Monday, September 30, 2019
Brain vs. Computer
Human Brain vs. Computer Outline Thesis Statement: Some say computers are more smarter than the human brain but in reality a humans brain is what created it. Introduction Memory A. Human Brain 1. Memory not measurable 2. Would not overload from memory B. Computer 1. Data programed 2. Can’t learn new things on its own 3. Limited memory space III. Capability A. Human Brain 1. Learn new things easily 2. Ability to make decisions B. Computer 1. Multitasking (complex tasks) 2. No emotion Upgrades and Repairs A. Human Brain . Cannot be updated 2. Adaptable to new settings B. Computer 1. Merge current ideas 2. Problems fixed easily Conclusion Human Brain Vs. Computer The brain and computer are always being compared to each other because they both perform computations. Some say computers are more smarter than the human brain but in reality a humans brain is what created it. The brain and computer can be set apart by differences such as: memory, their capabilities and creativities. Mem ory is the ability to store and revive information.The memory process for both the computer and human brain are very different. The human brain memory is not measurable. Scientist are unsure of how to calculate the size of memory in the brain. The capacity of the human brain is so big that it can not overload from information being stored in it. Although it is said that memory is not measurable, the memory process is very complex. There have been a few educated guesses that the memory process begins with encoding, then storing the information and some how retrieving it.Computers access its memory through a memory address; a number that is assigned to each byte in a computers memory that the CPU uses to track where data is stored. Data is programmed into the computer by a human being. Computers can not learn new things on its own. The computer memory cannot work independently. It has assistance by the human brain to do most of the work. Latest computers have about a million megabytes of storage. That is a limited amount of storage compared to the human brain. The computer and the brain both are capable of doing different things to extreme lengths.The brain receives uses the five senses constantly to understand and help process information. Since it is constantly working on the information it has to quickly adapt to learning new things. The brain can think, invent, dream, solve, read without any help. It also has a mind for expressing thought and emotions. The computer has the ability to perform many tasks all at once without error. The most multitasking the brain does is using the autonomic nervous system. The computer can perform calculations faster than the human brain.In order for a computer to learn new things things have to be coded and programmed into it. The computer has no emotion, no feelings and no senses. The world we know around us is rapidly changing and evolving. The human brain can easily adapt to the new settings in our environment. If something may happen to go wrong with the brain you cannot simply repair it. Whilst it is easy to repair a broken computer and add new parts to it, that can’t be done to a brain. The computer can receive updates by merging current ideas and setting them into its hardware.The brain can adjust to the changes on its own. The brain is always actively working. There is no ON/OFF button in the brain like there is on a computer. The brain is better than the computer when it comes to general purposes and acquiring new skills. Both the human brain and the computer have their strengths and differences. In some cases they can be very alike and complementary to each other. They both have their individually unique properties that also them apart. The brain has a lot of contribution to inventing the computer.Without the power of the brain there would not be a computer. There is much more that we do not know about the brain, but we do know everything about a computer. Works Cited Chatham, Chris. â⠂¬Å"Sentient Developments: Chris Chatham: 10 Important Differences Between Brains and Computers. †Sentient Developments: Chris Chatham: 10 Important Differences Between Brains and Computers. Sentient Developments, 22 May 2011. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. Mastin, Luke. â€Å"Memory Processes – The Human Memory. †Memory Processes – The Human Memory. N. p. , 2010. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Architecture of the Medieval Cathedrals of England
Luis Valentine Cathedrals of England May, 23, 2013 IN the dictionary, cathedrals are defined as another name or place of worship for Christians, Catholics, and etc. I'm about to take your imagination to some of the homeland of some of the oldest and beautiful cathedrals on Earth. I'm going to introduce you to London, the capital city of England, and the United Kingdom. Before we start our trip, let me tell you the variety of cathedrals we'll see. There are over 50 cathedrals in England, and over 100 in the United Kingdom.Yet, they're not the same o I'll take you through the tour very detailed. Our first stop will be London. There we will go to SST. Pall's Cathedral. SST. Palls Cathedral was founded in 604 AD and has been damaged several times thought history. It is the seat of the Bishop, and named after Paul the Apostle. Many historical people have been buried in this cathedral such as Sir Winston Churchill, the Duke of Wellington, and Sir William Alexander Smith. The cathedral is a lso a great tourist zone in London. SST. Pall's cathedral has dominated the London skyline for 300 years.Thousands of people arrive in London to have a time of peace and pray in their lives. There is also an enormous inventory of pipes (10,266) for organs. SST. Pall's Cathedral has been damaged several times before. The only one we may remember was probably during The Blitz. During the Battle of London, London was under German bombardment for several days. An ionic photo taken was the dome of SST. Pall's cathedral peaking through the devastating smoke, smog, and ash that contaminated the air. The next cathedral we'll read about will be in Exeter.The Cathedral of Saint Peter in Exeter was founded around 1050. It has an unusual decor which has an extensive vault. Alt is a Norman, and Gothic church and has buried many Bishops of Exeter. The Salisbury Cathedral is one of the most beautiful cathedrals on Earth. It is also one of the tallest cathedrals also. Cathedral Church of the Blesse d Virgin Mary is one of the leading examples of Early English Architecture. The cathedral has the tallest spire in all of England in a height of mm/fat. The cathedral is host to the worlds longest living clock.The clock has worked from ADDED to present. One of the best looking copies of the original Magna Cart is held inside Salisbury Cathedral. The clock inside Salisbury is the oldest working clock in presence today. The clock has no face because it used to chime the hours in the past. It was used until 1884 where it was put in storage and forgotten. Since 1929, the clock has been worked on for repair and restoration. We enter the heart of British religion. The Canterbury Cathedral or also the Cathedral and Metropolitan Church of Christ at Canterbury.The cathedral hosts the Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the Church of Britain, who is a worldwide leader of Anglican Communion. Founded in 597, the cathedral went under extensive work during 1070 to 1077. The eastern end of the cat hedral was enlarged in sass's and rebuilt because of a fire in 1074. It was later significantly extended to fulfill the need of space during the arrival of pilgrims. The tower used to have a tall spire similar to the Salisbury spire but it was later demolished. This cathedral is used for the wedding of the Princess of Wales.The Liverpool Cathedral or the Cathedral Church of Christ in Liverpool is the second longest cathedral on Earth. It measures 620 feet and competes with incomplete Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York. 220 Ft above the floor level of the cathedral is the worlds largest and heaviest bells. The firm of Powell and Sons designed the stained glass put in the original Liverpool Cathedral. During the German bombardment of WI, much of the glass was either destroyed or severely damaged. Yet those were originals, the cathedral was able to find similar glass.I will now take to maybe the most extravagant cathedral in the entire world. It was once a modern marvel, a human feat named the tallest building to exist. The Lincoln Cathedral is one of the most history-rich cathedral on Earth still in existence to visit. It holds one of the 4 original Magna Cart's. There are far more cathedrals in England, but will would need days to read about all of them. The cathedrals that you've read so far are some of the most beautiful, and richest cathedrals that are still in use and existence.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sales promotion and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Sales promotion and Management - Essay Example For instance, coffee is one of the most valuable import commodities in the whole of the United States of America. To be able to cope with the demand resulting from the popularity of coffee as the most preferred beverage in the world, there have been numerous retail chains that have been established. There has been a remarkable and continued expansion of their operations in the sector. This paper will analyze and critically evaluate the various promotional techniques used in the sector and further evaluate their effectiveness. In addition, the issue of budgeting for the chosen promotional activities and the respective returns will also be discussed. Large self-service retail chains or coffee shops have always provided customers with an experience. This is by the way they provide a wide range of innovative products and services, through well-targeted promotions that have an impact on their buying decisions. Some of the most common promotional techniques that are closely related to product trial include the use of free samples, bonuses, coupons, and discount on purchases and in the shop display. The main reason behind the use of trials is that they determine repurchase behaviour among consumers. In addition, they also mediate in the relationship between sales promotions and repeat-buying behaviour. Repeat-buying behaviour of customers is widely influenced by the values or tastes obtained and perceived on the product or the taste of the coffee in a given retail chain as commonly stated by many. Additionally, the product characteristics, knowledge, trial, availability and subsequent purchase factors influence the customers towards making re-buying decisions in relation to the type of promotional technique employed by the coffee chains. Moreover, the decision by consumers to re-purchase the products on offer or in this case, revisit the retail chains is largely affected by customers’ level of satisfaction that is obtained from the products. It is also
Friday, September 27, 2019
Statistic Discussion Questions WEEK 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Statistic Discussion Questions WEEK 6 - Essay Example (Investopedia, 2009) Correlation is a method which helps in measuring the relationship between two variables. It tells us about how one variable will affect the other. Correlation lies between -1 to +1. If it is positive then both the variables are directly related and if it is negative then both the variables are inversely related. It helps in making strategies because it helps in forecasting how the business will be and what decisions need to be taken. (Investopedia, 2009) Some people think that when two events occur together, then they have cause-and-effect relationship according to which, one variable causes the change in the other. This might cause damage to a company and might lead to massive loss. For example, if a company invests somewhere thinking that the correlation was the cause-and-effect relation, then the company might have to suffer huge losses. (Experiment-Resources, 2008) The dependant and independent variables are related to one another. It is assumed that for a certain amount of independent variable, there is a normally distributed amount of mean that shows the dependant variable. The equation these terms produce are best approximates and shows the functional relationship between the data
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tourism - Essay Example The research delves on leisure activities. Leisure activities focus on both physical leisure activities. The physical activities include sports activities. The nonphysical activities include non-sport leisure activities. Leisure activities must enhance one’s interpersonal relationships. In layman’s terms, leisure activity is correctly described as any act done during work breaks. Leisure is the free time during non-nonworking days like Saturdays, Sundays, and official holidays. Leisure is the opportunity given to the person to do whatever he or she wants during the person’s free from work time or unemployed time. Leisure time can be use to rest or recreation (Veal & Lynch, 2001). Further, Lynch and Veal correctly reiterated that leisure is composed of three dimensions. The dimensions include time devoted to leisure. Another dimension includes occupations that constitute leisure. Leisure also includes attitudes that define leisure. Both authors correctly insist th at leisure activities include the love for the outdoor sports. The outdoor sports activities incorporate the leisure activities of the Aboriginal tribes of Australia. The Aboriginal people love the wilderness. Additionally, the Europeans of Australia include organized sports activities as leisure activities. The organized sports incorporate the European cultural and Leisure concepts. The overpowering demands of structured working lives included organized leisure activities. Leisure is done during times when work is finished or on hold recess (Veal & Lynch, 2001). For example, leisure activities are done at night, after the daily 9- 5 work schedule is accomplished. Leisure activities are done during Saturdays and Sundays, during off work days. Furthermore, Godbey rightfully insists that leisure is the act of pursuing the truth and understanding of oneself. The leisure act includes several contemplative ingredients. The contemplative ingredients are aesthetic, philosophical, psycholog ical and religious in nature. Thus, reading several books on philosophy, arts, literature (Shakespeare) are considered leisure activities. Reading books to resolve whether Charles Darwin’s evolution theory is correct is another brain enriching leisure activity (Veal, 1992). On my own, my leisure time is spent on sports activities. I prefer to play basketball games. Basketball gives the quick mind to analyse whether to move forward and shoot the ball or to stop my running and shoot the ball. The game of basket ball allows me to compete with other individuals who love the game of basketball. Basketball is a game of speed. To increase my speed, I continually do speed running. Additionally, my other leisure activity is reading books. I love to read books on topics that are related to my class lessons. I love to read the tragedies of Shakespeare. I also read books related to my school assignments. The books increase my current stock knowledge on the topics discussed in class. Conc lusion Leisure activity can have diverse culture-based meanings. The research shows different leisure activities. Leisure activities include physical leisure activities. The physical activities include perspiring sports activities. The nonphysical activities include sport-exempt leisure activities. Evidently, leisure activities improve one’s interpersonal relationships. Question 2 Introduction: Culture conflict often crops up in everyday situations. The research delves on conflict occurrences. The research delves on conflict resolution. Conflict resolution research involves contribution from different parties. Conflict resolution is the peaceful alternative to more other violent conflict interactions. The author correctly states that managers in event, sport,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Why are Oligopolies Tempted to Collude Even if it Means Breaking the Essay
Why are Oligopolies Tempted to Collude Even if it Means Breaking the Law - Essay Example A firm achieves maximum profits when it operates where its marginal revenue equals marginal cost (MC=MR). However, it is mostly not as easy as a question of operating at this point; the more competition the firm faces, the lesser it will be able to manipulate the consumers for its own economic gain (Sloman and Wride, 2009). The two extremes in market structures are (i) Perfect Competition and (ii) Monopoly. However, in real life, firms often operate somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. Such market structures are characterized by Imperfect Competition. There are two main kinds of markets that practice imperfect competition: (i) Monopolistic Competition and (ii) Oligopolies. Some famous oligopolistic firms are Pepsi, Coke, Nike, Adidas, Reebok and Nintendo (Sloman and Wride, 2009). In an oligopoly, the number of competitors is less and limited and there are high barriers which prevent frequent entry of new firms into the market. Barriers of entry may be created in the form of brand names, sunk costs, firm size, economies of scale, and large firm advantage (Boyes and Melvin, 2009). Competition between firms in an oligopolistic market is high and intense, it sometimes leads to price wars which become extremely detrimental for their effective functioning. In other instances, these firms choose to collude amongst themselves to minimize the downsides of operating in an oligopolistic market and to simultaneously maximize their profits. The products these firms make can either be differentiated or homogenous. Depending on the product type, there emerge two distinct kinds of oligopolies: pure oligopolies which produce homogenous products, for example the steel industry. Sometimes, however, an oligopoly may produce differentiated products; such oligopolies are called impure oligopolies. An example of such an oligopoly would be the automobile industry. The demand curve for both types of oligopolistic firms is downward sloping and fairly inelastic, there is also a degree of dependency on the reactions of competitor firms to price changes. Another key feature is mutual interdependence, which means that each firm is affected by the actions of its competitors and thus, whenever any firm is going to take an action, it does so with its competitors’ possible reactions in mind. Due to these circumstances there is a high degree of uncertainty in an oligopolistic industry because firms can never accurately predict how exactly their competitors will react to their actions and this any sort of action involves an inherent degree of risk (Sloman and Wride, 2009). In oligopolistic markets, there is price rigidity because setting product price is not at one firm discretion but a decision in which all firms are factored in. If one firm lowers price below market price, this can cause a price war where all firms start lowering their prices to match the initial decrease and this will continue and form a vicious downward price spiral. However, if one fir m raises its price above set market price, no other firm will raise its price to match it and the firm who raised prices will lose out as all its customers will shift to competitor firms who have the old, lower price (Bhaskar, 2007). Thus, in an oligopolistic market, prices mostly remain rigid and are not often seen increasing or decreasing as the prices in a perfectly competitive market that respond to the dynamic demand and supply levels. Therefore, the demand curve faces a kink at the existing market price level and market price will not change for small changes in production cost etc. (Sen, 2004). This is shown in the diagram below:
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Assignment 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Assignment 8 - Essay Example Through, personal experience, interviewing and observation, a possible solution to the current state of affairs in the university’s system can be improved for the benefit of the students and the university Previous studies have shown that the quality of education or work in an institution can be improved if a variety of activities and courses exist. The morale of the students and the quality of education is also determined by the existing structures in an institution. Trent University has limited its ability of providing quality education in certain fields because of its inconsistent programs. Consistency provides value addition because of the maintenance of standards. This paper aims at providing some clear benefits that a review in the current system will achieve for Trent University. This consultation report will therefore provide a guideline on how to pursue the changes that can be applied to the university. The scope of this project aims at providing the students with a chance of pursuing their desired courses without being forced to pursue courses that they did not have in mind. This system will be flexible so that changing courses for a student will be their own prerogative and not because they lack other options. Availability of options for the students to change courses ensures that the university offers enough courses hence the intake of students will also increase. The current system is as depicted in Diagram 3 (Appendix C). The decision support system will therefore provide guidance to students into picking the courses that are in their G.P.A range and their qualifications. The system will also be instrumental in ensuring that courses are scheduled in a balanced manner giving major courses and short courses including electives different scheduling. The short courses will be placed in appropriate times like during summer and holidays or fixed in appropriate times like weekends. The implementation of this
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Pantheon Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
The Pantheon - Term Paper Example From the research "The Pantheon" it is clear that even though the traditional porch was a popular thing among the Romans, combining it with a giant rotunda resulted into a completely new and unique structure. Those visiting the building would approach it via a large courtyard referred to as forecourt. The forecourt was bordered by marble columns on each of its sides (DuTemple22). â€Å"At the far end, they would see the traditional porch with its carved stone columns†(DuTemple22). However, there was no clear view of the rotunda at the back of the porch. When approaching the building from the forecourt, the dome appeared to be large, but not particularly fundamental. The rotunda resembled a gigantic saucepan fitted with a lid on its top (DuTemple22). It is only after entering the porch that anyone could come into the reality of the beautiful sight inside the rotunda, which was â€Å"a perfect hemisphere, 142 feet (43 m), in diameter, curving upward from the top of a giant rou nd wall†(DuTemple22). After clearing the ground on which the building was to be built, the measurements of the building were done by Hadrian’s architects. The measurement was in circular form because it was easier to measure a circular building than a rectangular one. Because the place in which the Pantheon was to be built was near a river, which often flooded, the architects knew the only solution was to lay a strong foundation for the building. The strong foundation was very important owing to the massive weight that the dome of the Pantheon would exert on it.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Presidential Campaign Policy Essay Example for Free
Presidential Campaign Policy Essay The 2008 presidential campaign will be remembered for the stark contrasts between the two candidates and their respective policies. Other than the obvious contrasts of race and age, John McCain and Barack Obama represent two very different philosophies of government. Two examples of this contrast are the domestic policy area of taxes and the foreign policy issue of the war on terror. John McCain, the Republican candidate, has proposed lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25% (The McCain Economic Plan 6). This proposal reflects the traditional Republican philosophy which believes that lower tax rates for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and corporations will result in more jobs for working Americans, increased productivity, and, ultimately, in greater tax revenues. In addition to reducing taxes for corporations, McCain has also proposed reducing individual income taxes. Under the McCain plan, families with an annual family income of more than $2. 87 million would receive a 4. 4% decrease in taxes, or about $269,000 less in income taxes per year (Obama and McCain Tax Proposals). This income bracket represents the top 0. 1% of incomes in the United States. The average annual income in the United States is slightly less than $42,000 (World Bank, 12). Under the McCain Plan, an American with an average income would have his taxes reduced by 0. 7%, or $319 per year (Obama and McCain Tax Proposals). McCain has not always favored giving larger tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and less generous tax breaks to the middle class. In 2001, McCain was one of two Republican senators to vote against the Bush tax cuts (Weisman A01). At that time, McCain argued that the country could not afford to give such large tax cuts without corresponding reductions in spending. McCain also expressed concerns about the lopsided nature of the Bush tax cuts, which gave the greatest tax relief to the wealthiest taxpayers and offered little reductions in taxes to middle class or low-income wage earners. In 2002, McCain said that he would like to see much more of this tax cut shared by working Americans. . . . I think it still devotes too much of it to the wealthiest Americans (McCain, quoted by Weisman A01). McCain changed his position on taxing working Americans at some time before March of 2008, when he voted with other Senate Republicans to continue the Bush tax cuts. Barack Obamas tax plan increases the amount of income tax paid by the wealthiest Americans and reduces, if only slightly, the amount of income taxes that would be paid by middle class families. Under the Obama plan, Families making more than $250,000 will pay either the same or lower tax rates than they paid in the 1990s (Barack Obamas Comprehensive Tax Plan). Families earning more than $287 million, which received a tax reduction of 4. 4% under the McCain plan, would face a tax increase of 11. 5% or $701,885 a year under the Obama plan (Obama and McCain Tax Proposals). An individual with an income of $42,000 would have a tax reduction of 2. 4% or $1,042 per year under the Obama plan (Obama and McCain Tax Proposals). In the March 2008 vote, Senator Obama voted with other Democrats to reject the Bush tax cuts. McCain has argued that economic growth should come from the top down, while Obama has argued that economic stability comes from the bottom up. The recent collapse of Wall Street and the government bailout of several banks and investment firms reinforces Obamas argument and weakens McCains position. McCain and Obama also have different views about the war on terror. McCain contends that the United States was correct in its decision to pursue Al Qaeda into Iraq and that the United States military should stay in Iraq until the insurgency has been brought under control and the Iraqi government no longer needs the support of the United States military (Strategy for Victory in Iraq). Obama has argued that the war in Iraq is a dangerous distraction from the pursuit of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan (Obama calls Iraq war a dangerous distraction'). Obamas position on the war in Iraq is consistent with his initial criticism of the decision to go to war in Iraq in 2002. At one time, Obama argued that the United States should have a clear deadline for the withdrawal of all troops from Iraq. Since that time, Obama has somewhat modified his position. While he is still calling for a reduction in troops with a goal of an eventual withdrawal by the summer of 2010, he has also acknowledged the need for a residual force (to) remain in Iraq and in the region to conduct targeted counter-terrorism missions against al Qaeda in Iraq and to protect American diplomatic and civilian personnel (War in Iraq). Obama noted that we must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in (War in Iraq). Obama has also tried to calm fears that he might be reluctant to use military force if necessary to defend the United States. Democrats have historically been viewed as being weak on national defense, which has traditionally been a strong issue for Republicans. While Obama has been critical of the war in Iraq, he has also argued strongly for increased troops in Afghanistan. Obama has also stated that, if necessary, he would pursue Al Qaeda into neighboring Pakistan, which is where he believes Osama bin Laden and other Al Qaeda members are hiding (War in Iraq). In these remarks, Obama has been more hawkish than McCain, who has warned against threatening Pakistan. John McCain has argued that the American strategy in Iraq is an important part of the overall war on terror. McCain has been consistent in his views of the war, even when his position was unpopular and could have potential cost him the nomination of his party (Page). McCains status as a former POW gives him a great deal of credibility in the area of military defense. McCain has argued against any type of scheduled withdrawal from Iraq, warning that any such timetable would provide an advantage to the insurgents in Iraq and to Al Qaeda forces. McCain has also acknowledged that American military forces may have to stay in Iraq for several years to ensure the stability of the region and to protect American interests. Although McCain has argued for the need for military action in Iraq and Afghanistan, he has also warned against making threats to Pakistan and other countries. Obamas argument about the war is weakened by his lack of experience and knowledge in foreign affairs, a fact that McCain likes to point out as often as possible. Obamas choice of Joe Biden as a running mate was no doubt intended, in part, to address these concerns about foreign affairs. His logic about who military forces should be used, however, is strong. It makes little sense to fight a war in Iraq when it is clear that the enemy is hiding in Afghanistan and Pakistan. McCains strength is in his knowledge of foreign affairs, firsthand knowledge and understanding of war, and in his commitment to protecting American lives and American interests. McCains position of experience, however, was weakened by his choice of an inexperienced running mate who has no knowledge of foreign affairs or national security.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Compare And Contrast ISIS To The KKK Essay Example for Free
Compare And Contrast ISIS To The KKK Essay How many innocent people have to die? â€Å"After the bombings on ISIS from the USA, they have beheaded two American journalists as a direct result of the bombings. They claim they were â€Å"acting as a direct result of your transgression towards us!†ISIS has also vowed: â€Å"WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL WE QUENCH OUR THIRST FOR YOUR BLOOD.†, Says hub pages articles. The Islamic terrorist group and the Mexican Cartel are similar in some ways, even though they might be from different countries or states, they still have several similarities, such as, both of these groups; kill, and want money. When people think about some of the similarities that the Mexican Cartel and ISIS have in common, you probably think; blood, death, terror, and war. It is well known that the drug trade in Mexico represents one of the biggest industries in that country, accounting for as much as $991 million dollars per year. If- as some have estimated (Chabat as cited by à nderson 2007) drug trafficking is one of the ten most important industries of the country, a serious analysis should be undertaken before dismembering it. â€Å"Sinaloa is and has always been a state where the money comes from drug traffic. Where else can it come from? The fishing and agricultural industries are broken. We cannot even get money from the mineral industry because people do not want to work there anymore. Drug smugglers pay miners ten times more just to take care of drugs ().What are we going to do if there is no other place to get money?†says the writer of an article, Viridiana Rios, from Harvard university. Both groups are menacing, but the ISIS group is far more dangerous, because they are way more violent, and have a direct goal to meet. The Islamic terrorist group ISIS has more difference than they do similarities. The Mexican Cartel assassinates people for their money, and drugs. ISIS assassinates people, just because they do not get what they want, as in, they do not get people to believe in what they do, and they do not get the power that they want. These drug armies have spread their dastardly trade throughout Mexico and into many other countries in Latin America (Mexican Cartel). Isis, on the other hand, still keeps on spreading across Iraq and Syria. This terrorist group lead by a former Bin Laden confidant, said to be working with Yemeni bomb-makers to target U.S . aviation. The Mexican Cartel, however, is led by Hector Beltran Leyva, the leader of the Arturo Beltran Leyva drug cartel. ISIS started off back in 2013, out of a garage of a college dropout known as, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The group ISIS wants to restore caliphate. Caliphate is an Islamic state under the rule of a community of religious scholars guided by a supreme leader, the caliph or khalifah, which is generally taken to mean the successor to the Prophet Muhammad. ISIS wants; territory, money, power, followers, and revenge toward the United States, because ISIS came about from the aftermath of the U.S. going over to Iraq and their leader, himself was a U.S. captive and was imprisoned for several years. What may come to mind, when you think of the two groups are; assassinations of innocent people and children, hostages, and the torture that these people might be going through, without them knowing what is really going on. This world really cannot stand having either one of these groups. Fifty-seven countries have already united to stop this terrorist group called ISIS. The states included are; Russia, Iraq, and the United States. CNN reporters say,†the United Stated is doing what it must take to †take the fight to terrorists,â₠¬ †leading a coalition of Arab nations in a series of airstrikes against the so-called Islamic State of terror group in Syria, U.S. President Barak Obama said Tuesday. The United States really does not want to deal with Syria, so instead of calling this Islamic terrorist group ISIS, they call it ISIL. I really do not understand why they do this, if they can see what is really going on in Iraq with ISIS. What makes this group Islamic is not the fact that they so-call themselves Islam, but the fact that they invented another version of the religion Islam, with a lot of violence and murder. There are so many questionable things going on in our world today. One thing there is without question, terror needs to end. Children who are living in Iraq cannot play outside, because of an Islamic group that is terrorizing the people of that country, and it is really hard to comprehend. When, you turn on the television and see the news flash, â€Å"Islamic terrorist group just assassinated five people in Iraq, during the past week, not one survived†, and a few seconds later, â€Å"Mexican Cartel has assassinated about twenty people during the past yea r and a half†, it makes one question, the war on terror. One thing is certain, our future begins, where terror ends.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Influences on Nursing Professional Practice
Influences on Nursing Professional Practice The Illness-Wellness Continuum, developed in the 1970s, illustrates that health is a dynamic state; there are several degrees of health. â€Å"Good health†, or High-Level Wellness, is achieved through awareness, education and growth, and is found on the right of the horizontal Illness-Wellness Continuum diagram. Signs, symptoms, and disability, which are evidence of worsening health (and eventually Pre-Mature Death), are found on the left side of the Illness-Wellness Continuum illustration as â€Å"Poor health†. In the center of the continuum is a â€Å"Neutral Point†, at which there is â€Å"no discernible illness or wellness†. (Travis, 2004). Congruent with the Illness-Wellness Continuum, the Constitution of the World Health Organization defined health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†. (World Health Organization, 1946). It is interesting to note that this definition has not been revised in more than six decades. This definition describes the integration of physical, mental and social well-being as health, and differentiates the state of health from the lack of disease. Wellness can be considered as the integration of mind, body and spirit. Optimal wellness allows us to achieve our goals and find meaning and purpose in our lives. Wellness combines seven dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. Overall, wellness is the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a variety of ways. Wellness involves continually learning and making changes to enhance your state of wellness. When we balance the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, and environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness. (Nordqvist, 2014). Harvard-trained Andrew Weil, MD wrote that humans become familiar with health when they are ill or have a disease (page 41). (2004). It is important to realize that the traditional valuations of health as good and desirable, and illness as bad, are not necessarily clear-cut; â€Å"health is the expansion of consciousness that transcends the illness-wellness dichotomy†. (Koerner, 2011). â€Å"Health is wholeness – wholeness in its most profound sense, with nothing left out and everything in just the right order to manifest the mystery of balance. Far from being simply the absence of disease, health is a dynamic and harmonious equilibrium of all the elements and forces making up and surrounding a human being.†(page 41) (Weil, 2004). Health, then, encompasses both wellness and illness and/or disease. Health and healing may be examined in a number of ways, including through the models of the physical body and the body-mind-spirit. Models of Health and Healing Larry Dossey, MD pointed out how the perceptions and beliefs about health and illness have changed over time (Koerner, 2011). In Era I, which began in the 1860s, science was assimilated into the practice of western medicine. Health and illness were considered in the context of the physical body; the consciousness of individuals was a result of biochemical, structural, and physiological facets of the brain. Illness was considered to be â€Å"physical in nature†; therefore, treatment had to be physical in nature. Surgery and medications treated physical illness. The term â€Å"physical†refers to the body of a person, rather than their mind, and existed in a tangible form which could be touched or seen. It was reasonable to conclude that the physical body was a basic component of each individual’s identity. The consciousness, or mind, of a patient was connected to the role of the brain. In the 1950s, Era II arose as practitioners expanded their considerations of health and noticed that thoughts, feelings, personal principles, attitudes and values impact physical health. Hypertension, myocardial infarctions, and ulcerations of the gastrointestinal system were attributed to emotional stress. During this time period, treatment modalities began to address the mind consciousness. (Dossey, n.d.). It has been said that many people still hold this perspective. (Koener, ) Based on the quantum physics pattern, the current perspective, Era III, identifies the consciousness which is not limited to a person’s body, but is described as â€Å"infinite, immortal, omnipresent†. (Riley, 2011). A nonlocal mind is one without limits; consequently, an individual’s consciousness can influence and be influenced by others’ emotions, including love and compassion. This meshing of consciousness creates unity, or â€Å"oneness†among all humans; we have the ability to influence each other through connections which can be made in the nursing profession by nurturing transpersonal activities. Discussion. A significant distinction is found by comparing the mind in the physical body of Era I to the consciousness of Era III. In the 19th century, the mind was considered to be entirely separate from the neurologic function of the brain. In the modern Era, the limitless mind has been expanded to Body-Mind-Spirit and My Professional Presence Nurses are human beings, just like their patients. To truly partner in relationships that advance wholeness in patients (p. 18.) (Korner, 2011), nurses must be â€Å"authentically present†(Falk-Rafael, 2005). Rather than focusing on past or present events to explain physical and emotional states, nurses can assist patients to â€Å"stay with their feelings and learn to observe†¦without reaction, description, or interpretation.†(p. 18) (Koerner, 2011). This nursing presence creates the opportunity â€Å"for real transformation and growth.†(p. 18) (Koerner, 2011). Nursing theorist Jean Watson’s caritas illuminate that at its core, transpersonal recognizes that the power of love, faith, compassion, caring, community and intention, consciousness and access to a deeper/higher energy source, i.e., ones God, is as important to healing as are our conventional treatment approaches, and is possibly even more powerful in the long run†(Falk-Rafael quoting Watson. See reference #30)[emailprotected]vid=1hid=104 The framework of Caring Science â€Å"is grounded in the ethic of ‘Belonging’ to that which is greater than our ‘Being’; it goes beyond medical science, acknowledging the relational, life force; they philosophical, unitary field dimensions underlying all of humanity.†(Watson Browning, 2012). My Professional Presence Influences My Professional Practice Self-confidence, comfort with uncertainty, integrity, optimism, passion for work, and empathy are 6 features of professional nursing presence (Lachman, V, 2001). A nurse’s professional presence can facilitate an â€Å"aura of competence and authority†. (Chater, 2011) Classic dark suits with white blouses, a tidy hair style, quality shoes, and traditional jewelry project an appearance of confidence and create a favorable first impressions. Making eye contact, smiling, active listening and open body language can promote confidence from others. A professional presence allows nurses to distinguish themselves from other nurses. My knowledge, skills and abilities†¦. My ability to complete assignments and demonstrate accountability†¦ Self-promotion through networking, volunteering, appropriate social media can increase my professional presence. Promoting my own professional presence and showing respect to those with whom I come in contact can stimulate the profession of nursing. Crittenden, J. (2013). The discreet guide for executive women. San Diego, CA: Whistling Rabbit Press. I most closely relate to the concept of the body-mind-spirit in relation to my professional presence. Most disease or illness is manifested in our physical bodies. The physical pain we feel is a symptom of something in our body needing attention. We need diagnostic studies to identify abnormalities, and can Additionally, if we find ourselves catching bacterial and viral illnesses, it is beneficial to evaluate if there is compromise to the immune system, and address any deficiencies. The thoughts and emotions of individuals influence health, too. Anxiety, anger and frustration can cause blood pressure to elevate, resulting in poor perfusion. The spirit is â€Å"the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy and power† Because of my Christian beliefs, I consider each individual’s spirit to be their connection to divinity. If someone is experiencing pain, I think it is valuable to consider if there is pathological disease (i.e., a broken bone or diseased organ) which would benefit from medical attention through pharmaceuticals; some type of physical therapy; or rest. It is beneficial to examine Professional presence Increased awareness of my professional presence as a nurse can help me better integrate my insights, goals, and beliefs as I serve in roles of leader and follower. I was excited to read about Carla Woody’s five-stage transformational remembering process of sparking, separation, searching, initiation, and re-entry. (p. 208). (Koerner, 2011). There is an opportunity for me to practice mindfulness in my personal life and professional life. I also am willing to take the time to learn and practice mindfulness. At greater frequency over the past year, I have found myself wondering the extent of â€Å"nursing burnout†that I feel. I turned 50 last year, and that milestone began me asking questions about what I want to do with the rest of my life. I am satisfied as a nurse; however, I am restless and relatively bored in my current position at work. I have recently completed my BSN, a second bachelor degree, and obtained board certification. One of my reasons for pursuing an MSN in Nursing Education is to keep a spark of learning, new knowledge, and inquisitiveness about me, because that is who I am. I embrace the possibility that â€Å"a mindful person is relaxed. He or she’s fully immersed in the here and now and has no regrets about the past or worries about the future.†(Heard, Hartman, Bushardt, 2013). One thing that I have realized is that my focus is not going to be on tasks (which I referred to as what I want to do with the rest of my life), but on beingwhat I was to be for the rest of my life. The current assignment to examine what it means to me to be human has been a satisfying journey. I have identified that I want authenticity in my relationships, and that I want simplicity in my material belongings. By authenticity, I mean that I want to be myself, be natural, and find myself surrounded by a small core group of friends and family members who are the same way. When I say simplicity, I mean that I do not clutter in my surroundings. I want order and minimalism. I do not want fluff or dust collectors. I want my surrounding to be peaceful while reflecting who I am and buoying me, too. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science incorporated the principle of an â€Å"authentic presence†in which nurses honor, or respect, and connect as a human to other humans. References A conversation about the future of medicine. Barnett, J. Shale, A. (2013). The integration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into thepractice of psychology: A vision for the future. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 43(6). 576-585. A review of this article that I will source: Chater, S. (2011). Professionalism. In M. Greenberg, G. Alexander, H. Feldman (Eds.), Nursing leadership: A concise encyclopedia> New York: Springer Pub. Co. Dossey, L. (n.d.). A conversation about the future of medicine. Retrieved from Falk-Rafale, A. (2005). Advancing nursing theory through theory-guided practice: the emergence of a critical caring perspective. Advances in Nursing Science 28(1), 38-49. Heard, P, Hartman, S, Bushardt, S. (2013). Rekindling the flame: Using mindfulness to end nursing burnout. Nursing Management(44)11. DOI-10.1097/01.NUMA.0000436366.99397.10 Koerner, J. (2011).Healing Presence: The Essence of Nursing (2nd ed). New York City: Springer Publishing Company. Koerner, J. (n.d.). â€Å"Complete Health and Healing†by JoEllen Koerner (Retrieved from: Lachman, V. (2001). Professional presence: How do you get it? Nursing Management 32(10). 41-42. Retrieved from Nordqvist, C. (2014). What is health? What does good health mean? Retrieved from Physical. (n.d.). In Retrieved May 9, 2015 from Riley, S. (2011). Review of Reinventing Medicine: Beyond mind-body to a new era of healing. Travis, J. (2004). Illness-Wellness Continuum. Retrieved from Watson, J. Browning, R. (2012). Viewpoint: Caring Science meets Heart Science: A guide to authentic caring practice. American Nurse Today 7(8). Retrieved from Weil, A. (2004). Health and healing: The philosophy of integrative medicine and optimum health. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. World Health Organization. (1948). Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization. Retrieved from A. Professional Presence Discuss the differences betweentwomodels of health and healing (e.g., physical body, body-mind, body-mind-spirit/bio-psycho-social,) as they relate to what it means to be human. Analyze differences betweenoneof the models discussed in part A1 and your professional presence (i.e., current beliefs, attitudes, and actions regarding health and healing). Discuss how your professional presence (mindful or distracted) influences your nursing practice.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Gambling Essay -- essays papers
Gambling As time marches on into the twenty first century, gambling has become an increasing problem in the United Sates. The continuing problem has hurt the lives of many often leading to actions such as suicides. The problem with gambling today is it is not taken as a serious problem by the American world. According to Richard Wilhelm, it is thought of as â€Å" a recreational hobby that has little negative affects†(2). Little does much of the public know that gambling is a serious addiction that can completely take over your life. It is a problem that is continuing to increase yet people have no idea the permanent damage it can cause on a person’s life. Our job is to inform people of the dangers of gambling and create a solid awareness so that this problem can be dealt with in a proper way. Unfortunately not every one feels as if we must spread the word about the dangers of gambling. Local governments are firm believers in leaving the system the way it is. It is estimated that the city of Las Vegas takes in well over a billion dollars each year throughout their casinos(1). They then use the money to build up a city that opens up both job opportunities and cheaper housing(1). Las Vegas brings up an interesting argument that benefits its city but they forgot to mention what it does to the people that live in their city. You can have the most beautiful city in the world but if people in your city are losing their life savings and killing themselves, a discussion must take place. To often with gambling, big time governments think only of the money that is coming but not how it is coming in. This is exactly what happens with gambling. Money is brought in at will in areas that contain a number of casinos. However, the money that is brought in is not honest money or hard earned money. â€Å"Governments live off the ten percent of the American population that are compulsive gamblers(2).†It is estimated that nearly one in every ten individuals today are compulsive gamblers. One thing people don’t realize is how serious compulsive gambling is. I personally am one who suffered through a great deal of distress to my addiction to gambling. People think compulsive gamblers are weird and messed up low life’s who have nothing better to due with their time. The average person thinks that there is no way he or she would ever be stupid enough to get to the point whe... ...ation is a vital part of our world and without it, we cannot know from right or wrong. If someone doesn’t tell you anything at all, you would never know the possible dangers that lurk. Before people knew about the dangers of smoking, nearly fifty percent and up of the population smoked. Now DARE programs have been set up to teach kids that this is wrong. All over the news, we here stories of alcohol related incidents as well as people over dosing on drugs. However, how often is it we here about that guy who dropped his life earnings in a night and Vegas and shot himself to death? Unfortunately we don’t. Therefore we are not able to protect our children and ourselves against what quite possibly be the fast growing disease out there. Information is the gateway to which we base our decisions on everyday, however without it we seize to know. NBC runs fifteen second clips about how knowledge is power. We need to get into the faces of the media and protest the governmentà ¢â‚¬â„¢s stance on this issue so as our children grow they will realize the dangers of gambling and not just alcohol and drugs. We have the knowledge; all we have to do is proclaim it so that the world can know how this works.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Challenges to Male Authority in Sophocles’ play, Antigone :: Antigone Essays
Challenges to Male Authority in Sophocles’ play, Antigone In the play Antigone by Sophocles, Creon and Antigone have distinct conflicting values. Antigone first demonstrates feminist logic when she chooses to challenge a powerful male establishment. This establishment is personified by her uncle Creon, who is newly crowned as the King of Thebes. Creon poses to be a major authority figure in a patriarchal society. Creon's regard for the laws of the city causes him to abandon all other beliefs. He feels that all should obey the laws set forth by him, even if other beliefs, moral or religious, state otherwise. Antigone, on the other hand, holds the beliefs of the gods in high reverence. She feels that the laws of the gods should be obeyed above all others, especially when in respect to family. The bold, tradition-braking character of Antigone clearly clashed with the overpowering patriarchal dominance of Creon. This collision between characters gives rise to the conflict between the sexes in Sophocles' Antigone. The denial of burial to Polynices strikes directly at her family loyalty. This enormous sense of loyalty leads to her simultaneous violation and observance to the duty of women of the time. It is precisely this loyalty that makes her an active rather than a static figure. Antigone herself represents the highest ideals of human life -- courage and respect for the gods. She believed that the law of the gods, which dictates that a body be given proper burial rights, was more important than the law of the King. Throughout the play, Antigone amazingly retains the traditional role of women, while at the same time boldly challenges this depiction. The challenge occurs as both a defiance of Creon's laws in Antigone's burying Polynices and as a direct verbal assault on Creon himself. Creon becomes angry that a woman questions his sovereignty and condemns her to death even though she was the daughter of his sister, Jocasta. Creon believes that if he does not follow through on his word the people of Thebes will not respect his authority as king. Thus Creon's patriotic values clash with Antigone's ethical values to make conflicting roles. Creon, being a new king, wants to prove his abilities as a firm and strong administrator. Creon wants to be respected and feared as a king because this will prove him to be the ultimate authorative figure in Thebes. He stands for obedience to the State. Surely it is his voice the townspeople should obey. Creon abuses his power to force others to accept his point of view.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Health Care Access Options Essay
Community can be defined as a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage (, 2015). The health care needs of a community are contingent upon age, gender, race, and social class. This paper will address the marketing strategy of a web-based resource, walk-in clinic, and a retail clinic within one community. Research will cover the audience in which the organizations wish to target, how they market to The target audience, the effectiveness, and what could be done differently to improve marketing strategies. The Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health web page is dedicated to helping women improve the health and wellness of their communities. The wealth of information provided allows women to educate themselves on a variety of topics. The mission of the Bright Futures for Women’s Health and Wellness Initiative (BFWHW) is to plan, develo p, implement, and evaluate a variety of culturally competent, evidence-based consumer, provider, and community tools for women across their lifespan. Materials help women of all ages achieve better physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health by encouraging healthy practices (US Health Resources & Services Administration, 2015). By providing easily downloaded toolkits or an 800 number if internet is not available, BFWHW targets the female audience effectively. By choosing to target only women, the site narrows its market. To improve and broaden their market, the site might add information that target men to educate first time fathers, suggest helpful tips for helping around the house, and provide information or links to support groups for men and teenagers. Cigna Urgent Care is the community walk in clinic. The featured services provided include primary care and pediatrics. Specialty services include outpatient surgery, podiatry, neurology, pharmacy, Health for seniors, imagery, and vision centers (Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, 2015). The clinic provides care for every age, infants to seniors. Open to the public 365 days ou t of the year, and staff board certified doctors to treat a wide variety of conditions. One Saturday a month, the clinic offers well check-up appointments for women only. Targeting all audiences, with a focus on women’s health for convenience. Cigna also targets senior health, providing health education classes. The website allows easy access to information and is user-friendly. The marketing strategy is effective with olive branches extended to all generations, easy access to information, and several locations. Individuals can now receive health care services while shopping for groceries. CVS introduced minute clinic over a decade ago and now have over 800 locations nationwide (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). Targeting audiences that have very little time to schedule an appointment with a primary care physician, the minute clinics offer walk-in services for a variety of health care needs. Staffed by nurse practitioners and physicians assistants that specialize in family health care (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). The minute clinics accept most health insurance and offer flexible and affordable payment options to individuals with no health insurance or those who are underinsured (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). Practitioners diagnose, treat and write prescriptions for common family illnesses such as strep throat, bladder infections, pink eye, and infections of the ears, nose, and throat (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). Provide common vaccinations for flu, pneumonia, pertussis and hepatitis. (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). Treat minor wounds, abrasions, joint sprains, and skin conditions such as poison ivy, ringworm, lice, and acne. Provide a broad range of wellness services including TB testing, sports and camp physicals, and lifestyle programs such as smoking cessation and a medically based weight loss programs (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). Offer routine lab tests, instant results and education for those with diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). Provide care for adults and children 18 months and older for most services and share records with primary care provider with patient permission (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). The website offers a price list for all services provided, as well as educational information for a variety of health care issues. Being the official sports physical provider of Pop Warner Football, and official retail medical clinic of USA Football (CVSHealth, 1999-2014). is an effective marketing strategy to target sports organizations in the community. The CVS minute clinic is successful in reaching all target audiences. The three health care organizations researched used effective marketing strategies to reach the target audience. Without research and effective marketing, an organization will set itself for failure. Targeting the desirable audience is the key to successf ul community clinics. References Cigna HealthCare of Arizona. (2015). Cigna Medical Group. Retrieved from Communities. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved January 30, 2015, from website: (1999-2014). Retrieved from CVSHealth. (1999-2014). Minute Clinic. Retrieved from For Kids To Do. (2015). Retrieved from US Health Resources & Services Administration. (2015). HRSA. Retrieved from
Monday, September 16, 2019
.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study in this research is to identify the relationship between job satisfaction and employee attrition in PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB), which focuses on the technical job areas employees. This research will also cover on the factors of job satisfaction, which are the push, the pull, as well as the personal factors. There have been numerous studies regarding job satisfaction and attrition intentions worldwide and the results are repeatedly found to be the same, negatively related to be exact.Dessler (1978:37) refers to job satisfaction, as the degree of needs satisfaction that is derived from and or experienced on the job?. He affirms to the ability of employees in an organization aspirations, feeling happy doing their job with the hope that their needs will be achieved. Job satisfaction reflects employees’ feelings regarding their work and has been found to affect many operations within the organization. If the level of satisfaction i s low, the impact on the company’s operation as a whole might be negative and vice versa.In contrast, when employees’ level of satisfaction is high, they are willing to fully utilize their effort for the sake of the organization. It is definitely increases the employees’ interests and instilled their work motivation that lead to a stronger-tighter bond between the employee and the organization. When these two significant facets becomes ‘one’, the intentions to leave can be decreases (Boles et al. , 1997). Motivated employees are productive, happy and committed.The spin off of this includes reduced employee attrition intentions, increased employees loyalty and workplace harmony. The intention to quit oneself job is developed from conscious and rational decision the employee make to leave the organization. Alternatively, the employee does not leave the job instantly but the ‘intention to leave’ is formed gradually and the person tries to leave following a deep consideration and finding new job-opportunities elsewhere.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Establish an E-commerce Business
According to International Data Corporation more than ten million people are purchasing goods and services online in the United States alone. E-commerce allows people to exchange goods and services immediately with no barriers of time or distance. E-commerce at its simplest form, is a goal to improve the way business is conducted through technology. I found many E-commerce business sites growing at an exceptional rate. This technology includes marketing and online sales. A business using e-commerce must provide a positive experience for their customers. Because of the increase in the demand by customers, the business must be able to provide properly functional sites. Customers online want the freedom to buy items online from the convenience of their own home. 1. I feel we should establish an E-commerce business of your own book within the next four months, but we must understand brand equity. 2. We should have control over your website, so we must understand the criteria of finding a firm that will obtain this goal. 3. Finally, it is essential that we understand the importance of Electronic Data Interchange aspects of setting up your website. Brand equity is providing access to your site that is error free. Your site should be easy to use and easy to access. By having these things you build customer loyalty. This loyalty becomes an â€Å"extra†that will differentiate your business and products in the eyes of the customer. The most important part of the site is it should be available and ready to take orders. If your system crashes when taking orders, not only are your customers going to have a bad experience but they will not be able to place their order. Most people will take their business elsewhere and there is plenty of competition within E-commerce. In order to run a successful e-commerce site you must be able to control the surges of traffic on your site. These are times where heavy traffic flow could possibly slow your site to a crawl. Websites have a considerable amount to look at when high volumes of traffic occur. The level of control a company has over their site is called Internet Quality Control. There are four main elements such as server control, network control, control of applications and content, and network management. You need these four elements in order to have high control over your web site. An important aspect of e-commerce is the development of EDI. EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. EDI was developed to increase supplier relationships and reduce costs. The goal of EDI is to eliminate the use of mail courier and fax. With a new paperless exchange companies would be connected electronically. All transactions are conducted through standardized processes to a trading partner. EDI has allowed firms to increase productivity, improved channel relationships, reduce operating costs, and increase ability to compete internationally. The first benefit of EDI is the increase in productivity. Gains in productivity can be seen in both internal and external operations. Externally, companies can find increases in productivity trough in fewer operations. For example most companies traditionally would create invoices with computer systems. The invoice then would be printed out and sent to the customers. The customer would then enter the invoice information into their computer system and then process the order. This process can take days, but with EDI it can happen with minutes. Internally, companies gain productivity through faster transmission of information as well as reduced data entry redundancy. A study by EDI Group, Ltd., reported the companies using EDI experienced reduced cycle times of 40.3% and a drop of error rates of 10.1% to 4.4%. This study shows how EDI can cause firms productivity to increase. E-commerce is revolutionizing how business operates. Be it through improved customer relations and service or increased efficiency leading to immense savings. It is being recognized as not just improving clerical tasks, but as an integral part of doing business today. Within these necessary steps as in brand equity, control over your website, and Electronic Data Interchange will help you land your customers with satisfaction.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Far from Heaven
Todd Haynes renders a delightful yet subtle touch to the theme of racism and heterosexuality in his 2002 award winning movie, Far From Heaven. The movie is set at the backdrop of 1957, a period when racism and orthodox feelings were at its peek in the society. The plot revolves around Cathy Whitaker who is shown as a good wife, good mother and a perfect homemaker.Her husband Frank is an executive at Magnatech. The film starts with the scene when Cathy gets a call from the local police bout her husband who happens to be on the line. He says police mistook him for someone else and they are not leaving him alone. In the sequence of scenes that follows, Frank begins to stay late at office and develops obsession with the other men while Cathy develops love with Raymond Deagan, who is their late gardeners son as well a black man.Meanwhile Franks relationship with Cathy gets strained, and he turns to alcohol. Soon relationship between Cathy and Raymond leads to severe relationship between h im and his daughter. Meanwhile Frank is not able to uppress his feelings as homosexual and falls in love with other man seeking divorce from Cathy. In the whole film, we could see double tension perpetuating among the protagonists desires with each scene portraying interracial romances or one or the other issue of the homosexuality.The pool scene which appears almost near the end of the movie carries the themes of race and homosexuality more clearly and very closely entangled within the film and is beautifully fused within the whole structure of film. This scene takes place at Miami where Frank and Cathy go to rejuvenate their arried life. In the previous scene one has observed the stealthy look that passes between Frank and a handsome blond boy. In this pool scene, while Cathy is sitting just near the poolside, Frank has Just finished some laps to catch his breath.While he is sitting on steps with his legs submerged in the waters, he notices that members of the blond family are com ing out and their son does not seem to be with them. Frank gets up, stretches himself, comes out of the pool and as he is going to pickup his towel, a black boy aged four or five years rushes besides him towards the pool. Soon father of the young boy runs towards him and shouts at him as other white guests are watching Now what did I tell you about going in that pool You know youre not allowed in there (Far From Heaven) Boy is taken away forcefully and he begins to cry.Though he has Just been on the first step of the pool yet pool gets emptied within few moments. The atmosphere gets tensed and further increases when one white lady hysterically orders her daughter to immediately come out of the pool. When the daughter asks the reason, she retorts Because I said so (Far From Heaven). This scene hows the limit to which Americans are afraid of the blacks, and are extremely afraid of their black bodies the bodies that can cause infection.This misconception is so beautifully and realistic ally portrayed that it shows the extent to which people are engrossed in the racism and their prejudice that they can be easily carried away with the delusion that black bodies are contaminated and thus they cannot even share the pool with them. The camera shifts between Cathys perspective who is looking out of the pool, and then moves straight on to the Cathy herself to make the audience ignifying a protecting cover to the feelings emanating from her heart.The whole scene becomes a minuscule of the large drama that is unfolded inside the pool illustrating Cathys futile love affair with Raymond. The stress on the black father and the white mother taming their children to remain aloof with each other is suggestive of the deeply imbedded wall that is divided between the two communities socially, psychology as well as emotionally. The scene then turns towards Frank, and camera is focused on Frank when he sees the blond boy.At the time when the tense situation erpetuated by the racism b egins to calm down, the camera moves to show the viewers Franks thoughts on racism. Close up shot is taken as camera is focused on the Franks face as he observes the body of the black child and then of a blond teenager, both suggestive of the fact that Frank is trying to sort out this whole drama as he himself is so confused at the time. At this Juncture, Frank decides to move back into their hotel room to get Cathys book. Inside the room when he is looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, he feels somebodys presence behind him.
Friday, September 13, 2019
A View of the Problems in Washington, D.C., Surrounding the Enforcement of Firearm Limitations
A View of the Problems in Washington, D.C., Surrounding the Enforcement of Firearm Limitations Challenges to local gun restrictions in Washington DC Introduction The district of Columbia law prohibits handgun possession by criminalizing carrying of unregistered firearm and barring the registration of handguns, the law gives a separate provision that an individual shall not carry an unlicensed firearm, however, the law permits the police chief to give 1year licenses, and it is a requirement for the residents to keep legally owned handguns dissembled and unloaded or bound by a trigger lock apparatus. The petitioner Heller, a special D.C police officer sought permission to register a firearm he wanted to keep at home, yet the District declined his application (Blocher, (2008). The petitioner filed this suit pursuing based on the Second Amendment grounds, to include Dc from implementing the ban on firearm registration, the licensing need at the moment bars possessing an unlicensed handgun at home, in addition to the trigger lock device as it disallows functional firearms use at home. The D.C circuit reversed the suit set aside by the District Cou rt holding the view that the Second Amendment gives a person protection to own handguns. More so, the circuit held that the city’s full ban on handguns, in addition to the city’s requisites that firearms held at home should always be dissembled or on trigger lock devices; denied an individual his right to defend himself/herself when in danger Majority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller (2007-2008) The Supreme Court held that the second amendment guarantees a person’s protection to own a firearm as long as the firearm is not related to use of unlawful deeds but for purposes of protection and self defense inside the home. According to the majority ruling delivered by Scalia J, the firearm and trigger-lock apparatus requirement (when applied to self-defense) violates the second amendment act. The entire ban on firearm possession at home by the District is tantamount to the illegalization of different class ownership of ‘arms’’ which Americans unilaterally choose for the legal purpose of self-protection. Under some of the normal scrutiny the court has used applications to enumerated constitutional rights, therefore the ban in the scenario where the value of legal defense of family, property, and self is paramount the ban would fail the constitutional rights agreed (Lee, 2009). Additionally, the need that for every legal firearm held at home the handgun must be dissembled or bound by trigger-lock device makes it absolutely impossible for citizens to use the lawfully held firearms for the primary lawful objective of self-defense and thus making the total ban unconstitutional. In this ruling the Supreme Court considered Heller’s oral acceptance that the District law is allowed when not capriciously or arbitrarily enforced, the bench assumes that a license shall meet his prayer for relief even though licensing need is never addressed. Therefore, assuming the petitioner is not barred from exercising the second amendment rights; the District should allow the petitioner to register his handgun and must provide Heller a license to carry within the home. Being aware of the challenge of firearm violence in the country, and taking seriously the prayers of those that believe the ban on handgun possession is a remedy. The constitution gives the city a range of tools for curbing the menace; this includes a number of measures regulating f irearms (Magarian,2009). A constitutional enshrined right certainly takes particular policy an option off the negotiating table. This option includes the total prohibition of handguns used and possessed for self-defense within the home. Indisputably a number is of the opinion that the second amendment is outdated in a community where the nation’s army is the pride of the nation, and was a very well-trained disciplined force give private security, and a society that gun violence is a menace. According to them, this is arguable; however, what is not arguable of course is this court making the second amendment defunct. Minority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller (2007-2008) The Supreme Court’s dissenting opinion holds that the ruling of giving a fresh constitutional right to possess and the usage of handguns for personal objectives defeats the foregone understanding, yet it provides an uphill task for future litigations seeking definitions for the scope of allowable procedures and regulations. Particularly, the dissenting judgment delivered by Stevens noted that there is no sign that the drafters of the amendment desired to include the common-law right of self –protection as an integral part of the constitution. The minority judge notes that the opinion announced by the court fails to find any new evidence giving support to the view that the amendment was meant congress power to minimize civilian use of weapons. Incapable to give any such findings, the announcement relies on an edgy and unimpressive understanding of the amendments context. With the assumption that majority of citizens are law steadfast, and given the reality that the desir e to protect oneself might suddenly emerge in number of locations other than within the home, the judge in his opinion fears that the city’s policy choice might as well be the first of unidentified number of dominoes to be removed off the table. Conclusion Even though the ruling, in this case, provides a short implication to the formulation of the second amendment, the court focuses at length on other four primary sources: Blackstone’s commentaries on England laws, the Seventeen century English Bill of rights, the post-civil war legislative history, and the post-enactment commentary on the second amendment. The above sources give the slight answer to the bigger question before the court, and thus, in any event, offer small support to the courts conclusion. The majority ruling thus expresses some elements of judicial restraint from the jury.
Drugs and Control Substances among Hispanic Cultures Research Paper
Drugs and Control Substances among Hispanic Cultures - Research Paper Example Marijuana and cocaine use among eighth-grade students increased during the years 1991to 2002 according to samples obtained from the MTF. Despite this, there has been a decline in the use of both marijuana and cocaine among the Hispanics for the past few years. However, the Hispanic groups have depicted a higher rate of marijuana abuse compared to other groups such as whites and blacks. Therefore, the high rates of drug abuse among young Hispanic individuals have led to an increased threat to the public health because it contributes to a significant risk of addiction problems. Alvarez, Jason, Olson, Ferrari & Davis (2007) explains that Hispanic cultures in relation to drugs and control substances can be expressed in terms of the gender differences depicted through prevalence rates of drugs substances abused. In fact, these differences are profound among the Latinos and Latinas, whereby the former has increased likelihood of abstaining from abusing drugs and other control substances compared to the latter (Cervantes & Pena, 1998). There are notions from various researchers indicating that this tendency is caused by their cultural norms, which do not support substance use among women. In this case, the Latinas are protected from the effects of drug abuse and substances through a promotion of abstinence. Moreover, empirical evidence has justified the interrelationship between American cultural values and drug abuse among the Latinas. For instance, a national survey indicated that over one thousand Latinas depicted their interaction with non-Latinos and held their cultural values have reduced chances of abstaining from abusing drugs.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
How EICC Coroporte Social Responsibility Measureble and Sustainable Essay
How EICC Coroporte Social Responsibility Measureble and Sustainable - Essay Example Code of Conduct in EICC The Code of Conduct of people employed in companies under the umbrella of EICC came into form focusing mainly on three specific areas. Firstly it worked in helping create a safer and transparent work atmosphere in the companies. Secondly it enhanced the responsibility parameter of the people in regards to environment and society. Thirdly the Code of Conducts helps in motivating the people to develop on their business skills and thus enhance productivity. Companies desiring to adopt the Code of Conduct for EICC are required to firstly identify interest in the people and thereby raise commitment in them to follow such codes in their actions. Thus training of the staffs by the management body while keeping an eye on the changing guidelines in the EICC Codes of Conduct also constitutes an integral part of their actions (EICC, â€Å"EICC Code†). EICC Implementation and sustenance of CSR Principles in Western Digital (Thailand) Company Limited Western Digital is a California based company that works in the generation of products and services for those companies that work on the collection, management and employment of large amount of digital databases. The company earns expertise in the production of hard disks for easy storage and use of data. Thailand is considered as the company’s largest manufacturing center employing around 30,000 people committed to render quality in products and services (Western Digital, â€Å"Welcome to Western Digital†). Western Digital a continuing member of EICC vehemently supports the Code of Conduct guidelines laid down by the body in regards to the monitoring the actions of its supply chain groups in fulfilling economic, social and environmental goals (Western Digital, â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011†, 19). Preliminary Literature Review Relevancy and Scope of the EICC Codes of Conduct for Corporate Social Responsibility FIAS (2007) observes that the EICC Codes of Con duct in regards to the sector of Corporate Social Responsibility operates along parameters like employment conditions of the people pertaining to compensation schemes and other employment policies relating to discrimination and employment of children. Again the Codes of Conduct also focus on sustaining and enhancing the health and safety paradigms of the workplace. Along with focusing on enhancing the betterment of work conditions for the people the codes of conduct also laid stress on the meeting of environmental guidelines by the company. Finally the Codes of Conduct laid down by EICC tends to evaluate whether the management of the company has taken significant steps in training the people in effective understanding and fulfillment of the relevant guidelines. Herein the EICC Codes of Conduct tends to enhance the accountability of the management to fulfill the relevant guidelines by identifying the task holder groups. Moreover the Codes of Conduct also require auditing to be done o f the operational process of the enterprise in regards to the operational standards and guidelines as reflected and documented by EICC. Training rendered to the people for the adequate fulfillment of the EICC Codes of Conduct needs to draw potential feedbacks from the respondents so as to firstly assess the interest of the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Normal Distribution and Probability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Normal Distribution and Probability - Essay Example Given that the median helps to do away with influences associated with too much of one or two scores on the extremes of any given distribution, it thus emerges as the measure of choice in variability. Assignment 2 Sales 500 salespeople of a company are mostly normally distributed forming a bell symmetrical shape. Whereby sales from those who record high sales appear on the right side while those with low sales coming on the left side and with a majority of sales appearing on the middle part of the distribution, translating to an average of sales on either side of the curve accounting for the mean sales. This would make it resourceful to come up with a working model to be used to work out a budget as well as predicting performance of the company. A company would predict the effect-increase in sales revenue- of increasing the number stores and salespeople. This distribution also helps to not only identify those sales people who need extra training but also it helps to identify those wh o need to be replaced. It is worth to consider the size of the sample in question, with a large sample like that of the 500 sales people proving to be more representative compared to a sample of about 100 people. It is therefore relevant statistically to estimate that adding one more sales person is worth for instance $25,000 increase in revenue. Clearly from the study sales people and their respective sales are the main variables which are measured in ratio scale since there are those sales people who have nil sales. On using a continuous scale, sales are normally distributed with most of sales in middle range and the entire sales data being within the range 40% of the average sale. A probability value of 0.05 implies 5% of the sales people will sell an amount different from expected sales value and while the remaining 95 % are expected to sell at an amount within the expected amount. This concept is therefore used to represent monthly countable sales. Assignment 3 Organizations re sort to using means such as incentives and bonuses so as to increase the productivity of their employees. In order prove that financial incentives have always boosted the productivity of employees, I will evaluate the hypothesis that a $ 1,000 incentive offered to employees is sufficient to make them finish a project before the expected time. In this study size of incentive and level of productivity are the independent and dependent variables respectively. Assuming the population sample n=30 would be chosen randomly from the employees allocated to new projects. Hypothesis testing is an analysis of a given research, with a null hypothesis indicating a zero change as a result of the $ 1000 incentive represented by  µ. On the other hand a change as a result of the $ 1000 incentive indicates the alternative hypothesis. In order to determine critical boundaries and identify chances of Type 1error, it's important to select an alpha level. Selecting a .01 alpha level provides a low risk error and avoids overstretching the critical area since this level enhances a balance between the functions which offers a base to reject or accept the proposed effect of the incentive. A one-tailed test is utilized when hypothesis about a particular directional rather than general. Results obtained from one -tailed test are of significance
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Market Potential Index (MPI) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Market Potential Index (MPI) - Essay Example hat the market is still profitable in the future while market intensity tells that the population has enough disposable income to avail a cellular phone (this is important because cellular phone is not considered a basic need). Market infrastructure is important because cellular phones needs telecommunication infrastructure before it can operate such as International Gateway Facility. The five countries that I would advise a company selling laptops to enter into first are China, India, Singapore, Philippines and HongKong. China and India came as my first two because the sheer market size, economic freedom coupled with technological awareness in both countries. The market in both countries is also not yet mature so the competition is not yet that intense making it easier for the company to penetrate. Singapore came in third because of its overwhelming market growth rate (100) making it ideal for new entrants. I placed Philippines before HongKong because of its recent economic robustness in terms of market when the rest of the world is in recession. I place HongKong as fifth because of its market intensity (200) indicating that the population has more than enough disposable income to purchase new
Monday, September 9, 2019
PepsiCo Strategic Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PepsiCo Strategic Analysis - Case Study Example Anthony Rossi founded Tropicana in 1947. Business Segments Frito-Lay, Inc was funded in 1961, by merging of The Frito Company and H.W. Lay Company. Today, Frito-Lay brands account for 40% of the world, snack chip industry, and 56% of the U.S. industry. Brand Pepsi and other Pepsi-Cola products account for nearly one-third of total soft drink sales in the United States, a consumer market totalling about $58 billion. Outside the United States, Pepsi-Cola beverages are available in about 160 countries. Today Pepsi-Cola products account for about a quarter of all soft drinks sold internationally. The company has also established operations in the emerging markets of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Russia, where Pepsi-Cola was the first U.S. consumer product to be marketed. Pepsi-Cola provides advertising, marketing, sales and promotional support to Pepsi-Cola bottlers and food service customers. This includes some of the world's best and most recognized advertising. New advertising and exciting promotions keep Pepsi-Cola brands young. Pepsi-Cola Company products: - Pepsi-Cola - Diet Pepsi - Pepsi One - Mountain Dew - Slice - Mug Root Beer - Mug Crme - All Sport - Lipton Teas (Partnership) - Aquafina Water - Frappucci no Coffee Drink - Miranda 7UP (outside the U.S. only) - Fruit Works - Pepsi Max Tropicana Anthony Rossi founded Tropicana in 1947. ... Tropicana products: - Tropicana Pure Premium - Tropicana Season's Best - Dole Juices - Tropicana Twister. - Hitchcock - Looza - Copella. PepsiCo gave corporation image, which is committed with subjects like racial and sex discrimination, and environmental problems. All that through the special programs focused on each area. General In the last four year PepsiCo has suffered radical changes in its internal structure and in its market strategies. All these changes were propitiated by the arrival in the direction of R. Enrico, who implemented a radical change in PepsiCo's mentality. He made very important decisions like to come off the restaurants (Pizza Hut & KFC) and the bottlers, due to they were a heavy weight for the company. Although they were come off them, they follow linked to PepsiCo through strategic alliances, it is to say, that the restaurants still sell PepsiCo products and the bottlers follow bottling Pepsi. Moreover PepsiCo has a minority percent of share of these companies. Other important decisions that Enrico made were the strategic acquisitions of leader companies in related markets, like Tropicana an d Mountain Drew. These acquired companies have given to PepsiCo as much profit as stronger company brand image of New PepsiCo. Company Analysis External Analysis PEST Analysis: The Pest Analysis identifies the political, economical, social a technological influences on an organization. Political influences: - The production distribution and use of many of PepsiCo product are subject to various federal laws, such as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act ad the Americans with Disabilities. - The businesses are also subject to state, local and foreign laws. - The international
Sunday, September 8, 2019
International standards on customs services Essay
International standards on customs services - Essay Example In addition, the customs offices that are not working in collaboration with the international community can create chaos in issues like intellectual property and patenting. Thus, the need to have international standards in customs services has been well understood by people. As a result, a large number of international regulatory bodies have taken birth. The very first one is World customs Organisation which represents more than 166 members. On 23 June 2005, all the members of WCO accepted the SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade. The Framework intends to provide supply chain security and facilitation at a global level in order to enhance certainty and predictability. Also, it ensures an integrated supply chain management for all modes of transport. This introduces a number of changes in the existing system. Firstly, it harmonises advanced electronic cargo information requirements on inbound, outbound and transit shipments. Also, according to the Framework, it is the sending nation’s customs administration that performs outbound cargo inspection instead of the receiving nation. Such inspections will adopt non-intrusive detection equipments like x-ray machines and radiation detectors. This ensures that a clearance can be made before the cargo reaches the destination (World Customs Organization, 200 7, p.6-7). Another one is the World Trade Organisation (WTO) that deals with the global rules or trade between nations. This organisation works to see that trade is conducted smoothly, predictably and as freely as possible. The WTO usually covers goods, services and intellectual property. As nations become members of WTO, they have to disclose all the laws and regulations they have adopted. Then, the WTO committees will work to see that the WTO agreements are properly followed by the member nation. In
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Remote connectivity solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Remote connectivity solution - Essay Example On the other hand, these both issues have direct influence on workers’ efficiency as well as the company’s profits. In order to deal with these issues, a large number of technologies and tools are extensively available, and Cisco’s Virtual Office solution is one of the most excellent solutions that offers a wide variety of capabilities such as safety, administration, agility, large scale deployment IP telephony, complete tool and service suite accessibility and resiliency. In addition, Cisco’s Virtual Office offers a visible end-to-end solution that allows business workers to manage jobs remotely as if they were on-site at a business center, which ultimately leads to improved efficiency and minimizes functional costs (Cisco Systems, 2008; Davis & Dhillon, 2006; Tomur, Deregozu, & Genc, 2008; Cascio, 2000). Best Practice The Cisco technology system has developed Virtual Office to provide a solid foundation and a model for how it visualizes corporation and h ow to assist and maintain remote/distributed workers to improve efficiency, increase worker happiness, and reduce security threats along with overall corporate operational expenses. In addition, the Cisco technology community expects that this project application will openly tackle 4 major aspects of change: a site-to-site â€Å"for all time on†VPN (virtual private network) link with the client, that is completely incorporated into the business network. The implementation of this technology will facilitate with a complete variety of communication technology based systems. In this scenario, a firm can communicate via voice, transfer data, real-time communication and video collaboration services all work effectively over the systems. Moreover, these practices will offer a capability to remotely apply, handle, and implement business strategies/standards across a network of extensively dispersed remote access points, at the same time as facilitating the development of the teleco mmuting network with an effective solution to deal with security vulnerabilities (Landau, Vollath, & Chen, 2002; Cisco Systems, 2008; Tyson, 2013). Advantages The implementation of this technology renovates a number of traditional practices of a business organization. Basically, the implementation of this technology will offer a capability to remotely handle and push business policies/standards throughout a network of extensively scattered remote access points, at the same time as allowing for the development of the telecommunication network without creating new network security based issues and vulnerabilities. This solution encompasses a variety of best practices to improve the capability to offer complete visibility of the communication through remote site and remotely organized router in a way that is transparent to the end user. Additionally, these practices also offer excellent support for a wide variety of converged systems. In addition, with this solution a business organiza tion puts together IP telephony into the remote site/home. This offers the capability in "single-number reach-ability," with workers having the same phone number at the business desk and in the home office, which results in less additions and telephony\ accounts to handle and considerably lower
Friday, September 6, 2019
Recent Trends in Hrm Essay Example for Free
Recent Trends in Hrm Essay Indian organizations are also witnessing a change in systems, management cultures and philosophy due to the global alignment of Indian organizations. There is a need for multi skill development. Role of HRM is becoming all the more important. Some of the recent trends that are being observed are as follows: †¢ The recent quality management standards ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 of 2000 focus more on people centric organizations. Organizations now need to prepare themselves in order to address people centered issues with commitment from the top management, with renewed thrust on HR issues, more particularly on training. Charles Handy also advocated future organizational models like Shamrock, Federal and Triple I. Such organizational models also refocus on people centric issues and call for redefining the future role of HR professionals. †¢ To leapfrog ahead of competition in this world of uncertainty, organizations have introduced six- sigma practices. Six- sigma uses rigorous analytical tools with leadership from the top and develops a method for sustainable improvement. These practices improve organizational values and helps in creating defect free product or services at minimum cost. Human resource outsourcing is a new accession that makes a traditional HR department redundant in an organization. Exult, the international pioneer in HR BPO already roped in Bank of America, international players BP Amoco over the years plan to spread their business to most of the Fortune 500 companies. †¢ With the increase of global job mobility, recruiting competent people is also increasingly becoming difficult, especially in India. Therefore by creating an enabling culture, organizations are also required to work out a retention strategy for the existing skilled manpower. NEW TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL HRM International HRM places greater emphasis on a number of responsibilities and functions such as relocation, orientation and translation services to help employees adapt to a new and different environment outside their own country. Selection of employees requires careful evaluation of the personal characteristics of the candidate and his/her spouse. Training and development extends beyond information and orientation training to include sensitivity training and field experiences that will enable the manager to understand cultural differences better. Managers need to be protected from career development risks, re-entry problems and culture shock. To balance the pros and cons of home country and host country evaluations, performance evaluations should combine the two sources of appraisal information. Compensation systems should support the overall strategic intent of the organization but should be customized for local conditions. In many European countries Germany for one, law establishes representation. Organizations typically negotiate the agreement with the unions at a national level. In Europe it is more likely for salaried employees and managers to be unionized. HR Managers should do the following things to ensure success- †¢ Use workforce skills and abilities in order to exploit environmental opportunities and neutralize threats. †¢ Employ innovative reward plans that recognize employee contributions and grant enhancements. †¢ Indulge in continuous quality improvement through TQM and HR contributions like training, development, counseling, etc †¢ Utilize people with distinctive capabilities to create unsurpassed competence in an area, e. g. Xerox in photocopiers, 3M in adhesives, Telco in trucks etc. †¢ Lay off workers in a smooth way explaining facts to unions, workers and other affected groups e. g. IBM, Kodak, Xerox, etc. HR Managers today are focusing attention on the following- †¢ Policies- HR policies based on trust, openness, equity and consensus. †¢ Motivation- Create conditions in which people are willing to work with zeal, initiative and enthusiasm; make people feel like winners. †¢ Relations- Fair treatment of people and prompt redress of grievances would pave the way for healthy work-place relations. Change agent- Prepare workers to accept technological changes by clarifying doubts. †¢ Quality Consciousness- Commitment to quality in all aspects of personnel administration will ensure success. †¢ Due to the new trends in HR, in a nutshell the HR manager should treat people as resources, reward them equitably, and integrate their aspirations with corporate goals through suitable à ‚ India is being widely recognized as one of the most exciting emerging economics in the world. Besides becoming a global hub of outsourcing, Indian firms are spreading their wings globally through mergers and acquisitions. During the first four months of 1997, Indian companies have bought 34 foreign companies for about U. S. $11 billion dollars. This impressive development has been due to a growth in inputs (capital and labor) as well as factor productivity. By the year 2020, India is expected to add about 250 million to its labour pool at the rate of about 18 million a year, which is more than the entire labour force of Germany. This so called ‘demographic dividend’ has drawn a new interest in the Human Resource concepts and practices in India. Indian HRM in Transition One of the noteworthy features of the Indian workplace is demographic uniqueness. It is estimated that both China and India will have a population of 1. 45 billion people by 2030; however, India will have a larger workforce than China. Indeed, it is likely India will have 986 million people of working age in 2030, which will probably be about 300 million more than in 2007. And by 2050, it is expected India will have 230 million more workers than China and about 500 million more than the United States of America (U. S. ). It may be noted that half of India’s current population of 1. 1 billion people are under of 25 years of age. While this fact is a demographic dividend for the economy, it is also a danger sign for the country’s ability to create new jobs at an unprecedented rate. With the retirement age being 55 to 58 years of age in most public sector organizations, Indian workplaces are dominated by youth. Increasing the etirement age in critical areas like universities, schools, hospitals, research institutions and public service is a topic of considerable current debate and agenda of political parties. The divergent view, that each society has a unique set of national nuances, which guide particular managerial beliefs and actions, is being challenged in Indian society. An emerging dominant perspective is the influence of globalization on technological advancements, business management, and education and communication infrastructures are leading to a converging effect on managerial mindsets and business behaviors. And when India embraced liberalization and economic reform in the early 1990s, dramatic changes were set in motion in terms of corporate mindsets and HRM practices as a result of global imperatives and accompanying changes in societal priorities. Indeed, the onset of a burgeoning competitive service sector compelled a demographic shift in worker educational status and heightened the demand for job relevant skills as well as regional diversity. Expectedly, there has been a marked shift towards valuing human resources (HR) in Indian organizations as they become increasingly strategy driven as opposed to the culture of the status quo.
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