio stations, which, of course, means that the broadcasts consist of the songs holding leading positions in the charts at the current moment. Narrowing our advertising-related target group to college student, we will inevitable come to a conclusion that mix, pop and dance radio stations are the most efficient means for reaching college students. Such radio stations are usually top, as they don’t offer some peculiar music, instead broadcasting mainstream compositions, which are, first
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
About Sallie martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
About Sallie martin - Essay Example She was absorbed in a nearby Hospital while pursuing her desires in gospel in her off hours. She had heard of Thomas A. Dorsey that had electrifying gospel then in Chicago church culture that saw her arranged an audition. However, Sallie’s down-home style initially was at odds with Thomas A Dorsey’s fledging movement but later in 1927 joined the Dorsey Trio despite her serious misgivings about her unrefined style characterized with groaning and whooping besides a great deal of physical movement besides being unable to read music (Young 1997). Martin made her debut with his team in Ebenezer Church and in 1933 produced her first solo that instantly connected her with fans. She opened a music store that accrued a lot of profits leading to an adversarial and respectful relationship with Dorsey as they each inter-depended. Following the saturation of Dorsey songs in Chicago, she traveled to Cleveland in 1933 where she organized a chorus setting similar teams in South and Midwest. Martin and Dorsey became the co-founders, and organizers of the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and choruses serving as the vice-president till her death. She went solo in 1940 and teamed up with Ruth Jones, a young pianist. Martin together with gospel composer Kenneth Morris teamed up in 1940 with financial backer Rev. Clarence H. Cobb forming Martin and Morris, Inc. publishing company, the biggest of kind in America and performed with Ruth and arranger Roberta Martin. Sallie formed the Sallie Martin Singers with Roberta Martin, Eugene Smith and Willie Webb, the first female group in gospel history. Martin traveled the Gospel concert circuit as a soloist in conjunction with her singer team that stayed up to mid-1950s. Martin contributed greatly taking the leading role in the French production of ‘Gospel Caravan in Paris in 1979. Her hits were â€Å"Just A Closer Walk with Thee†and â€Å"God Put A Rainbow in the Clouds†and â€Å"He’ll Wash You Whiter Than Snow.†She was an
Problems of Unemployment in India Essay Example for Free
Problems of Unemployment in India Essay India as a nation is faced with massive problem of unemployment. Unemployment can be defined as a state of worklessness for a man fit and willing to work. It is a condition of involuntary and not voluntary idleness. Some features of unemployment have been identified as follows: 1.The incidence of unemployment is much higher in urban areas than in rural areas. 2.Unemployment rates for women are higher than those for men. 3.The incidence of unemployment among the educated is much higher than the overall unemployment. 4.There is greater unemployment in agricultural sector than in industrial and other major sectors. Economists and social thinkers have classified unemployment into various types. Generally unemployment can be classified in two types: (1) Voluntary unemployment In this type of unemployment a person is out of job of his own desire doesnt work on the prevalent or prescribed wages. Either he wants higher wages or doesnt want to work at all. It is in fact social problem leading to social disorganization. Social problems and forces such as a revolution, a social upheaval, a class struggle, a financial or economic crisis a war between nations, mental illness, political corruption mounting unemployment and crime etc. threaten the smooth working of society. Social values are often regarded as the sustaining forces of society. They contribute to the strength and stability of social order. But due to rapid social change new values come up and some of the old values decline. At the same time, people are not is a position to reject the old completely and accept the new altogether. Here, conflict between the old and the new is the inevitable result which leads to the social disorganization in imposed situation. In economic terminology this situation is voluntary unemployment. (2) In voluntary unemployment In this type of situation the person who is unemployed has no say in the matter. It means that a person is separated from remunerative work and devoid of wages although he is capable of earning his wages and is also anxious to earn them. Forms and types of unemployment according to Hock are. a.Cyclical unemployment This is the result of the trade cycle which is a part of the capitalist system. In such a system, there is greater unemployment and when there is depression a large number of people are rendered unemployed. Since such an economic crisis is the result of trade cycle, the unemployment is a part of it. b.Sudden unemployment When at the place where workers have been employed there is some change, a large number of persons are unemployed. It all happens in the industries, trades and business where people are employed for a job and suddenly when the job has ended they are asked to go. c.Unemployment caused by failure of Industries In many cases, a business a factory or an industry has to close down. There may be various factors responsible for it there may be dispute amongst the partners, the business may give huge loss or the business may not turn out to be useful and so on. d.Unemployment caused by deterioration in Industry and business In various industries, trades or business, sometimes, there is deterioration. This deterioration may be due to various factors. In efficiency of the employers, keen competitions less profit etc. are some of the factors responsible for deterioration in the industry and the business. e.Seasonal unemployment Certain industries and traders engage workers for a particular season. When the season has ended the workers are rendered unemployed. Sugar industry is an example of this type of seasonal unemployment. The problem of unemployment has becoming a colossal. Various problems have caused this problem. There are individual factors like age, vocational unfitness and physical disabilities which restrict the people. External factors include technological and economic factors. There is enormous increase in the population. Every year India adds to her population afresh. More than this every year about 5 million people become eligible for securing jobs. Business field is subject to ups and downs of trade cycle and globalization. Economic depression or sick industries are often close down compelling their employees to become unemployed. Technological advancement contributes to economic development .But unplanned and uncontrolled growth of technology is causing havoc on job opportunities. The computerization and automation has led to technological unemployment. Strikes and lockouts have become inseparable aspect of the industrial world today. Due to these industries often face economic loses and production comes down. Since workers do not get any salary or wages during the strike period they suffer from economic hardships. They become permanently or temporarily unemployed. Today young people are not ready to take jobs which are considered to be socially degrading or lowly. Our educational system has its own irreparable defects and its contribution to the unemployment is an open truth.Our education does not prepare the minds of young generation to become self-employed on the contrary it makes them dependent on government vacancies which are hard to come. Our State right from the beginning of Five year plans has introduced several employment generating schemes and programmes over the years but in the absence of proper implementation and monitoring have failed to achieve the required targets. Recently UPA Government has come up with Rural Employment Guarantee program which aims to provide minimum days of employment to people living in the villages. This is a laudable programme if implemented sincerely because it will provide employment to people during natural calamities like drought, floods etc. The remedial measures for reducing unemployment may lay greater emphasis on creation of opportunities for self -employment, augmentation of productivity and income levels of the working poor, shift in emphasis from creation of relief type of employment to the building up of durable productive assets in the rural areas and instead of attempting to revert somewhat to protectionist policies the pace of privatization may be accelerated.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Theories of Risk and Uncertainty
Theories of Risk and Uncertainty Outline the main social theories of risk and uncertainty using at least one example as illustration. One of the most lively areas of theoretical debate in social and cultural theory in recent times is that addressing the phenomenon of risk and the role it plays in contemporary social life and subjectivities. Three major theoretical perspectives on risk emerging since the early 1980s and gaining momentum in the 1990s may be distinguished. The first is offered by the work of Mary Douglas, who Began in the early 1980s setting forth an influential perspective on risk, one that adopts a cultural anthropological approach (Douglas and Wildavsky, 1982; Douglas, 1985, 1990, 1992). The German sociologist Ulrich Becks book ‘Risk society, published in English in 1992, has provided a major impetus to recent sociological examination of risk ( for some of his other writing on risk in English see also Beck, (1992a; Beck and Gernsheim, 1995). The English sociologist Anthony Giddens (1990,1991,1994,1998), adopting a similar perspective to that of Beck, has also influenced sociological diagnoses of the role of role in society. A third perspective is offered by the several theorist who have taken up Michel Foucaults writings on governmentality ( For example, Foucault, 1991) to explore the ways in which the state and other governmental apparatuses work together to govern that is, manage and regulate populations via risk discourses and strategies (Castel, 1991; Ewald, 1991; OMalley, 1996; Dean, 1997). These major theories are identified respectively as the ‘cultural/symbolic, the ‘risk society and the governmentality perspectives. Michel Foucault Michel Foucault was a French philosopher, sociologist and historian. In his book Security, Territory, Population, Foucault outlines his theory of governmentality, and demonstrates the distinction between sovereignty, discipline, and governmentality as distinct modalities of state power. [1] The concept of risk, employed to address governmental concerns, has contributed to the production of certain kinds of rationalities, strategies and subjectivities. According to the Foucauldian perspective, risk strategies and discourses are means of ordering the social and material worlds through methods of rationalization and calculation, attempts to render disorder and uncertainty more controllable. It is these strategies and discourses that bring risk into being, that select certain phenomena as being ‘risky and therefore requiring management, either by institutions or individuals. This is an outcome of the emergence of the modern system of liberal government, with its emphasis on rule an d the maintenance of order through voluntary self-discipline rather than via violent means. Risk is understood as one of the heterogeneous governmental strategies of disciplinary power by which populations and individuals are monitored and managed so as to best meet the goals of democratic humanism. Normalization, or the method by which norms of behaviour or health status are identified in populations and by which individuals are the compared to determine how best they fit the norm, is a central aspect of liberal government. Those who are determined to deviate from the norm significantly are typically identified as being ‘at risk. To be designated as ‘at risk, therefore, is to be positioned within a network of factors drawn from the observation of others. The implication of this rationalized discourse is that risk is ultimately controllable, as long as expert knowledge can be properly brought to bear upon it. Some of those taking up a Foucauldian perspective have remarked upon recent change in the governance of risk, in which there is far less reliance upon social insurance and far more upon individual self-management and self-protection from risk. This is an outcome of the political ethos of neo-liberalism, which emphasizes minimal intervention on the part of the state and emphasizes ‘self-help and individual autonomy for citizens. [2]Foucault himself and those taking up his perspectives on the regulation of subjects via the discourses of governmentality may be criticized for devoting too much attention to the discourses and strategies and not enough to how people actually respond to them as part of their everyday lives. Mary Douglas The authors suggest, reasonably enough, that ones personal political and cultural predispositions affect how one assess the risk of different possible social dangers. If this were the only factor affecting peoples risk assessment, it would be quite difficult to generate an informed social policy in a democratic society, and research in to actual risk levels associated with different degrees of social damage would be worthless, since people simply listen to the gurus that support their personal positions. The authors present no data. Why is data important? Because if 90% of voters fit their description, we are in a much different situation that if 10% do. My best guess is that people systematically underestimate most social risks (e.g. accidental nuclear war, deadly SARS-type plagues) and overestimate a few (riskiness of air travel, danger of poisons in food). Most people, however, are willing to let the ideologues battle it out, and are strongly affected by the way the journalistic accounts of the battle portrays the cogencies of different positions. If I am right, the extremists on either side of positions, of the sort depicted by the authors, perform a valuable function but do not determine the outcome for the purposes of social policy. For instance, there are vehement supporters of gun control and equally vehement supporters of the rights of gun owners. Most voters, however, lie somewhere in the middle and are swayed both by events and scientific evidence. If that is so, the possi bility of effective social policy is possible in a democracy. But, some say, the extremists are willing to put in time and money to sway the public, so ideology wins the day in this manner. I respond that it is wise for voters to take the strength of preferences into account in making social policy decisions. At any rate, no balanced discussion of these issues will be found in this volume. According to the NYT review Offering what they call a cultural theory of risk perception, the authors suggest that peoples complaints about hazards should never be taken at face value. One must look further to discover what forms of social organization are being defended or attacked. Applying this logic, we have to ask what Mary Douglas and Wildavsky have to gain from advancing this argumentand their consistently dismissive and condescending attitude toward environmentalists makes this fairly clear. If your unenlightened opposition INSISTS on talking about certain risks AS IF that was what REALLY mattered then you are, of course, completely justified in disregarding their point of view, (and for that matter them) entirely. Cultural Theory, as developed by Mary Douglas, argues that differing risk perceptions can be explained by reference to four distinct cultural biases: hierarchy, egalitarianism, individualism, and fatalism. Ulrich Beck Central to Becks and Giddens writing on risk society is the concept of reflexive modernity. This concept incorporates the notion that late modernity is characterized by a critique of the processes of modernity, which no longer unproblematically viewed as producing ‘goods (such as wealth and employment) but are now seen to produce many of the dangers or ‘bads from which we feel threatened (such as environmental pollution, unemployment and family breakdown). The central institutions of late modernity government, industry and science are singles out as the main producers of risk. An emphasis on risk, Beck and Giddens assert, is thus an integral feature of a society which has come to reflect upon itself, to critique itself. Exponents of the ‘risk society thesis also argue that in late modernity there is a trend towards individualization, or the progressive loss of tradition and social bonds as a means of structuring the life-course and forming personal identity. A major difference, they argue, in the ways in which we conceptualize and deal with dangers compared with individuals in earlier eras is the extent to which individuals are positioned as choosing agents. We now think of ourselves as exercising a high level of control over the extent to which we expose ourselves to danger and therefore as culpable for becoming prey to risk. Risk is primarily understood as a human responsibility, both in its production and management, rather than the outcome of fate or destiny, as was the case in pre-modern times. [1] Â · ^ Hansen, Thomas (2001). States of Imagination. Durham: Duke University Press. p.43. ISBN 0822327988. [2] Dean, M. (1999) Governmentality, Sage, London
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Analysis of Sonic Corporation Essay -- Sonic Corporation Fast Food Ess
Analysis of Sonic Corporation In 1953 Sonic Corporation was founded by Tony Smith in Shawnee, Oklahoma under a different name of the Top Hat. Tony Smith started the company as a drive-in restaurant featuring hot dogs, hamburgers, and french-fried onion rings. In the mid-50s Smith was asked by Charles Pappe for assistance in establishing a similar restaurant in a rural town also located in Oklahoma. This was the beginning of a partnership between the two men . CURRENT INFORMATION In 1991 Sonic Corporation was the fifth largest chain in the fast-food industry, servicing in the hamburger segment, behind McDonald's, Burger King, Hardee's, and Wendy's. Sonic has and is still carrying the tradition of being a high-quality franchise-based organization in the Sunbelt states. The following case will be broke down into five different stages beginning with early strategies, problems, new strategies, a ratio analysis, and a recommendation. EARLY STRATEGIES UNDER TONY SMITH Tony Smith introduced the Top Hat as a drive-in restaurant that reduced start up cost by not having eat-in space. This new restaurant featured drive-in stalls for automobiles, that were equipped with a two-way intercom enabling customers to order as soon as they drove in, opposed to conventional practices of waiting for a carhop to take an order. Delivery of the fresh fast-quality products was do to the unique design of the kitchen, and the use of carhops. Sonic Corporation preferred to do things as easy as possible and avoid sophistication. Another strategy Smith implemented was a collection of franchise royalties. This was done in a way such that Sonic franchise holders were required to purchase printed bags at an additional fee that Smith arranged through a paper-goods supplier. Pyramid-type selling arrangements were formed by franchisees in money making efforts by starting other franchises through friends. This lead to original store managers having a percentage of their own store earnings and a portion of the new operation of the recruited friend manager. This idea further developed to multi-ownership of almost all Sonic operations as store managers were also part owners. This concept of pyramid-type selling carried Sonic forward with rapid growth. PROBLEMS RAPID GROWTH In the later-70's almost one new Sonic store... ...the past year. This ratio also measures the risk that a company has in financing its debt. RESEARCH IN 1992 Research in 1992 shows that Sonics typical customer is female between the age of 18-24 with an average income between $10,000-$15,000. Forty-six percent of Sonics business was done during lunch hours, and 44 percent done during supper. Sonic's average meal price was $2.25. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Sonic Corporation is an ever improving company that is striving for efficiency, freshness, and quality. Over the life of the company management has always been trying to increase profits and taking steps into the future. Sonic Corporation also learned that in maximizing profits one must incorporate all the ingredients from attitudes of the mangers and owners to the products they offer their customers. In looking at the ratio's Sonic Corporation is looking stronger every year. I would recommend to keep management minds striving to new and better innovations that could again revolutionize the company as it had under the leadership of Mr. Lynn. In doing so the company assure itself and ever lasting life in the fast-food drive-in industry.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
sleep :: essays research papers
Relationship between Sleep Habits and Personality Types Researchers have studied the relationship between sleep habits and stress, personality and stress coping, and personality and sleep habits. One factor that has been widely overlooked is the relationship between sleep habits and personality types. The purpose of this study is to examine a relationship between personality types and sleep habits. Evidence also shows that there is a relationship between personality and sleep. A study conducted by the director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service at the University of Surrey in England, Chris Idzikowski, proclaimed that one’s sleep position is related to personality. Individuals of different personality types were observed and catorgized as having one of six common sleep positions. The results showed that individuals who slept in the fetal position were shy and sensitive; flat on the back with arms down were quiet and reserved; on the side with arms and legs outstretched were suspicious; on the side with legs outstretched and arms down were social and easy going; flat on the stomach with hands at the side of the head were brash and gregarious; and on the back with arms and legs outstretched were unassuming and good listeners. (Idzikowski, 2003) Evidence shows that there is a relationship between the way individuals cope with stress and their sleep habits. Dr. Avi Sadeh conducted a study on students between the ages of 22 and 32 years, where the sleep patterns of the individuals were monitored by actigraphs and daily logs during low-stress and high-stress periods. The low-stress periods were those of regular academic schedules, while the high-stress periods were when the students were applying to graduate schools. Finding those "who tended to focus on their emotions and anxiety during the high-stress period were more likely to shorten their sleep, while those who tended to ignore emotions and focus on tasks extended their sleep and shut themselves off from stress." (Sadeh, 2004) . Another study examined the effects of personality on sleep patterns under stressors. Subjects between the ages of 21-33 years were monitored for three nights by polygraph recordings of their sleep. The individuals were broken into two separate groups based in psychological tests. The first group used active stress coping mechanisms, causing very little change in their sleeping patterns. The second group used non-adaptive coping mechanisms, causing their sleep structures to change significantly in response to stress. The study showed that individuals of different personalities have different sleep patterns due to the way the cope with stress. sleep :: essays research papers Relationship between Sleep Habits and Personality Types Researchers have studied the relationship between sleep habits and stress, personality and stress coping, and personality and sleep habits. One factor that has been widely overlooked is the relationship between sleep habits and personality types. The purpose of this study is to examine a relationship between personality types and sleep habits. Evidence also shows that there is a relationship between personality and sleep. A study conducted by the director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service at the University of Surrey in England, Chris Idzikowski, proclaimed that one’s sleep position is related to personality. Individuals of different personality types were observed and catorgized as having one of six common sleep positions. The results showed that individuals who slept in the fetal position were shy and sensitive; flat on the back with arms down were quiet and reserved; on the side with arms and legs outstretched were suspicious; on the side with legs outstretched and arms down were social and easy going; flat on the stomach with hands at the side of the head were brash and gregarious; and on the back with arms and legs outstretched were unassuming and good listeners. (Idzikowski, 2003) Evidence shows that there is a relationship between the way individuals cope with stress and their sleep habits. Dr. Avi Sadeh conducted a study on students between the ages of 22 and 32 years, where the sleep patterns of the individuals were monitored by actigraphs and daily logs during low-stress and high-stress periods. The low-stress periods were those of regular academic schedules, while the high-stress periods were when the students were applying to graduate schools. Finding those "who tended to focus on their emotions and anxiety during the high-stress period were more likely to shorten their sleep, while those who tended to ignore emotions and focus on tasks extended their sleep and shut themselves off from stress." (Sadeh, 2004) . Another study examined the effects of personality on sleep patterns under stressors. Subjects between the ages of 21-33 years were monitored for three nights by polygraph recordings of their sleep. The individuals were broken into two separate groups based in psychological tests. The first group used active stress coping mechanisms, causing very little change in their sleeping patterns. The second group used non-adaptive coping mechanisms, causing their sleep structures to change significantly in response to stress. The study showed that individuals of different personalities have different sleep patterns due to the way the cope with stress.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Understand the Work of the Ream
Understand the work of the team 3. 1 Team work is essential for the school curriculum to be taught across the school starting with the head teacher down to the TA. Another benefit of teamwork is that the teacher can divide the work out between the members of the team. This enables the individuals to concentrate on their specific duties that will contribute to the teacher’s lesson plan. This gets the job done faster. Communication / sharing ideas become an important aspect of teamwork, so the whole team can see the class progress steadily to its goals. 3. 2 The class teacher’s purpose and objective is for the running of their class and making sure that the national curriculum is delivered and delegate duties to the TAs that are in their class. The TA; s role is to support the teacher in delivering the national curriculum do the tasks set out and deliver feed back 3. 3 My role in the class is to help the class teacher. On a Monday I go to Mrs. , s class and get the children get ready for forest school in a safe manner when the class are ready we sing the forest school song then go in to forest school out the other side and around the running track looking at all the interesting things like plants etc then when we are around the track we play 123 where are you in which the class go away and hide and we shout 123 where are you and they respond with 123 we are over here and then we go and find then the kids love this game , when we get back in to forest school the kids had some paint brushes an were encouraged to write some simple words with wet mud on decorators backing paper or on any think that wanted to write on within reason once the activities were over we packed up spades and buckets rakes and the rest of the stuff and put them safely away and get the washed and changed ready for dinner In the afternoon session anther teacher comes in to the class and my role was then to take groups of 4 kids and do phonics with them this consisted of the class teacher giving me recourses which were A4 pieces of laminated paper letters on and I would sound out a letter and they would have to find that letter, anther activity was another piece of A4 laminated paper with pictures on they would have a letter on the top and the kids would have to find the items on the paper starting with that letter normally 4 items , then we play I spy I would 4 items on the table sound out the word and ask them which item they thought it would be after that it was time to get them ready for home. 3. 4 When working in a team I always respect my colleges and opines if I don’t respect their opines how can I expect them to listen to me, almost all my colleagues have a lot more experience than myself and would be able to offer me good advice in situations I have had no experience of.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Deontology vs Utilitarianism Essay
The theory of deontology is derived from the writings of German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Kant stated that a universal law should provide the basis for each act, and that the intention was of more importance than the result. Deontology is a duty-based ethical position, where one’s actions are based on what is ethically correct, regardless of the consequences (Porche, 2004). Deontological theories hold that actions are morally right are those in accordance with certain rules and duties, rights or maxims. Actions can be morally obligatory, allowed, or prohibited and consequences do not matter. In deontology intention is relevant. A person is right in acting certain way only if this person acts for the right reason. Examples of deontological rules are Divine Command Theory, Golden Rule, Natural Law and Rights Theories, Kantian Ethics, The Non-Aggression Principle. Deontological theories hold that an action’s rightness or wrongness depends on its conformity to a certain moral norm, regardless of the consequences for example right vs good. According Motta’s opinion listed on web site www. E-how. com, the differences between deontological and utilitarianism is: â€Å"Duty-based ethics are often called deontological and consequentialist ethics are often labeled as utilitarian†. The site further explains that deontological pertains to theory of binding responsibility or duty. Such theories are also called â€Å"a priori†in that they are based upon knowledge gained prior to experience. No concrete lived-through experience is necessary in order to attain these duties deductively from reason. If in deontology intention is more important than the results, Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that places the locus of right and wrong solely on the outcomes or consequences of choosing one action/policy over other actions/policies. As such, it moves beyond the extent of one’s own interests and takes into account the interests of others. In other words consequentialist believe the ends always justify the means, deontologist declare that the rightness of an action is not simply reliant. References resultsoriented-ethics.html
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Adolescent Development
There are mutual influences between an individual and their social environment. There are also at-risk factors involved in the life of a developing adolescent that interconnects with a series of reciprocal systems. I can recall as a developing adolescent quickly maturing into adulthood, the many social, economic, external and internal influences that contributed to certain at-risk behaviors. These type of influences impacted me directly and indirectly. I was influenced by the several environments I was in, and I also contributed to influencing the environment around me. Attempting to exert control over uncontrollable circumstances only lead to desperate situations and weighty consequences. However, learning to accept my present circumstances, and how to appropriately respond to the hardship and temptations in life developed positive life changes. Individual human development occurs within interconnected and embedded ecological systems (McWhirter et al, 2013). The ecological systems include the individual, the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, and macrosystem (McWhirter et al, 2013). The individual consists of genetic and biological factors, and personality characteristics (McWhirter et al, 2013). The microsystem consists of the people that the individual comes into direct contact with and who the individual interacts with (McWhirter et al, 2013). The mesosystem is the embedded interconnections between different microsystems and the impact of the interactions that take place (McWhirter et al, 2013). The exosystem consists of the interconnections between one or more settings that indirectly involve the individual (McWhirter et al, 2013). The macrosystem represents the social blueprint of cultural values, societal structure, gender-role socializations, race relations, belief systems, and national and international resources (McWhirter et al, 2013). The chronosystem is the interconnection and interaction of the individual within different environments, and is the transitions that occur during the course of the individual’s lifetime (McWhirter et al, 2013). These interconnecting systems are referred to as the ecological model, and assumes that the individual is continually interacting with his or her environment that produces constant change due to mutual influences (McWhirter et al, 2013). Part A – The Ecological Model The core of who I really am involves the combinations of my genetic predispositions, evolutionary and biological components, personality characteristics, and the ongoing process of behavioral, cognitive, and affective experiences (McWhirter et al, 2013). Who I am has a lot to do with my experiences in life, my responses to life events, and the social and environmental influences and interactions involved. The ecological model provides a greater understanding of how I influence my environment and my environment influences me. This is important because it is through the interactions of the ecological systems that help me better understand myself and others. The Individual. I entered the world with an umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, struggling to live due to insufficient oxygen intake. As a child I was very susceptible to illness. As an adult I discovered that I was living with an autoimmune disorder. I have very vivid fragmented memories as a child of several doctor office visits. At the personal level, I was a very fearful, anxious, angry, socially withdrawn child who experienced an unstable, insecure, neglectful, abusive, and dysfunctional home environment. The structure of personality develops in childhood and continues to develop in adulthood (Caspi, Roberts Shiner, 2005). I developed a combination of extraversion and introversion traits. These traits show themselves depending on how safe I determine the environment around me to be. As a child I experienced positive and negative emotionality. I at times struggle with viewing the world as a safe place and occasionally viewed it as threatening. I experienced anxious distress with a tendency toward anxiety, sadness, insecurity, and guilt. As a teenager I experienced darker emotions such as anger, frustration, and irritation. I developed agreeable personality characteristics as a child. In adulthood I sometimes struggle with the fear of rejection, self-acceptance, people pleasing tendencies, self-awareness, and feeling comfortable in my surrounding environment and own skin. I also developed a strong motivation to achieve academically, and have a strong sense of independence. As a child and through my teenage years I was not allowed to have an opinion or express individuality, which resulted in the inability or challenge to think on my own, questioning who I am through life stages, fearful of making decisions on my own and especially decisions I need to make on behalf of others, and codependency issues. The Microsystem. I grew up in a traditional family household for a time being that consisted of my mother, father, and sister. Although, it was considered a traditional two parent household, my father was rarely home, and when he was home he was unavailable. My mother was emotionally unavailable and suffered from manic depression. My mother stayed at home and my father was either out working or pursuing one of his addictions. My family was homeless until I was the age of 5. We had lived and slept in my father’s suburban, randomly stayed with strangers, and at times lived in a recreational vehicle. I assumed responsibility and care of my younger sibling, my mother, myself, and household chores. I entered the stages of maturity alone and without parental support. The lack of positive parenting during my adolescent years made me vulnerable to at-risk risk behaviors such as premarital sex, tobacco use, substance abuse, gang involvement and mental and social disorders (Clinton Clark, 2010). At the age of ten I was removed from my parent’s custody and placed in foster care where my sibling and I were separated and placed in different homes. In the foster system I was only allowed to socialize at school, and attended church depending on whether or not my foster parents at the time deemed it necessary. My sister and I went through several foster home placements which resulted in the loss of security, the loss of our personal possessions, and sense of belonging. Being bounced from home to home, it was difficult maintaining a close friendships with others. I developed an internal mechanism of being friendly with everyone, but not allowing myself to develop a close friendship with others. As I gained independence and freedom in my later teen years and early adulthood, I became more involved in church. The Mesosystem. I grew up in a rural community with a lack of parental involvement. There were no real established mesosystem relationships. The environment was inconsistently positive and very negative at times. Since school was my outlet, I strived for academic excellence and successfully achieved it. School seemed to be the only sense of stability. The Exosystem. Outside agencies that developed policies and created public resources were an indirect benefit to me as an adolescent and young adult. During childhood, I was able to eat lunch at school, and enjoy extracurricular activities such as Campfire Girls, cheerleading, and Key Club. I was given accessibility to the basic needs that my parents could not afford such as cloths, food, and shelter. As an adult, several community resources helped my daughter and escape and terminate a domestically violent relationship. The Macrosystem. During adolescence I was exposed to abuse, neglect, and violence first hand and via the television. My father grew up in the south and was very racist toward certain nationalities and races of people. The cultural context consisted of low socioeconomic status (SES), poverty, and experiencing our Native American ethnic background and being exposed to several conflicting belief systems. I grew up on a culture where corporate punishment was an acceptable practice. The culture valued individuality, independence, and self-reliance. I grew up in poverty with a prevailing crime rate not as noticeable as it is today. Social norms included the overuse of antibiotics (McDonnell Norms Group, 2008), and the use of drugs and alcohol were socially acceptable. Chronosystem. A pattern of environmental events, transitions, and sociohistorical circumstances contributed to my development over my lifespan. Both of my parents lived disloyal and adulterous life styles. Overtime, there unhealthy and dysfunctional patterns of relating to each other resulted in a separation. My father died when I was 17 years old. My parent’s marriage legally dissolved at the time of my father’s death. My mother remarried multiple times. My sister and I were exposed to their dysfunctional lifestyle, which tremendously impacted our lives. I personally, transitioned through many of life events by experiencing two divorces, being a single-mother of four children for quit sometime, remarrying and adjusting to a blended family, the loss of my oldest daughter, and facing the social political arena at work. The soil of my family growing up consisted of poverty, low socioeconomic status (SES), judgmental and racist attitudes, abusive and neglectful home environment, and conflicting belief systems. The three primary roots are family, school, and peer groups (McWhirter et al, 2013). My parent’s inability to raise my sister and me in a loving, secure, stable, and nurturing environment, and expose us to family conflict, abuse, neglect, lack of parenting, being emotionally unavailable, and an unstructured home environment contributed to my dysfunction and the at-risk behaviors in my life. The school system was unaware of our life circumstances and did not any support. My sister ended up dropping out and getting involved with drugs. I became sexually involved with my boyfriend at the age of 15 and became pregnant at the age of 16. My daughter gave me the drive to continue my education and succeed academically in order to provide her with a better life. I was withdrawn during my adolescence and teenage years. Although, I made intent to get along with everyone, I did not associate with everyone. The peer group I involved myself in strived for academic excellence and engaged in positive extracurricular activities. The trunk of the at-risk tree representing my life consisted of low self-esteem, and depression. The branches of at-risk categories in my life were high-school dropout, substance abuse, risky sexual behaviors, and suicide. I was at risk for teen pregnancy and became pregnant at the age of sixteen. I succumbed to sexual activity with one partner in high school that resulted in teen pregnancy. I was very fortunate that at risk behaviors did not escalate. My tree was broken and bruised and produced damaged fruit. Instead of running to quick gratification I learned to run to God. I found my value and security in Christ. My branches although bruised eventually healed and produced good, healthy fruit. It took a lot of effort, drive, motivation, will, and trusting God in the midst of temptation and hardship. I was fortunate to have a variety of Gardeners in my life from Christian counselors, law enforcement, human service workers, youth group leaders, Sunday school teachers, and church mentors who helped me redirect my lifestyle. I learned how to be academically successful, a loving, supportive, caring mother to my children, a hard worker of integrity, and to do the right thing when the wrong thing seems easier at the time being.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Qualitative research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Qualitative - Research Paper Example In such context, time has come to shed light on different fundamental aspects of qualitative research in order to highlight its importance among business researchers. Hence, in this research paper, the researcher will try to highlight fundamental concept behind qualitative research and also will criticize the research methodology. Conceptual Base Research scholars such as Saunders, Lewis and Thornhil (2007 and 2009), Creswell (2009) and Gray (2009) pointed out that it is very difficult to decipher the meaning of the term â€Å"qualitative research†due to the fact that the meaning of the term relatively varies from stakeholder to stakeholder. Creswell (2009) stated that qualitative research is better for addressing social contextual or philosophical problems while Gray (2009) argued that interpretation of a particular phenomenon can be given by qualitative research. ... Qualitative research is composed of following concepts; Qualitative research deals with experience, opinion of individuals and in most of the cases, these opinions are subjective in nature. Qualitative research never tries to manipulate the occurrence of social phenomenon and research elements are allowed to behave in natural environment. Qualitative research tries to account all the research variables rather trying to collect data from small samples. Qualitative research is used in order to develop new theories which can help individuals to understand the social world hence qualitative research methods are inductive in nature. One to one contact with respondents is primary criteria for data collection in qualitative manner and researcher has to meet each respondent personally in order to conduct interviews, focus group interviews etc. Ontological perspectives of respondents are better served with qualitative research or it can be said that researchers got the chance to know the pers onal thinking of the respondents while doing qualitative research (Bryman & Bell, 2003; Davies, 2007). Condition for Qualitative Research It is evident from the research works of Robson (2011) and Sekaran & Bougie (2009) that selection of qualitative research method depends on the nature of the research problems. A research problem has to posses following criterions in order to be qualified as qualitative research problem. Table 1: Criteria for Selection of Qualitative Research Subjective The research problem can only be understood by going through the personal opinion of each respondent. For example: Role of technology in your life. Holistic The research problem cannot be addressed without considering effect of all the social variables. For example: Role of a
Monday, October 7, 2019
BUSINESS LAW Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
BUSINESS LAW - Case Study Example Estoppel becomes applicable, only if the representation relied upon by the person claiming the benefit is unambiguous. In addition, the person claiming estoppel should undergo a detriment if there is a departure from the terms of the promise. As opined in Legione v Hateley, the party claiming estoppel should be placed in a situation wherein there would be a detriment to it, if the promise was to be broken (Gillies, 2004, p. 178). In order to deem the promise of the promisor to be consideration, it has to be proved that the promise was given or the act performed on the basis of the promisor’s request. Moreover, there should have been reliance upon the promise made by the promisor. The doctrine of promissory estoppel emerged with the decision in Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd. Such existence has been subsequently confirmed in rulings made in England and Australia. This all important principle was defined in the following manner, during the ruling in Combe v Combe. Whenever, one of the parties makes to the other party a promise that has the intention of influencing the legal relations between them, and if the other party relies on this promise and acts on it, then the first party cannot revert to the prior legal relationship between them (Gillies, 2004, p. 178). Thus, promissory estoppel has an effect that is similar to a breach of promise. In instances, wherein a party convinces another party that a contract would emerge from their negotiations and subsequently fails to keep its word, the court can prevent such a party from resorting to the defense of absence of contract (Miller & Cross, 2012, p. 321).In such cases, it is deemed that a contract between these parties is in place. In order to establish promissory estoppel, the following conditions have to be proved. The presumption of a specific legal relationship between the first and second parties. The second
Sunday, October 6, 2019
IBM Flourishes in India Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
IBM Flourishes in India - Assignment Example These ideological differences once drove many foreign multinational companies including IBM out of the country. But at present because of globalization, India has realized the importance of foreign investments for their economic growth and welcoming as much as Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) possible. Moreover India is led by the renowned economist Dr. Man Mohan Singh who knows the importance of IBM like companies in India. â€Å"Growing modestly until the turn of the millennium, IBM India has been growing by leaps and bounds since then. Its workforce now totals 38,000, up from 23,000 two years ago and second only in number to IBMs U.S. workforce among countries in which IBM operates†(Gibson, 2006). This paper briefly analyses the IBM performances in Indian market currently. IBM Global Services works on outsourcing IT services in India on behalf of the many multinationals interested to accessing the local Indian engineering talent and the competitive labor costs available there. â€Å"Outsourcing refers to a company that contracts with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees†(Thompson, 2009). Labor cost is increasing everyday and moreover shortage of skilled and experienced professionals forced multinational companies like IBM to look beyond their boundaries in America to explore the cheap labor markets of other countries like India which is blessed with immense manpower especially IT professionals. In India like countries IT professionals are searching for better placements whereas IBM like American companies searching for IT professionals. Globalization has opened up the Indian market and the present Indian government led by the Congress party has escaped from the controls of the left parties which actually strongly opposed the entry of foreign companies in India. Thus the setting is well and good for IBM like IT companies to explore the Indian markets. IBM recorded total revenue of US$ 606 million
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